An automation framework for running sequential metagenome analysis jobs and making the outputs available as metadata in the NMDC database, and data objects on the NMDC data portal.
- Installation
- Overview
- Instructions (for NERSC / Perlmutter environment)
- mongodb-community needs to be installed and running on the local machine
- Python 3.11 or later
- Poetry
Poetry Installation instructions can be found Here
Install MongoDB using Homebrew on MacOS:
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community
brew services start mongodb-community
Full Mongodb installation instructions for Mac can be found here
Ensure that the mongodb service is running:
brew services start mongodb-community
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install the required packages
cd nmdc_automation
poetry install
- Activate the poetry environment
poetry env activate
- Run the tests
make test
: The Scheduler polls the NMDC database based upon an Allowlist
of DataGeneration IDs. Based on an allowed
data-generation ID, the scheduler examines WorkflowExecutions and DataObjects that was_informed_by
by the
data generation, and builds a graph of Workflow Process Nodes
A Workflow Process Node
is a representation of:
- the workflow configuration, from workflows.yaml. The "recipe" for the given type of analysis-
- the child workflow recipes that can be run after this workflow
- the planned process, from the NMDC database. The "instance" of a workflow execution or data generation from the NMDC databaseparent
- the parent workflow process node, if anychildren
- the child workflow process nodes, if any
WorkflowProcessNode ||--|| PlannedProcess: "process"
PlannedProcess ||-- |{ DataObject: "has_input / has_output"
WorkflowProcessNode }|--|| WorkflowConfig: "workflow"
WorkflowConfig ||--o{ WorkflowConfig: "children"
WorkflowProcessNode |o--o| WorkflowProcessNode: "parent"
WorkflowProcessNode |o--o{ WorkflowProcessNode: "children"
When the scheduler finds a node where:
- The node has a workflow configuration in node.workflow.children
- The node DOES NOT have a child node in node.children
- The required inputs for the child workflow are available in node's process outputs
WPNode_Sequencing ||--|| WPNode_ReadsQC: "children nodes"
WPNode_Sequencing ||--|| WConfig_Sequencing: "workflow"
WConfig_Sequencing ||--o{ WConfig_ReadsQC: "children workflows"
WPNode_Sequencing ||--|| Process_Sequencing: "process"
Process_Sequencing ||-- |{ SequencingData: "has_output"
WPNode_ReadsQC ||--|| Process_ReadsQC: "process"
Process_ReadsQC ||--|{ SequencingData: "has_input"
Process_ReadsQC ||-- |{ ReadsQCData: "has_output"
WPNode_ReadsQC ||--|| WConfig_ReadsQC: "workflow"
WConfig_ReadsQC ||--o{ WConfig_Assembly: "children workflows"
In this case the Scheduler will "schedule" a new job by creating a Job configuration from:
- the workflow configuration from node.workflow.children
- input data from node.data_objects
and writing this
to the
collection in the NMDC database
: The Watcher "watches" the jobs
table in the NMDC database looking for unclaimed jobs. If found, the
Watcher will create a WorkflowJob
to manage the analysis job. The watcher will then periodically poll
each workflow job for its status and process successful or failed jobs when they are complete
: A WorkflowJob
consists of a WorkflowStateManager
and a JobRunner
and is responsible for preparing the
required inputs for an analysis job, submitting it to the job running service (e.g., J.A.W.S, Cromwell) and
for processing the resulting data and metadata when the job completes. The watcher maintains a record of it's
current activity in a State File
Site Config : Site-specific configuration is provided by a .toml file and defines some parameters that are used across the workflow process including
- URL and credentials for NMDC API
- Staging and Data filesystem locations for the site
- Job Runner service URLs
- Path to the state file
Workflow Definitions : Workflow definitions in a .yaml file describing each analysis step, specifying:
- Name, type, version, WDL and git repository for each workflow
- Inputs, Outputs and Workflow Execution steps
- Data Object Types, description and name templates for processing workflow output data
The Scheduler is a Dockerized application running on Rancher. To initialize the Scheduler for new DataGeneration IDs, the following steps:
- On Rancher, go to
, selectProduction
from the clusters list, and find the Scheduler in eithernmdc
- Click on the Scheduler and select
run shell
- In the shell,
cd /conf
- Update the file
with the Data Generation IDs that you want to schedule- Copy the list of data-generation IDs to you clipboard
- In the shell, delete the existing allow list
rm allow.lst
- Replace the file with your copied list:
cat >allow.lst
- Paste your IDs
- Ensure a blank line at the end with a
- Terminate the cat command using
- Recommended to set the log level to INFO or you get a very large log output
- Restart the scheduler. In the shell, in /conf:
- Ensure the scheduler is running by checking
The watcher is a python application which runs on a login node on Perlmutter.
