Releases: guardianproject/haven
Haven Android 0.2.1-beta-1
Thanks to @fat-tire @archie94 @lukeswitz @Nekromanser @xloem and may more to help us get to this new beta over the last year++
- Improved video capture
- Fixes for remote onion web browser access
- updated translations
KNOWN ISSUE: Signal support is still broken. Working on a major update there...
Haven 0.2.0-RC-1
- General ilbrary and compat updates for Android Q
- Support for "Dark Mode" on Android Q
- Camera library updates for improved stability
- Ability to reset Signal configuration more easily
9e929bb (HEAD -> master, tag: 0.2.0-RC-1) update version code to 2001
5c40c08 update cameraview lib to 2.4.0
91574b0 (origin/master) update travis build for sdk 29
3dfa62c Merge branch 'master' of
92c1ac9 Merge branch 'fat-tire-android10'
17df83b (fat-tire-android10) keep this working in Android Studio 3.5.x
d9fb98e Merge pull request #409 from percy-g2/patch-1
d2b3500 Merge pull request #407 from montoyamoraga/patch-1
70955c1 Update gradle plugin to 4.0.0-alpha05 (Android Studio 4.0 canary 5)
9fec08c Update misc. libraries to latest
846a35f Update Android Studio to Android 4 alpha 4 w/gradle plugin & Kotlin
bec4092 Update gradle to latest 6.1 milestone 3
a857b34 Undo removal of @nullable
f6fa084 Add kotlin's byte code support for java virtual machine of 1.8
8e64b19 experimental: arm64-v8a. new apps require native 64bit instr. set support.
46e1c9e Fix potential crash from fresco thank to ShawnDongAi on stackoverflow
cad311e Update contraintlayout and material libs. remove unneeded attrs.xml
2be087a Update full_description.txt
c1e3371 This is a temporary fix for -->
d50b33c Android 10 (day/night themes, etc.) + Update build to newest stuff
c316885 fix bullet list markdown syntax in Spanish full description
d04f883 Markdown headers for full description should work well everywhere
e22dba8 rename fastlane metadata to follow standard locale names
0c5ae22 purge googleapis from all web resources
6761a40 sync title to fastlane
27e850d sync with weblate
87be5c5 add Weblate wlc config file for CLI tricks
4be3e23 (tag: 0.2.0-beta-5-signed) update build code to 214
2ff44e0 Merge branch 'archie94-signal_expt'
0788102 (archie94-signal_expt) Merge branch 'signal_expt' of into archie94-signal_expt
b4b55a1 Merge branch 'archie94-media_storage_path_fix'
ac94bcb (archie94-media_storage_path_fix) Merge branch 'media_storage_path_fix' of into archie94-media_storage_path_fix
57153c5 Merge branch 'archie94-rv_optimise'
5f31227 (archie94-rv_optimise) Merge branch 'rv_optimise' of into archie94-rv_optimise
a570c3e Option to reset Signal configuration
10079ff Do not save register_signal EditTextPreference value in save()
e4eec7a Better way to check Signal setup while sending notifications
6f4e95f Show a confirmation dialog on registration and verification success
35c968f Keep track of signal verification
44f1909 update gradle tools
1d826da Show loader while registering and verifying Signal
ad13650 Hack to allow repeatitive calls to signal
c16e574 Remove LoggingTaskListener
5721fd7 Initial commit on Signal flow optimization
eeb61e2 Merge pull request #384 from lukeswitz/lukeswitz-ci-patch
8910374 Merge pull request #378 from archie94/force_cleanup
b1c3c15 update cameraview to beta-04
3b446c8 update spinKit import
9e06319 adding in SpinKit dependency directly due to CI build issue
Haven 0.2.0-beta-5
This release is largely due to the amazing work of @archie94 so give him some <3's
- Improved usability and reliability of Signal number registration
- Updated cameraview for more stable in-app camera/video features
- Small additional optimizations and storage bug fixes
4be3e23 (HEAD -> master, tag: 0.2.0-beta-5-signed, origin/master) update build code to 214
2ff44e0 Merge branch 'archie94-signal_expt'
0788102 (archie94-signal_expt) Merge branch 'signal_expt' of into archie94-signal_expt
b4b55a1 Merge branch 'archie94-media_storage_path_fix'
ac94bcb (archie94-media_storage_path_fix) Merge branch 'media_storage_path_fix' of into archie94-media_storage_path_fix
57153c5 Merge branch 'archie94-rv_optimise'
5f31227 (archie94-rv_optimise) Merge branch 'rv_optimise' of into archie94-rv_optimise
a570c3e Option to reset Signal configuration
10079ff Do not save register_signal EditTextPreference value in save()
e4eec7a Better way to check Signal setup while sending notifications
6f4e95f Show a confirmation dialog on registration and verification success
35c968f Keep track of signal verification
44f1909 update gradle tools
1d826da Show loader while registering and verifying Signal
ad13650 Hack to allow repeatitive calls to signal
c16e574 Remove LoggingTaskListener
5721fd7 Initial commit on Signal flow optimization
eeb61e2 Merge pull request #384 from lukeswitz/lukeswitz-ci-patch
8910374 Merge pull request #378 from archie94/force_cleanup
b1c3c15 update cameraview to beta-04
3b446c8 update spinKit import
9e06319 adding in SpinKit dependency directly due to CI build issue
Haven 0.2.0-beta-4
Big thanks to @lukeswitz and @archie94 for the excellent trudging and grinding!
