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Releases: aspnet/Mvc
Releases · aspnet/Mvc
Bugs Fixed
- Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2017-11879: Open Redirect can cause Elevation Of Privilege (#7053)
- Port fix for URL helper redirect to 2.0.x patch (#6910)
- Port fix to 2.0.1: Zero Content-Length for static file 304 #6875 (#6887)
- Port to 2.0.1: Injecting IViewLocalizer into Razor Page causing IndexOutOfRangeException. (#6837)
- Port to 2.0.1: Input fields don't emit (and thus round-trip) offset value when binding against DateTimeOffset fields (#6834)
- Port part of fix to 2.0.x for: Returning a file, accept-ranges headers, and browser behaviors #6780 (#6792)
- Allow "page" route parameter to be used in Mvc application without Razor Pages (#6706)
- CSharpCompiler does not parse LangVersion value correctly. (#6611)
- Revert custom collection types breaking change and use extension methods (#6518)
- Move conventions defined in RazorPagesOptions to MvcOptions (#6462)
- FromRouteAttribute doesn't seem to work in Razor Pages (#6402)
- Add generic overload/extension method for MvcOptions.Filters.AddService (#6395)
- SignOut() without args is broken (#6392)
- Enable SHA256.Create() calls to work for desktop applications on FIPS compliant machines. (#6354)
- Implement an attribute and filter to configure the request body size limit (#6352)
- Unable to AddPageRoute to the default page (#6338)
- Define crisp for semantics for what makes a pagemodel a pagemodel (#6210)
- Big Rock: Filters for Razor Pages (#6070)
- RazorViewEngineOptions.ParseOptions are hard to use (#6009)
- Add a filter provider for TempDataAttribute to RazorPages (#5979)
- TestServer against MVC application can't find Razor Views. (#3410)
- Limiting request content size - per action (#481)
Bugs Fixed
- Move TempDataAttribute into Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc namespace (#6542)
- Commit cache entries only when the content gets successfully generated (#6522)
- Android Chrome - Cryptographic Exception (#6480)
- [.netcore 2 preview 2] ifileprovider + di error (#6479)
- Layout not rendered via ViewStart.cshtml: Question on Razor View discovery in .Net Core preview 1 (#6448)
- RedirectToPage(page, handler) inside a view redirects to the page but not the handler (#6436)
- Razor Pages do not pick up changes to _ViewImports.cshml outside of the Pages directory (#6428)
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages should be imported by default (#6401)
- ArgumentNullException when using [BindProperty] on a private property (#6400)
- Exceptions thrown from Views when run from a net461 application do not contain line numbers or file info (#6356)
- ExpressionTextCache is case insensitive: TextboxFor(x=> and TextboxFor(x=>x.Name) produce the same html (#6349)
- _ViewStart.cshtml not picked up when added to the root of the app (#6308)
- KeyNotFoundException in Microsoft.Extensions.DiagnosticAdapter.Internal.ProxyTypeEmitter.GetProxyType (#6292)
- Using FormattingUtilities.XsdDataContractExporter.GetRootElementName(type) throws in netcoreapp2.0 when used in ExplicitResponseTypeDecoration_WithExplicitDefaultStatus_SpecifiedViaProducesAttribute (#6235)
- DiagnosticSource.BeforeView/AfterView not called in RenderPartial (#6222)
- AttemptedValueIsInvalidAccessor on nullable types results in "Nullable`1." message (#6076)
- RazorPages page directives missing quotes should alert user (#5868)
- CancellationTokenSource is not Disposed in cache tag helpers (#5649)
- Model binder doesn't validate decimals with thousands separator (#5502)
- Remove PageDirectiveFeature once we have switched to Razevolution (#5475)
- HTML and tag helpers will NRE if given a Linq expression w/ a static property (#4856)
Bugs Fixed
- Move call to validate constructor in ComplexTypeModelBinder into CreateModel (#5801)
- Regression in 1.1 model binding for model types without default constructor (#5698)
- Wrong name and id in input after upgrade to ASP Core 1.1.0 (#5655)
- Exception Filters returns an empty body in 1.1 (#5594)
- Cannot write to Response.Body in 1.1 (#5555)
- IgnoreAntiforgeryTokenAttribute possibly broken on 1.1.0 (#5552)
- [Feature] Inject TagHelperComponents at runtime (#6282)
- Remove WriteXyzTo() methods from RazorPageBase (#6257)
- Use factory pattern for creating \ activating \ model binding a controller in ControllerActionInvoker (#6249)
- Remove IModelBindingMessageProvider interface (#6069)
- Change JSON formatters to be async (#6002)
- Add methods to TagBuilder to render the tags only (#5689)
- Support F# async in actions (#5570)
- Move IRazorViewEngineFileProviderAccessor and ExpressionRewriter to the public namespace (#4938)
- Serving media with byte ranges (#3702)
Bugs Fixed
- Razor Page doesn't compile when dash/hyphen used in file name (#6296)
- Exception thrown when attempting to use model members in sections in a Razor Page (#6294)
- Regression: NRE when invoking WriteLiteral with null value (#6272)
- Typo in an error message in resource file (#6269)
- Change Razor to use Assembly.Load(byte[]) and Assembly.LoadFile (#6261)
- EventID's should be unique per-category (#6062)
- ValueTask response body is serializing ValueTask instead of T (#6040)