The following instructions all assume the user is logged in as user [email protected]
- Get an ssh key - in your home directory:
./ -u <your_nersc_username> -c nmdcda
- Log in using the key
ssh -i .ssh/nmdcda [email protected]
Watcher code and config files can be found
- Check the last node the watcher was running on
(base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login07:~> cd nmdc_automation/dev
(base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login07:~/nmdc_automation/dev> cat host-dev.last
- ssh to that node
(base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login07:~/nmdc_automation/dev> ssh login24
- Check for the watcher process
(base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login24:~> ps aux | grep watcher
nmdcda 115825 0.0 0.0 8236 848 pts/94 S+ 09:33 0:00 grep watcher
nmdcda 2044781 0.4 0.0 146420 113668 ? S Mar06 5:42 python -m nmdc_automation.run_process.run_workflows watcher --config /global/homes/n/nmdcda/nmdc_automation/prod/site_configuration_nersc_prod.toml daemon
nmdcda 2044782 0.0 0.0 5504 744 ? S Mar06 0:00 tee -a watcher-prod.log
- IF we are going to restart the watcher, we need to kill the existing process
(base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login24:~> kill -9 2044781
- Ensure you have the latest
nmdc_automation nmdc_automation
git status
/git switch main
if not on main branchgit fetch origin
git pull
- Setup NMDC automation environment with
.- load conda:
eval "$__conda_setup"
- in the
directory:poetry update
- Install the nmdc_automation project with
poetry install
poetry shell
to use the environment
- load conda:
Example setup:
Example Setup
(nersc-python) nmdcda@perlmutter:login38:~> pwd
(nersc-python) nmdcda@perlmutter:login38:~> cd nmdc_automation/dev/
(nersc-python) nmdcda@perlmutter:login38:~/nmdc_automation/dev> eval "$__conda_setup"
(base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login38:~/nmdc_automation/dev> cd nmdc_automation/
(base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login38:~/nmdc_automation/dev/nmdc_automation> poetry update
Package operations: 0 installs, 18 updates, 0 removals
• Updating attrs (24.3.0 -> 25.1.0)
• Updating certifi (2024.12.14 -> 2025.1.31)
• Updating pydantic (2.10.5 -> 2.10.6)
• Updating rdflib (7.1.2 -> 7.1.3)
• Updating referencing (0.35.1 -> 0.36.2)
• Updating curies (0.10.2 -> 0.10.4)
• Updating wrapt (1.17.0 -> 1.17.2)
• Updating deprecated (1.2.15 -> 1.2.18)
• Updating babel (2.16.0 -> 2.17.0)
• Updating pymdown-extensions (10.14 -> 10.14.3)
• Updating beautifulsoup4 (4.12.3 -> 4.13.3)
• Updating mkdocs-material (9.5.49 -> 9.6.2)
• Updating linkml (1.8.5 -> 1.8.6)
• Updating numpy (2.2.1 -> 2.2.2)
• Updating pymongo (4.10.1 -> 4.11)
• Updating tzdata (2024.2 -> 2025.1)
• Updating nmdc-schema (11.2.1 -> 11.3.0)
• Updating semver (3.0.2 -> 3.0.4)
Writing lock file
(base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login38:~/nmdc_automation/dev/nmdc_automation> poetry install
Installing dependencies from lock file
No dependencies to install or update
Installing the current project: nmdc-automation (0.1.0)
(base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login38:~/nmdc_automation/dev/nmdc_automation> poetry shell
Spawning shell within /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/nmdc_automation/dev/nmdc_automation/.venv
. /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/nmdc_automation/dev/nmdc_automation/.venv/bin/activate
(base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login38:~/nmdc_automation/dev/nmdc_automation> . /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/nmdc_automation/dev/nmdc_automation/.venv/bin/activate
(nmdc-automation-py3.11) (base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login38:~/nmdc_automation/dev/nmdc_automation>
The poetry shell
command will activate the environment for the current shell session.