- Removed SMS feature due to Google restrictions; Can only send alerts via Signal for now. #364
- Improvements to power/USB state monitoring #371
- Heartbeat status improvements #374
- Multiple UI and general stability improvements
9d85308 (HEAD -> master, tag: 0.2.0-beta-4, origin/master) update versionCode to 213
a419ec7 Merge branch 'lukeswitz-settings_layout_fix'
13a67c3 (lukeswitz-settings_layout_fix) Merge branch 'settings_layout_fix' of into lukeswitz-settings_layout_fix
292c2a1 ensure remote notification preference is active before sending
9571cf8 Merge branch 'lukeswitz-hb-notification-mods'
938504b (lukeswitz-hb-notification-mods) Merge branch 'hb-notification-mods' of into lukeswitz-hb-notification-mods
b1cc8a3 Merge branch 'hb-notification-mods' of
594c4d8 Merge branch 'lukeswitz-switchCamera_fix'
2870d2b (lukeswitz-switchCamera_fix) quick clean-up of logging on micsamplertask
424d715 Merge branch 'switchCamera_fix' of into lukeswitz-switchCamera_fix
a560765 Merge pull request #372 from archie94/settings_activity_crash_fix
4935f1e Merge branch 'lukeswitz-power_events'
da2dd74 (lukeswitz-power_events) Explicitly register Power receiver in code - I wasn't getting power events on Nokia / Android 9
c5fb862 Merge branch 'power_events' of into lukeswitz-power_events
32b72ff Merge branch 'master' of
5246096 Merge branch 'archie94-remove_sms_support'
3057027 (archie94-remove_sms_support) Merge branch 'remove_sms_support' of into archie94-remove_sms_support
b3b6f9a fix misspelled method name
ab0afc0 update translations from Weblate
e7f3bac remove app store text from Transifex, the workflow is totally broken
f2927eb add new languages for app strings: be pt-BR pt-PT ro
995bd51 standardize formatting of strings.xml
a7bc0b3 verify the gradle binary that ./gradlew downloads and executes
93e8587 Remove icon space in settings items
cbb4f0d Fix alpha configuration to work with arch-room
f73f75e update build preference 1.1.0-alpha03
dc89e27 Fix crash on switching camera
249f456 Set restored fragment to mFragment when Activity is restored
4226024 Set Remote number if available in CustomSlideNotify
5e81143 Update Switch and Preference after remote notification parameter change
a3c36eb Change Switch logic for enabling/disabling remote notification
1f72731 remove unused strings
710d3d7 Update strings to reflect power events
fcf108e Change power alert content, include battery %
d8aa371 Begin add power events
0c778ff ensure explanation is sent first, fix possible crash
Haven 0.2.0 beta 3
- Camera stability, ANR and OOM fixes
- Updated sensor feedback UI to make for a less memory intensive app
- Switched to Room Persistence thanks to @archie94
- Custom heartbeat notifications from @lukeswitz
- Other improvements and stability thanks to @fat-tire
693db02 (HEAD -> master, tag: 0.2.0-beta-3, origin/master) update to build 212
30a8126 animate buttons for light and power events
dfb55dd added new feedback mechanism for camera sensitivity
f7da93c fix display of event log title on activity - it was not being set before due to change in AndroidX/Material
0b50d8b (tag: 0.2.0-beta-2) initial work in new monitor display UI
