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Note Toolbar Callouts

Chris Gurney edited this page Dec 23, 2024 · 114 revisions

Add toolbars within your notes using Note Toolbar Callouts. Note Toolbar Callouts allow for flexibility, and using other plugins (e.g., Templater, Dataview) to generate the contents of the toolbar.

Get started writing your own by creating a callout containing a list of links, like the below, or learn about creating callouts from toolbars.

> [!note-toolbar]
> - [Some Website](
> - [Some Command](obsidian://...)
> - [[Some Note]]

Read on for the syntax.

Line breaks and separators

For separators use <hr/> and for line breaks use <br/>:

> [!note-toolbar]
> - [Item before line break](...)
> - <br/>
> - [Item after line break](...)
> - [Item before separator](...)
> - <hr/>
> - [Item after separator](...)


To control its appearance, optionally add metadata by adding a | and then list styles (as defined in the table below), separated with spaces or a character (the example below uses -).

For example, here's the above callout with three styles applied:

> [!note-toolbar|border-right-sticky]
> - [Some Website](
> - [Some Command](obsidian://...)
> - [[Some Note]]

Style metadata

Below is a complete list of style callout metadata you can use in Note Toolbar callouts. For visual examples of each, see how style are applied.

To add your own styles, see Custom styling.

Default Style Mobile Style Description
border mbrder Adds a top and bottom border
noborder mnbrder Turns off border (default)
button mbtn Applies a button-like appearance
center mctr Aligns items center
between mbtwn Spreads items out edge to edge
even mevn Distributes items evenly, keeping them centered
floatl mfltl Floats the toolbar left of nearby content within a callout
floatr mfltr Floats the toolbar right of nearby content within a callout
nofloat mnflt Turns off float (default)
left mlft Aligns items left (default)
right mrght Aligns items right
sticky mstcky Sticks toolbar to top on scroll.
⚠️ Note: Sticky Note Toolbar Callouts may disappear when scrolling through a long note; see this note for details.
nosticky mnstcky Turns off stickiness (default)
n/a mnwrp Mobile only: When set, all items will be on one line making the toolbar horizontally scrollable.
⚠️ For this to work best, ensure your items are left-aligned (i.e., not centered or evenly spaced).


Hovering over a style in settings will show you the metadata to use in your callout, from the above list:

Hovering over a style shows a tooltip with the keyword

Adding icons

The Iconize ↗ plugin allows you to add icons to your notes, and works well in callouts. For example:

> - [:LiPin: Pin note](<obsidian://note-toolbar?commandid=workspace:toggle-pin>)

...appears as:

Example of an Iconize icon in a Note Toolbar Callout item

Open menus, execute commands, focus on folders

Two methods are available to add menus, execute commands, and focus on folders from callouts:

Note Toolbar URIs

Note Toolbar URIs can be used within links, like this:

> [!note-toolbar]
> - [Command URI](obsidian://note-toolbar?command=workspace%3Atoggle-pin)
> - [Folder URI](obsidian://note-toolbar?folder=Demos)
> - <hr>
> - [Menu URI](obsidian://note-toolbar?menu=Tools)
> - [Menu URI with ID](obsidian://note-toolbar?menu=7fb30215-d92c-43ce-8158-b79096672bd1)


Get a Note Toolbar URI for a command using the Note Toolbar: Copy URI for command command.


  • URIs don't appear to work in notes that were opened in a new window, as the focus is returned to the main window on click. If that's not suitable for you, use the next method.

Data elements

Note Toolbar data elements are appended to the end of an empty link, like this:

> [!note-toolbar]
> - [Command]()<data data-ntb-command="workspace:toggle-pin"/>
> - [Folder]()<data data-ntb-folder="Demos"/>
> - <hr>
> - [Menu]()<data data-ntb-menu="Tools"/>
> - [Menu with ID]()<data data-ntb-menu="7fb30215-d92c-43ce-8158-b79096672bd1"/>


Get a callout item for a command using the Note Toolbar: Copy callout item for command command.



  • The folder, menu, and command types require empty links (), or Obsidian will open the link content instead.
  • Ensure the <data> element is closed (i.e., ends with a />).
  • These links work in new windows opened from a note as well, unlike obsidian:// URIs which seem to return focus to the main window.

Notes for both methods

  • A message is displayed if the provided command, folder, or URI is invalid.
  • For menus, you can pass in the toolbar name or the UUID, as shown above.
  • For commands:
    • You can use either command= or commandid= as both work the same.
    • URIs must be encoded (e.g., : becomes %3A) or you can surround the Obsidian URL with < and >.
    • Use one of the commands mentioned to easily get the URI or data element:
      • Note Toolbar: Copy URI for command
      • Note Toolbar: Copy callout item for command


Use Note Toolbar Callouts anywhere in your notes, including within other callouts. Below is an example with the styles that are applied:

Here's another example that shows your bookmarks, thanks to Dataview.

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