Environment (nmdc-automation-py3.11) will be displayed in the prompt.
We run the watcher using nohup
(No Hangup) - this prevents the watcher process from being terminated
when the user's terminal session ends. This will cause stdout and stderr to be written to a file
names nohup.out
in addition to being written to the watcher.log
- change to the working
rm nohup.out
nohup ./ &
(for dev) ORnohup ./ &
(for prod)
sbatch ~/
is the command to submit a job to the Slurm scheduler~/
is the script that will be run by the scheduler which specifies the number of workers to provision
#SBATCH -q regular
#SBATCH -t 12:00:00
#SBATCH -J nmdc_condor_wrk
#SBATCH -C cpu
Same process as as Checking the Watcher Status
Shows the Slurm queue
35153609 PD nmdcda condor 1 14-00:00:00 0:00 2025-01-23T09:33:27 workflow N/A cron (Dependency)
35153610 R nmdcda cromwell 1 4-00:00:00 3-11:09:43 2025-02-08T22:07:23 workflow 2025-02-08T22:08:01 cron login05
30091486 R nmdcda condor 1 14-00:00:00 11-11:13:11 2025-01-27T09:09:48 workflow 2025-01-31T22:04:33 cron login04
Shows a new job with ID 35153609 in the queue (Pending State), and a running job with ID 35153610
cq running
Shows which jobs are being run by Condor
7d07b3e5-edb2-414f-ba19-c570669f3b5f f_annotate 65ce4da9-52eb-4d74-82e1-9b2b639e694a 65ce4da9-52eb-4d74-82e1-9b2b639e694a Running 2024-03-27T00:02:34.316Z
- Query the
table in the NMDC database based onwas_informed_by
a specific DataGeneration ID
"config.was_informed_by": "nmdc:omprc-11-sdyccb57"
Similarly, you can query workflow_executions
to find results based on was_informed_by
a specific DataGeneration ID
"was_informed_by": "nmdc:omprc-11-sdyccb57"
- Job document example
"workflow" : {
"id" : "Metagenome Assembly: v1.0.9"
"id" : "nmdc:9380c834-fab7-11ef-b4bd-0a13321f5970",
"created_at" : "2025-03-06T18:19:43.000+0000",
"config" : {
"git_repo" : "",
"release" : "v1.0.9",
"wdl" : "jgi_assembly.wdl",
"activity_id" : "nmdc:wfmgas-12-k8dxr170.1",
"activity_set" : "workflow_execution_set",
"was_informed_by" : "nmdc:omprc-11-sdyccb57",
"trigger_activity" : "nmdc:wfrqc-12-dvn15085.1",
"iteration" : 1,
"input_prefix" : "jgi_metaAssembly",
"inputs" : {
"input_files" : "",
"proj" : "nmdc:wfmgas-12-k8dxr170.1",
"shortRead" : false
"input_data_objects" : [],
"activity" : {},
"outputs" : []
"claims" : [ ]
Things to note:
is the DataGeneration ID that is the root of this jobconfig.trigger_activity
is the WorkflowExecution ID that triggered this jobconfig.inputs
are the inputs to the jobclaims
a list of workers that have claimed the job. If this list is empty, the job is available to be claimed. If the list is not empty, the job is being processed by a worker - example:
"op_id" : "nmdc:sys0z232qf64",
"site_id" : "NERSC"
This refers to the operation
and site
that is processing the job.
