This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 14, 2018. It is now read-only.
- [Feature] Inject TagHelperComponents at runtime (#6282)
- Remove WriteXyzTo() methods from RazorPageBase (#6257)
- Use factory pattern for creating \ activating \ model binding a controller in ControllerActionInvoker (#6249)
- Remove IModelBindingMessageProvider interface (#6069)
- Change JSON formatters to be async (#6002)
- Add methods to TagBuilder to render the tags only (#5689)
- Support F# async in actions (#5570)
- Move IRazorViewEngineFileProviderAccessor and ExpressionRewriter to the public namespace (#4938)
- Serving media with byte ranges (#3702)
Bugs Fixed
- Razor Page doesn't compile when dash/hyphen used in file name (#6296)
- Exception thrown when attempting to use model members in sections in a Razor Page (#6294)
- Regression: NRE when invoking WriteLiteral with null value (#6272)
- Typo in an error message in resource file (#6269)
- Change Razor to use Assembly.Load(byte[]) and Assembly.LoadFile (#6261)
- EventID's should be unique per-category (#6062)
- ValueTask response body is serializing ValueTask instead of T (#6040)
- InputTagHelper doesn't copy pre-existing attributes correctly for checkboxes. (#5981)
- Support TagHelpers as Services ontop of new Razor (#5768)
- Update error for "generic ViewComponents" to explain what a valid view component is (#5380)