- InputTagHelper doesn't copy pre-existing attributes correctly for checkboxes. (#5981)
- Support TagHelpers as Services ontop of new Razor (#5768)
- Update error for "generic ViewComponents" to explain what a valid view component is (#5380)
- Support views written with C# 7 (#6149)
- Add RedirectToPage helper methods to Controller (#6117)
- Create a new attribute for Pages property binding (#6091)
- Big Rock: Template work for Pages (#6086)
- Create Item Template for Page/PageModel (#6085)
- Big Rock: View Compilation Tool for Pages (#6018)
- FormTagHelper does not apply on Razor Pages unless asp-antiforgery is explicitly set to true (#6006)
- Add convenience methods for redirecting from a Razor Page back to itself (#5953)
- Support model binding to Razor Pages properties on page and PageModel classes (#5952)
- Adding AuthorizePage & AuthorizeFolder without requiring a policy (#5936)
- Add a constructor to ModelBinderAttribute that takes in the binder type (#5932)
- Big Rock: URL generation for pages (#5921)
- Add ModelState to page, and auth stuff to RazorPageOptions (#5884)
- Add IActionResults factory methods to Page and PageModel (#5846)
- Add a PagesOption type that allows configuring the root for Page file discovery (#5785)
- Make CookieTempDataProvider the default TempData provider (#5766)
- Design a stable API for interacting with MVC Razor (#5739)
- Add and Tag Helpers (#5728)
- Productize PageResultExecutor and ExecutorFactory (#5719)
- Add MvcRazorPagesMvcBuilderExtensions and co (#5718)
- Alternative for Environment TagHeper domain (#5671)
- Move
out of .Internal (#5652) - Need better way to suppress validation of properties/types during model binding (#5642)
- Make CookieName of CookieTempDataProvider configurable (#5637)
- RedirectResult should support preservation of HTTP method (#5609)
- Add a feature that allows binding properties stashed in the TempDataDictionary (#5600)
- Page instantiation: Productize prototype code for page and model activation (#5480)
- Describe JsonPatch correctly in ApiExplorer (#5464)
- View Page execution (#5357)
- Filter invocation in View Pages (#5356)
- Routing for View Pages (#5353)
- Add support for updateable ActionDescriptorCollection (#5350)
- Add constructor with a culture to RouteValueProvider (#5336)
- ModelState.IsValid reports valid model while it is null (#4750)
- RedirectToAction: add fragment support (#3988)
- Razor Pages (#494)
Bugs Fixed
- Exception when calling RedirectToPage("./Index") from a page with routed parameters (#6218)
- asp-page-handler doesn't work correctly if asp-page isn't also specified (#6208)
- Relative page URL generation doesn't support local folder relative paths prefixed with ./ (#6190)
- Move RazorViewEngineOptionsSetup to an internal namespace (#6116)
- RedirectToPage from a form-action handler includes the formaction (#6104)
- RedirectToPage doesn't trim /Index from URL (#6080)
- [TempData] Properties don't work on PageModel classes (#6074)
- Avoid redundant Assembly.Load call in DefaultAssemblyPartDiscoveryProvider (#6003)
- CacheTagHelper should not cache inner contents execution result when Exception occured (#5988)
- Page is missing some APIs that Razor calls (#5920)
- Strings that can be parsed as a Boolean should be an acceptable value for a checkbox (#5919)
- PageActionDescriptorChangeProvider does not invalidate the cache when a _PageStart outside of RazorPagesOption.BasePath is modified (#5915)
- RazorPages : Page.Path is not set (#5891)
- HTTP response code for Redirect not readily discoverable (#5855)
- Pages should trim quotes from route templates (#5835)
- Race condition in ControllerActionInvoker causes NullRef (#5807)
- In a Razor page returning View from OnGet results in a compile error. (#5802)
- @page with an @model is overly sensitive to whitespace. (#5799)
- MVC Razor tests failing since the 10th (#5794)
- Extend
to reduce ugliness (#5686) - NullException in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.Compilation.ViewsFeatureProvider.GetViewInfoContainerType (#5675)
- ApiExplorer expanding IFormFile into multiple ParameterDescriptions (#5673)
- Wrong docs ApiRequestFormat (#5625)
- Add an Add(this IList<...> IParameterModelConvention) extension method (#5618)
- ActionContextAccessor behaves differently under .NETStandard1.3 vs .NET 4.5.1 (#5611)
- Partial Views referenced with relative paths are not recompiled after changing the .cshtml (#5574)
- Different working in ViewComponents in v.1.1.0 (#5561)
- MediaType bounds check can overflow (#5560)
- MvcCoreServiceCollectionExtensions retrieves first registered service instead of last (#5554)
- JsonOutputFormatter adds all closing brackets when exceptions are thrown (#5413)
- Parameter in
has an inconsistent parameter name (#5394) - Simple string returned by controller action is not a valid JSON! (#4945)
- Remove ViewEngine property of ViewComponentResult (it doesn't do anything) (#4916)
- Input tag helper for DateTime should use "datetime-local" instead of deprecated "datetime" (#4871)
- Improve the log message when we a route matches but cannot find an controller/action. (#4608)
does not appear to respect Order property of DisplayAttribute (#4297)