The watcher maintains a state file with job configuration, metadata and status information. The location of the
state file is defined in the site configuration file. For dev this location is:
Example State File Entry:
Example State File Entry
"workflow": {
"id": "Metagenome Assembly: v1.0.9"
"created_at": "2025-03-06T18:19:43",
"config": {
"git_repo": "",
"release": "v1.0.9",
"wdl": "jgi_assembly.wdl",
"activity_id": "nmdc:wfmgas-12-k8dxr170.1",
"activity_set": "workflow_execution_set",
"was_informed_by": "nmdc:omprc-11-sdyccb57",
"trigger_activity": "nmdc:wfrqc-12-dvn15085.1",
"iteration": 1,
"input_prefix": "jgi_metaAssembly",
"inputs": {
"input_files": "",
"proj": "nmdc:wfmgas-12-k8dxr170.1",
"shortRead": false
"input_data_objects": [],
"activity": {},
"outputs": []
"claims": [],
"opid": "nmdc:sys0z232qf64",
"done": true,
"start": "2025-03-06T19:24:52.176365+00:00",
"cromwell_jobid": "0b138671-824d-496a-b681-24fb6cb207b3",
"last_status": "Failed",
"nmdc_jobid": "nmdc:9380c834-fab7-11ef-b4bd-0a13321f5970",
"failed_count": 3
imilar to a jobs
record, with these additional things to note:
is a boolean indicating if the job is completecromwell_jobid
is the job ID from the Cromwell servicelast_status
is the last known status of the job - this is updated by the watcherfailed_count
is the number of times the job has failed
With the cromwell_jobid, you can query the Cromwell service for the status of the job - the Cromwell service URL is defined in the site configuration file.
curl --netrc
Job Metadata can be found in the Cromwell service by querying the metadata endpoint
curl --netrc
This will include the inputs, outputs and logs for the job, as well as failure information if the job failed.
"status": "Failed",
"failures": [
"causedBy": [
"causedBy": [],
"message": "Failed to evaluate input 'input_files' (reason 1 of 1): No coercion defined from '\"\"' of type 'spray.json.JsString' to 'Array[File]'."
"message": "Workflow input processing failed"
NOTE: This is currently a manual process and should be used with caution. We are working on a more automated solution.
Forcing the Scheduler to create a new job for a specific DataGeneration ID can be done by deleting the existing job from the jobs
We would want to do this if the job failed because of a configuration error, and we have fixed the configuration and
would want to create a new job with the updated configuration.
Forcing the Watcher to re-claim and re-run a job can be done by deleting the operation from the operations
and deleting the op_id and site_id from the claims
array in the job document in the jobs
collection. We would want
to do this if the job failed because of a transient error, and we want to re-run the job with the same configuration.
Import automation code and config files can be found
Setup and Configuration is the same as for the Watcher
Required files:
- import.tsv in the following format:
nucleotide_sequencing_id | project_id | project_path |
nmdc:omprc-11-q8b9dh63 | Ga0597031 | /path/to/project/Ga0597031 |
- import.yaml Specifies import parameters for:
- Workflows
Example Workflow
- Name: Reads QC
Import: true
Type: nmdc:ReadQcAnalysis
Version: v1.0.14
Collection: workflow_execution_set
WorkflowExecutionRange: ReadQcAnalysis
- Metagenome Raw Reads
name: "Read QC for {id}"
input_read_bases: "{outputs.stats.input_read_bases}"
input_read_count: "{outputs.stats.input_read_count}"
output_read_bases: "{outputs.stats.output_read_bases}"
output_read_count: "{outputs.stats.output_read_count}"
type: nmdc:ReadQcAnalysis
- Filtered Sequencing Reads
- QC Statistics
- Data Objects
Example Data Object
- data_object_type: Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) Annotation GFF
description: COGs for {id}
name: GFF3 format file with COGs
import_suffix: _cog.gff
nmdc_suffix: _cog.gff
input_to: [nmdc:MagsAnalysis]
output_of: nmdc:MetagenomeAnnotation
multiple: false
action: rename
- Workflow Metadata
Workflow Metadata:
Execution Resource: JGI
Source URL:
Root Directory: /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products
- site_configuration.toml
- Contains the following configurations:
client_id = "sys0wm66"
client_secret = xxxxx
url_root = ""
api_url = "http://localhost:8000"
- Run the import process without updating the database (--update-db flag is not used):
(nmdc-automation-py3.11) (base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login16:~/nmdc_automation/dev> python nmdc_automation/nmdc_automation/run_process/ import-projects import_projects/import.tsv nmdc_automation/configs/import.yaml site_configuration_nersc.toml
- Examine the log output to ensure that the import process ran successfully
Log Output
2025-02-06 12:25:23,507 INFO: Importing project from import_projects/import.tsv
2025-02-06 12:25:23,507 INFO: Import Specifications: from nmdc_automation/configs/import.yaml
2025-02-06 12:25:23,507 INFO: Site Configuration: from site_configuration_nersc.toml
2025-02-06 12:25:23,508 INFO: Importing project /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/aim2/dev/1000_soils/1000_soils_analysis_projects/Ga0533572 into nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68
2025-02-06 12:25:23,640 INFO:
2025-02-06 12:25:24,255 INFO:
2025-02-06 12:25:25,592 WARNING: Cannot find an import specification for data object nmdc:dobj-11-e1xj1y83 / Error Corrected Reads
2025-02-06 12:25:25,594 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_crt.out
2025-02-06 12:25:25,594 ERROR: No mapping action found for
2025-02-06 12:25:25,594 ERROR: No mapping action found for Table_2_Sample_Information_1362294.txt
2025-02-06 12:25:25,594 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_prodigal_proteins.faa
2025-02-06 12:25:25,594 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_annotation_config.yaml
2025-02-06 12:25:25,594 ERROR: No mapping action found for 52710.1.424012.TACACGCT-TACACGCT.QC.pdf
2025-02-06 12:25:25,594 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_prodigal.out
2025-02-06 12:25:25,594 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_rfam.tbl
2025-02-06 12:25:25,594 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_genemark_proteins.faa