501125f clean-up how file paths are handled for internal media
dee3308 Merge branch 'lukeswitz-hb-notification-mods'
3192e6d (lukeswitz-hb-notification-mods) Merge branch 'hb-notification-mods' of into lukeswitz-hb-notification-mods
bb0d7b5 Merge branch 'lukeswitz-settings_layout_fix'
76c85ba (lukeswitz-settings_layout_fix) Merge branch 'settings_layout_fix' of into lukeswitz-settings_layout_fix
cea9d51 Merge pull request #366 from guardianproject/dev_camera_fixes
bf09efa (origin/dev_camera_fixes, dev_camera_fixes) code cleanup; changed detection interval to 200ms from 300ms
c9ba5e5 ensure strings aren't requested when there is no context
324daf2 Fix SettingsTheme alignment below v27
6fb03a4 improvements to visual feedback of sensor event - this is a replacement for the removal of the bitmap overall, which was causing OOMs and ANRs - this is much more functional, useful, though not quite as sexy :(
f5dbf17 modify hb strings, help address #302
5ba758e optimize imports
b697f39 update gradle & kotlin
03a37ba use single line entry for Signal # and HB inputs
f7b002c update strings and settings
a45e395 Add customizable heartbeat alerts & battery %
e8f3774 more work on #365 - simplify display of motion detection - we are creating too many in memory bitmaps just for fancy UI that isn't that usable - this now displays a simple "motion detected" string instead of the change detection overlay
06c4a8c for #365 reduce camera resolution and remove one unneeded bitmap
272b341 (tag: 0.2.0-beta-1) build code to 211 for 0.0.2 beta 1
2be8c80 Merge pull request #361 from guardianproject/dev_new_cameraview
4aa51f7 (origin/dev_new_cameraview, dev_new_cameraview) RenderScript in AndroidX is making things crash; disable for now! - use a simple method for NV21 image conversation until RenderScriptX stops being crashy
4b808e6 more cleanly isolate notification channel code
dcce577 don't record audio with the video camera
ffff90b Merge branch 'master' of into dev_new_cameraview
a51704c Merge pull request #362 from lukeswitz/updates
13be145 Merge pull request #363 from archie94/update_readme_2
f221ab3 Modify Readme to update Attributions Section
7203251 appIntro & test updates
f906d5c switch to new CameraView:
e6a97be Merge branch 'archie94-room_experiments'
4016ae1 (archie94-room_experiments) use direct path for displaying images
34a8ea9 setup gradle to 3.3 and kotlin to 1.3 maintains compat with Android Studio 3.3 stable
451b659 Merge branch 'room_experiments' of into archie94-room_experiments
b8d4b9e Merge branch 'master' of
e1b3ed2 Merge branch 'fat-tire-updatestuff'
8147d78 (fat-tire-updatestuff) Merge branch 'updatestuff' of into fat-tire-updatestuff
d571e1d update gradle
bc0d245 Merge pull request #356 from oculushut/master
df38846 Fix import formatting that got moved around by Android Studio
6fd9dca Fix lint issue with switchpreferencecompat -> switchpreference
949de50 Fix minor lint issue with redundant warning suppression.
77c333f Update libraries, build tools, and fix resulting broken build.
e0cedb0 Update gradle to latest stable (4.10.2->5.1.1)
56659d8 Fix minor lint HTML issue.
