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Note Toolbar Obsidian Plugin

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The Note Toolbar plugin for Obsidian lets you create context-aware toolbars for your notes, which can include commands, links to vault files and folders, websites/URIs, menus, and scripts (Dataview, Templater, and JavaScript).

Wondering what's new? See the Release Notes

Wondering what's ahead? See the Roadmap

Jump to:

Demo of a sticky toolbar

More options on mobile:

Mobile options for accessing the toolbar


🏆 Runner up in the Obsidian Gems of the Year 2024: New plugins category.

  • Create toolbars with items that link to commands, files/folders, URIs/URLs, menus, and scripts (Dataview, Templater, and JavaScript).
  • Define where and how toolbars are displayed: Based on their folders, or a user-defined property
    • Position each toolbar below the Properties section, at the top or bottom of notes, or as a floating button
    • Add a toolbar to the New tab view
    • Access the toolbar from the navigation bar (on mobile)
    • Toolbar items can use Obsidian's built-in icons, labels (which can include emojis), or a mix of both
    • Set optional tooltips for each item
    • Show items specifically on mobile, desktop, or both
    • Choose whether the icon, label, or both are displayed
  • Use variables or script experssions to sub in the note's title or properties and more into toolbar item labels, tooltips, and URIs
  • Note Toolbar Callouts let you create and place toolbars anywhere within your notes.
  • Share toolbars with other users with a link, or as callouts.
  • Style toolbars by adding borders, sticking to the top of your note on scroll, auto-hiding, choosing whether or not the toolbar should wrap (on mobile), making items look like buttons, and aligning items (left, right, centered, evenly spaced)
    • Change or override these styles on mobile (i.e, phone and tablet)
    • Use any icon for the floating button or nav bar (on mobile)
    • Or use the Style Settings plugin for even more options (colors, positioning, sizing, etc.)
  • Add commands to open any toolbar, or to execute any item. Built-in commands completely hide note properties, quickly access toolbars with Quick Tools, get command URIs, and more.
  • Note Toolbar URIs let you execute commands, focus on folders, open menus (within Note Toolbar Callouts), and open toolbar settings, from mostly anywhere within your notes
  • Keyboard controls available via the Note Toolbar: Focus command
  • Right-click toolbars to swap with other toolbars, quickly change the position, style, or to access configuration
  • The Note Toolbar API which, to start, includes enhanced prompt and suggester UI that you can trigger from script items, including from Dataview and JavaScript.

Translations 🌐

Note Toolbar's UI, and Style Settings options, are also available in:

Language name Native name Contributors
Chinese (Simplified) 简体中文 @Moyf
German Deutsch @hartimd
Ukrainian Український @Laktiv

Help add more translations.


Click here or:

  1. Open Obsidian's settings, and click Community plugins
  2. Search for Note Toolbar and select it
  3. Install
  4. Make sure to Enable the plugin
Installing beta versions via BRAT
BRAT lets you beta-test plugins, to provide feedback.

As beta versions become available, I welcome your feedback and any issues you uncover!

Disclaimer: Betas are pre-release versions of the plugin. It is strongly encouraged to make a backup of your Note Toolbar's data.json file before proceeding, and/or test within a separate vault (depending on the nature of the beta).

  1. Install the BRAT plugin:
    • Open Settings > Community Plugins
    • Disable safe mode, if enabled
    • Browse, and search for "BRAT"
    • Install the latest version of Obsidian 42 - BRAT
  2. Open BRAT settings (Settings -> Obsidian 42 - BRAT)
  3. Scroll to the Beta Plugin List section
  4. Add Beta Plugin
  5. Specify this repository: chrisgurney/obsidian-note-toolbar
  6. Enable the Note Toolbar plugin (Settings > Community plugins)
  7. Restart Obsidian, or re-open your vault.
  8. In Note Toolbar's settings, confirm the version number at the top is the latest beta version.

Getting Started 🚀

Once enabled, open Note Toolbar's settings:

  1. Create a + New toolbar
  2. Give the toolbar a name.
  3. + Add toolbar item
  4. Exit settings, and open a note.
  5. Add a notetoolbar property. Set it to the name of your toolbar.

If you want your toolbar to show without using a property, try mapping a folder (like wherever your Daily Notes are stored) to your new toolbar.


Example Daily Notes toolbar including Daily Notes navigation, and multiple command shortcuts

📖 See the User Guide for detailed instructions, and for more examples.

Let me know how you use your toolbars!

User Guide

📖 See the User Guide.

Once installed and enabled, in Obsidian go to: Settings... > Note Toolbar and click + New toolbar.

Example of settings configuration

Example of settings for a toolbar


Note Toolbar is licensed under GPL 3.0. See the LICENSE.

Inspiration and Thanks 🙏

Shout out to other projects and people who helped me with questions I had while developing this plugin:

  • Obsidian's Sample Plugin, developer docs and this playlist.
  • Templater - for code, especially around settings.
  • Periodic Notes - for code, and one of the reasons this plugin works well for my own needs... and for liam.cain's help!
  • BRAT - for the means to beta test this plugin.
  • Everybody on the Obsidian Discord #plugin-dev channel for their time and documentation, including but not limited to: claremacrae, dovos, lemons_dev, liam.cain, joethei, sailKite, SkepticMystic

Contribute 🧑‍💻

Happy to discuss your ideas! Pull requests are welcome!

Help add or review translations.

Support 🛟

📖 See Troubleshooting in the User Guide.

Ask questions here or request a feature. If you run into something that looks like a bug, please log an issue.

If you find this plugin useful, and wish to support me financially, I accept donations. Thank you!