2025-02-06 12:25:25,594 ERROR: No mapping action found for 52710.1.424012.TACACGCT-TACACGCT.filtered-methods.txt
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for README.pdf
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_trnascan_archaeal.out
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Table_3_library_information.txt
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Table_6_-_Ga0533572_sigs_annotation_parameters.txt
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for rqc-stats.pdf
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for 3300055277.tar.gz
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_genemark_genes.fna
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_contigs.fna
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_genes.fna
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Table_9_-_3300055277.functional_diversity.txt
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for input.corr.fastq.gz
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_trnascan_bacterial.out
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Table_4_sequence_processing.txt
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_structural_annotation_stats.json
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_prodigal_genes.fna
2025-02-06 12:25:25,595 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_ignored_contigs.tsv
2025-02-06 12:25:25,596 ERROR: No mapping action found for Table_8_-_3300055277.taxonomic_composition.txt
2025-02-06 12:25:25,596 ERROR: No mapping action found for Table_5_metagenome_statistics.txt
2025-02-06 12:25:25,596 ERROR: No mapping action found for assembly.scaffolds.fasta
2025-02-06 12:25:25,596 ERROR: No mapping action found for 52710.1.424012.TACACGCT-TACACGCT.chaff.tar
2025-02-06 12:25:25,596 ERROR: No mapping action found for Table_7_-_3300055277.metagenome_properties.txt
2025-02-06 12:25:25,596 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_cds.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:25,596 ERROR: No mapping action found for Table_1_Study_Information_1362294.txt
2025-02-06 12:25:25,596 ERROR: No mapping action found for Ga0533572_combined_logs.txt
2025-02-06 12:25:25,596 INFO: Project has 65 files
2025-02-06 12:25:25,596 INFO: Mapped: 30 files
2025-02-06 12:25:25,644 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-p2pb3573 / Assembly Contigs already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:26,232 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-enjj4y05
2025-02-06 12:25:26,371 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1
2025-02-06 12:25:26,507 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-fb4dce10
2025-02-06 12:25:26,607 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-rnq61e93
2025-02-06 12:25:26,750 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-17atbe58
2025-02-06 12:25:26,750 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-85zb5826 / QC Statistics already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:26,750 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-mr4wan69 / Assembly Coverage BAM already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:26,889 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-jcpnma94
2025-02-06 12:25:27,031 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-w6wcx240
2025-02-06 12:25:27,172 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-mgg95505
2025-02-06 12:25:27,172 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-z0c1e881 / Assembly Info File already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:27,268 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-yryj5107
2025-02-06 12:25:27,644 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-t2jdr175
2025-02-06 12:25:27,797 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-vrxg4c31
2025-02-06 12:25:27,797 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-ngnp0x38 / Metagenome Raw Reads already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:27,797 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-13w34y20 / Filtered Sequencing Reads already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:27,931 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-evtrvs74
2025-02-06 12:25:28,029 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-whvejg90
2025-02-06 12:25:28,171 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-dvw2sp61
2025-02-06 12:25:28,381 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-spq16162
2025-02-06 12:25:28,476 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-bem29677
2025-02-06 12:25:28,571 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-91dpth60
2025-02-06 12:25:28,758 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-epwcnz58
2025-02-06 12:25:28,859 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-pe6n8206
2025-02-06 12:25:28,860 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-0pj3ws44 / Assembly Coverage Stats already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:28,963 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-c50vmk34
2025-02-06 12:25:29,063 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-ygs4jh77
2025-02-06 12:25:29,202 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-5f6zfg74
2025-02-06 12:25:29,309 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-gfbra326
2025-02-06 12:25:29,627 INFO: Minted new ID: nmdc:dobj-12-hj1vef84
2025-02-06 12:25:29,644 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-p2pb3573 / Assembly Contigs already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:29,644 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-mr4wan69 / Assembly Coverage BAM already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:29,644 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-z0c1e881 / Assembly Info File already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:29,644 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-0pj3ws44 / Assembly Coverage Stats already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:29,771 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_stats.tsv