68cf160 Fixing Tests
b11c3d0 Add files only if listFiles is non null
fafdba0 Merge branch 'master' of into room_experiments
486b562 Cleaning up some more
6f96605 Add observers for event trigger count for each event
0293988 Prevent android-job local files being backed up
f15d34b Move to android-job from JobDispatcher for cleanup service
6be6b28 Delete files using JobService working
83e45b9 Update
7256512 Update
d10bcdb Initial setup for cleanup with JobService
9870a85 Update
448a1fd Primitive test for the database migration
2d8f256 Resource manager for dialog resources
38f975a Add tests for the progress dialog
7f78254 Initial implementation of a progress dialog while db init/migration
da4a9d7 Removing multiple initialisation of Preference Manager and Fresco in HavenApp
a52455e (tag: 0.2.0-alpha-5) update to version 118
332c163 update travis for SDK 28
ed7d666 Merge pull request #353 from IsaacYAGI/fix-gitignore-merge-conflict-unsolved
e53f752 Merge pull request #352 from IsaacYAGI/fix-improvement-es-translations
0265858 Merge branch 'fat-tire-remove_colons'
4504262 (fat-tire-remove_colons) remove unnecessary use of FileProvider to support complex paths - use of FileProvider to generate Uris for image views isn't needed for internal rendering of images - FileProvider also removed spaces, emoji, or other user configured strings in the settings for the folder path
87f3062 Merge branch 'remove_colons' of into fat-tire-remove_colons
fc4dc2c Merge branch 'fat-tire-pie_changes'
9223dd6 (fat-tire-pie_changes) disable RTL support for now to fix AppIntro bug
8d658f8 Fix: Unresolved conflict commit in .gitignore
d007b3d Fix: Improvement in ES Translations
a315b41 (origin/fat-tire-pie_changes) set minimum build memory to 2g
a499680 update file provider paths to not crash
81923fd Merge branch 'pie_changes' of into fat-tire-pie_changes
3d7f134 Address dumb build error disallowing double--dash in xml comments
73a72ef Limit save directory path to alphanumeric plus underline, dash & /
905e20c Use "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.SSS" for saved file & directory names
460a732 Use yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss for date/time format for folders (remove colons)
df601f5 Target Pie & AS3.3/tools - updated libs, migrate to androidx + appcompat
802930a Fix "no such table" bug.
7fb687e update gradle from 4.9-rc1 to 4.10.2
00bfc44 Fix minor lint issues & remove dead code & make constants static
409b213 Fix potential crashes (catch exceptions/check for nulls)
7f44ace change default path to "haven", and fix settings UI
10da388 Merge pull request #341 from archie94/update_readme
7ea2fea Insertion and Deletion of Event triggers on a background thread
0fe3478 Event Insert and Delete on a background thread for ListActivity
57da23b Remove db lookups in main thread in EventActivity
e19cf29 Single Responsibility for EventTriggerAdapter
762f06c Make db querries from ListActivity on background thread
8161171 Remove context dependency from EventAdapter
108f388 Migrate from Sugar ORM to Room
a1454c7 Merge branch 'master' of into room_experiments
98e1355 Update README to remove picasso from list of dependencies
917ff84 (tag: 0.2.0-alpha-4) update version code to 117
3e83443 more work on #330, get preference to work
1711315 work on #330 to allow configuration of base storage path
6f65e41 Merge branch 'archie94-media_storage'
0aae3db (archie94-media_storage) Merge branch 'media_storage' of into archie94-media_storage
b88ea43 Merge branch 'archie94-pipmode_crash_fix'
de5d2de (archie94-pipmode_crash_fix) Merge branch 'pipmode_crash_fix' of into archie94-pipmode_crash_fix
7279b76 Merge branch 'randolf-patch-1'
0c43c0c (randolf-patch-1) Merge branch 'patch-1' of into randolf-patch-1
eda3d03 Merge branch 'archie94-update_dependencies'
52e6f70 Allow PIP mode for API level 26 (Android O) or above
218b638 Various minor improvements to grammar in
49274a7 (archie94-update_dependencies) Update gradle version to 4.9-rc-1
7ce3ae3 Merge branch 'master' of into update_dependencies
adb6b32 Keep Event start time as session time
9ff8b02 Merge pull request #314 from guardianproject/dev-cameraviewplus
Haven 0.2.0 alpha 3 (dev/test build)
Haven 0.2.0 alpha 2 (dev/test build)
e2ca365 update to build 115
b937479 more improvements to video recording
72011b8 add blank drawable to clear out detection overlay
f095929 enscure motion detect sensivity is updated as the user changes it
7070dbb re-use the MotionDetector, and other improvements
625cab5 lock to portrait since CameraView requires that
68ce40e update start button to be more visible
4431fd0 handle the view logs / deactivate button as expected
2654119 ensure Event delete and undo is working as expected
2acb1be address #313 (don't unbind service more than once!) and refactor Preview to CameraViewHolder
85de67b sensor alerts should only be recorded if monitoring is active (a tester noticed camera events were being stored during countdown)
b1b6d94 Add Picture-in-Picture support to keep the camera alive in the background
Haven 0.2.0 alpha 1 (dev/test build)
This is a build meant for testing of the new camera implementation to see if it improves reliability when the screen is off/locked.