2025-02-06 12:25:29,773 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_proteins.faa
2025-02-06 12:25:31,628 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_contig_names_mapping.tsv
2025-02-06 12:25:31,806 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_trna.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:31,839 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_genemark.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:32,554 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_rfam.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:32,580 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_supfam.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:33,735 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_ec.tsv
2025-02-06 12:25:33,933 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_ko_ec.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:34,789 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/
2025-02-06 12:25:34,790 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_prodigal.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:36,316 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_functional_annotation.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:37,893 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_gene_phylogeny.tsv
2025-02-06 12:25:39,173 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_smart.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:39,446 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_crt.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:39,495 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_structural_annotation.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:40,890 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_cath_funfam.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:42,345 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_product_names.tsv
2025-02-06 12:25:43,329 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_tigrfam.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:43,558 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_crt.crisprs
2025-02-06 12:25:43,580 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_ko.tsv
2025-02-06 12:25:43,899 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_cog.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:44,908 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_pfam.gff
2025-02-06 12:25:45,872 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-85zb5826 / QC Statistics already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:45,872 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-13w34y20 / Filtered Sequencing Reads already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:45,873 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-ngnp0x38 / Metagenome Raw Reads already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:25:45,873 INFO: Validating 23 data objects and 3 workflow executions
2025-02-06 12:25:47,037 INFO: Validation passed
2025-02-06 12:25:47,037 INFO: Option --update-db not selected. No changes made
- Examine the output JSON file to ensure that the expected data was generated
Example Update JSON
"data_object_set": [
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-enjj4y05",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_stats.tsv",
"file_size_bytes": 2644,
"md5_checksum": "ff2774202bed8dd032c3541f2e45875c",
"data_object_type": "Annotation Statistics",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "Annotation Stats for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-fb4dce10",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_proteins.faa",
"file_size_bytes": 791099122,
"md5_checksum": "8aac24b8c24c992747c3365c432959a3",
"data_object_type": "Annotation Amino Acid FASTA",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "FASTA Amino Acid File for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-rnq61e93",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_contig_names_mapping.tsv",
"file_size_bytes": 58852325,
"md5_checksum": "0011e0f922879e208b40bbf0b2e2dc5d",
"data_object_type": "Contig Mapping File",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "Contig mapping file for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-17atbe58",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_trna.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 2360926,
"md5_checksum": "55f9ba8b38eecb001cb341e5d222ba61",
"data_object_type": "TRNA Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "TRNA Annotations nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-jcpnma94",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_genemark.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 329860510,
"md5_checksum": "4339e68622a83d79720a035ee77d280a",
"data_object_type": "Genemark Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "Genemark Annotations for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-w6wcx240",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_rfam.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 1941337,
"md5_checksum": "26802c73897972b1e993a988ceb3b944",
"data_object_type": "RFAM Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "RFAM Annotations for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-mgg95505",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_supfam.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 517895649,
"md5_checksum": "7241d380ea896ea1d060db138bc34a65",
"data_object_type": "SUPERFam Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "SUPERFam Annotations for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-yryj5107",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_ec.tsv",
"file_size_bytes": 65369669,
"md5_checksum": "705a06eb481db6153c12207afb95410f",
"data_object_type": "Annotation Enzyme Commission",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "EC Annotations for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-t2jdr175",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_ko_ec.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 312204265,
"md5_checksum": "c6d15f9d4ff0c99c9983d8fdcf1f0093",
"data_object_type": "KO_EC Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "KO_EC Annotations for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-vrxg4c31",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "",
"file_size_bytes": 416,
"md5_checksum": "3840422dee4f1770fe6a3e3517a5bed2",
"data_object_type": "Annotation Info File",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "Annotation Info File for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-evtrvs74",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_prodigal.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 649599212,
"md5_checksum": "869acac630457996acf04e1d84edb4e4",
"data_object_type": "Prodigal Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "Prodigal Annotations nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-whvejg90",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_functional_annotation.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 737313685,
"md5_checksum": "aba0665289352fdcd5fc8f42dc66440c",
"data_object_type": "Functional Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "Functional Annotation for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-dvw2sp61",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_gene_phylogeny.tsv",
"file_size_bytes": 440662141,
"md5_checksum": "3b18e3ea38ec9d384695b694ee116941",
"data_object_type": "Gene Phylogeny tsv",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "Gene Phylogeny for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-spq16162",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_smart.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 97986256,
"md5_checksum": "8776b0c2134966b6ba1ab9fca8f801c6",
"data_object_type": "SMART Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "SMART Annotations for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-bem29677",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_crt.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 83559,
"md5_checksum": "b9dc9845924622ed2dd9014cd00ca2da",
"data_object_type": "CRT Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "CRT Annotations for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-91dpth60",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_structural_annotation.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 398753395,
"md5_checksum": "0e361cda948db12369a41532519dc233",
"data_object_type": "Structural Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "Structural Annotation for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-epwcnz58",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_cath_funfam.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 448984959,
"md5_checksum": "1e61c35b3b9bc9ac22bcc2f935fa6e67",
"data_object_type": "CATH FunFams (Functional Families) Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "CATH FunFams for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-pe6n8206",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_product_names.tsv",
"file_size_bytes": 194467941,
"md5_checksum": "d6949326e91998a4967c7cc114907293",
"data_object_type": "Product Names",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "Product names for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-c50vmk34",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_tigrfam.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 56467674,
"md5_checksum": "d3d05c7b2f3963f2fd71e0bac20f8592",
"data_object_type": "TIGRFam Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "TIGRFam for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-ygs4jh77",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_crt.crisprs",
"file_size_bytes": 37353,
"md5_checksum": "b91488dca364c47b04e1a3d33ca92b29",
"data_object_type": "Crispr Terms",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "Crispr Terms for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-5f6zfg74",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_ko.tsv",
"file_size_bytes": 93152539,
"md5_checksum": "1d81c8ae3d42954157af4c2bdf1ad621",
"data_object_type": "Annotation KEGG Orthology",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "KEGG Orthology for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-gfbra326",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_cog.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 448516393,
"md5_checksum": "40507ac3c2e0bf99c2787da05f836e66",
"data_object_type": "Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "COGs for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:dobj-12-hj1vef84",
"type": "nmdc:DataObject",
"name": "nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_pfam.gff",
"file_size_bytes": 417767511,
"md5_checksum": "eba37f8252246da06eca393c98c663e6",
"data_object_type": "Pfam Annotation GFF",
"was_generated_by": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"url": "",
"description": "Pfam Annotation for nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"workflow_execution_set": [
"id": "nmdc:wfmgas-11-17mp0w29.1",
"name": "Metagenome Assembly for nmdc:wfmgas-11-17mp0w29.1",
"type": "nmdc:MetagenomeAssembly",
"has_input": [
"has_output": [
"git_url": "",
"version": "v1.0.7",
"execution_resource": "JGI",
"started_at_time": "2025-02-06T20:25:29.644456+00:00",
"ended_at_time": "2025-02-06T20:25:29.644480+00:00",
"was_informed_by": "nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"name": "Metagenome Annotation Analysis for nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1",
"type": "nmdc:MetagenomeAnnotation",
"has_input": [
"has_output": [
"git_url": "",
"version": "v1.0.4",
"execution_resource": "JGI",
"started_at_time": "2025-02-06T20:25:45.850734+00:00",
"ended_at_time": "2025-02-06T20:25:45.850759+00:00",
"was_informed_by": "nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
"id": "nmdc:wfrqc-11-0h5tp625.1",
"name": "Read QC for nmdc:wfrqc-11-0h5tp625.1",
"type": "nmdc:ReadQcAnalysis",
"has_input": [
"has_output": [
"git_url": "",
"version": "v1.0.14",