201dccf bump to v114 for my dev test build
13fd4c9 begin work on a background camera using overlay from the service
ea7facf Why use PARTIAL when we can still get FULL!?
77fd35f begin work on hardware video encoder using MediaCodec
f91a6f4 use the application context not the activity context
b20c175 implement JCodec for encoding video frames
a1609c4 lower the camera resolution a small amount to improve performance
45fc1f4 load the image using the fileprovider
decc74a fixes for back and front camera overlay rotation
7bf626c move MotionDetector to a more logical package
e0ecdc6 major update to support CameraViewPlus for #295 #297 #111 and others
3a8b2e6 remove support for v13 support library
d773492 some improvements for the constraint layout
930ddd5 Merge branch 'convert-two-linear-layout-to-one-constraint' of into AndrewR8-convert-two-linear-layout-to-one-constraint
c845b4a Merge branch 'master' of
f954729 Merge pull request #309 from archie94/share_valid_trigger_files
85c60a5 Add URIs for valid file / file paths only
4cba15e fixes for video recording and playback
ac9f495 update multiple dependency libraries
61aadc4 Merge branch 'lukeswitz-dev'
28c6b6c Merge branch 'dev' of into lukeswitz-dev
519ec74 Merge pull request #285 from HenryQW/master
e6558c1 Merge branch 'master' of
81f9e05 Merge branch 'lukeswitz-voice-verification'
33c933f update compile to implementation!
b6a5952 Merge pull request #292 from archie94/typo-fix
432f6a0 Add 'Call me instead' Signal verification switch
4f53cc3 Typo fixed
7f4b6a9 Update constraint-layout:1.1.0
e47d7f1 Update build.gradle
dadc2b5 Update build tools, implementation
5fba081 Update strings.xml
5f22435 Update activity_microphone_configure.xml
06f4c50 Update activity_microphone_configure.xml
69e9fdf fix formatting issues
af3aa0b update formatting
f0dc3c3 update string name
2a6f473 convert two linear layout to one constraint
f94af0c Update strings.xml
176c5e0 Update Chinese translation
de1401b Fix unescaped characters in translated strings
Haven 0.1.0 RC 1
Thanks to the amazing contributions of lukeswitz, fat-tire, percy-g2, FREEWING-JP, HenryQW,PelicanMaster,investe, WangQiru and leonardoporpora!
New feature highlights
- Option to enable a regular "heartbeat" message to ensure Haven is running and active
- Option to enable video capture, instead of still+audio, in case motion is detected
- General improved stability of the camera sensitivity setup and capture
Fixed and/or closed
- Deleting only Haven Log #216 by michritoba was closed 5 hours ago
- UI should automatically fix the number format enhancement for review high-priority #40 by mrphs was closed 4 days ago
- show country code enhancement for review #219 by percy-g2 was merged 4 days ago
- Add heartbeat notifications for review #270 by lukeswitz was merged 4 days ago
- orbot stops whenever I try to enable remote access bug for review high-priority #175 by twoprops was closed on Mar 4
- Crash on 'Camera Sensitivity' in Settings #245 by lukeswitz was closed on Feb 6
- Haven goes in standby bug for review #201 by leonardoporpora was closed on Feb 5
- Microphone doesn’t work. bug for review low-priority #135 by leonardoporpora was closed on Feb 5
- Continue send me photo even if disabled bug for review help wanted high-priority #137 by leonardoporpora was closed on Feb 5
- Phone doesn’t lock when the countdown has been completed bug help wanted high-priority #233 by leonardoporpora was closed on Jan 26
Haven 0.1.0 beta 11
Fixes some new issues with camera switching, and changes camera configuration flow to make it directly accessible
abf2e39 update changelog for build 111
9fed87a build 111
07f1c5f fix more camera state issues found in Android 4.1
88432ed camera switch fixes for #238
3dfa691 update changelog for build 110
24eb011 update to build 110
6b20f29 don't stop camera when surface/fragment is paused - keep it going!
64587a6 don't hide preview when paused, as it causes camera to stop working when screen turns off
581ae37 tuning of sensor sensitivity UI and preference setting
51186eb ensure sensor configurations are properly saved
8ff99eb set default motion value to a correct amount
b954746 for #232 ensure setting notificaitons to 0 "max" works
4f0a20d update changelog for 109
5cfe8bc update to build 109
cd6ec13 for #230, re-enables web server with password requirement
3e92554 new localizations for app strings and store descriptions