"execution_resource": "JGI",
"started_at_time": "2025-02-06T20:25:45.872809+00:00",
"ended_at_time": "2025-02-06T20:25:45.872820+00:00",
"was_informed_by": "nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68"
- Run import again with
option to update the database with the new data - save the log output
(nmdc-automation-py3.11) (base) nmdcda@perlmutter:login16:~/nmdc_automation/dev> python nmdc_automation/nmdc_automation/run_process/ import-projects import_projects/import.tsv nmdc_automation/configs/import.yaml site_configuration_nersc.toml --update-db 2>&1 | tee import.log
- Examine the log output to ensure that the expected data was updated in the database
Log Output
2025-02-06 12:35:12,835 INFO: Project has 66 files
2025-02-06 12:35:12,835 INFO: Mapped: 30 files
2025-02-06 12:35:12,836 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-ngnp0x38 / Metagenome Raw Reads already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,836 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-p2pb3573 / Assembly Contigs already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,836 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-mr4wan69 / Assembly Coverage BAM already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,836 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-z0c1e881 / Assembly Info File already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,836 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-0pj3ws44 / Assembly Coverage Stats already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,836 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-85zb5826 / QC Statistics already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,836 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-13w34y20 / Filtered Sequencing Reads already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,858 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_structural_annotation.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,859 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_cog.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,860 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_genemark.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,860 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_rfam.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,861 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_stats.tsv
2025-02-06 12:35:12,861 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_gene_phylogeny.tsv
2025-02-06 12:35:12,862 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_functional_annotation.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,862 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_proteins.faa
2025-02-06 12:35:12,863 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_supfam.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,863 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/
2025-02-06 12:35:12,864 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_prodigal.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,864 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_tigrfam.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,865 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_ec.tsv
2025-02-06 12:35:12,865 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_crt.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,865 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_cath_funfam.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,866 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_crt.crisprs
2025-02-06 12:35:12,866 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_smart.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,867 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_ko_ec.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,867 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_ko.tsv
2025-02-06 12:35:12,868 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_trna.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,868 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_product_names.tsv
2025-02-06 12:35:12,869 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_contig_names_mapping.tsv
2025-02-06 12:35:12,869 INFO: Linking data file to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/ficus/pipeline_products/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68/nmdc:wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1/nmdc_wfmgan-12-0624qg07.1_pfam.gff
2025-02-06 12:35:12,870 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-ngnp0x38 / Metagenome Raw Reads already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,882 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-p2pb3573 / Assembly Contigs already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,882 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-mr4wan69 / Assembly Coverage BAM already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,882 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-z0c1e881 / Assembly Info File already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,882 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-0pj3ws44 / Assembly Coverage Stats already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,890 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-85zb5826 / QC Statistics already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,890 INFO: Data Object: nmdc:dobj-11-13w34y20 / Filtered Sequencing Reads already exists in DB - skipping
2025-02-06 12:35:12,890 INFO: Validating 23 data objects and 3 workflow executions
2025-02-06 12:35:14,692 INFO: Validation passed
2025-02-06 12:35:14,692 INFO: Updating Database
2025-02-06 12:35:18,928 INFO: workflows/workflow_executions response: {'message': 'jobs accepted'}
2025-02-06 12:35:18,928 INFO: Applying update queries
2025-02-06 12:35:18,928 INFO: No updates to apply
2025-02-06 12:35:18,928 INFO: Updating minted IDs
2025-02-06 12:35:18,928 INFO: Writing minted IDs to /global/cfs/cdirs/m3408/aim2/dev/1000_soils/1000_soils_analysis_projects/Ga0533572/nmdc:omprc-12-hgksne68_minted_ids.json