Project dedicated for sensiitivity experiments. Robust trajectory generation based on the PX4 controller for Acanthis drone below.
- Installation
Use the following sudo commands
sudo apt install clang
sudo apt-get install libomp-dev
- Make Directory and clone Repo
mkdir sens_exp && cd sens_exp
git clone
- Configure a virtual enviroment OR skip this if you prefer to install global on machine
In the same directory that you cloned the project, you can create and source the virtual environment by:
cd sensitivity_exp
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
- Install dependencies in virtual environment
pip install -r requiremnts.txt
- Build the framework as a package
The -e
is essential as this would make it possible to modify the package without building it upon each modification-
pip install -e .
- sens package
You can view the package by
pip list
- Run the Following script that generates the ODE problem
This script should generate the model with all sensitivity related stuff
python3 -m sens.gen.models.jetson_pd
After installing the sensitivity framework as the sens
package, you are ready now to start discovering the framework.
Mainly the sens package consists of 5 folders "directories" which are:
- cnst
- Contains a python file
which includes a class with all constants to be used in the framework
- Contains a python file
- gen
Contains Folder
for symbolic generation (No need to edit scripts in this directory)- a script
defines an abstract class of the model and functions declarations - a script
which contains a class called Jitparam based on Jitcode for generating symbolic
- a script
Contains a Folder
where you have to define your ODE problem, model, controller and sensitivity- a script
is the script containing all these definitions and responsible of generating the model depending on jtiparam class
- a script
- opt
- a script
where different functions implemented for different optimization problems depending on Nonlinear optimizar fromnlopt
package in python
- a script
- script
- This folder contains several scripts that you can run as examples and they are documented very well
- utils
defines some symbolic functions used
and also other functions like evaluation of the tubes on
contains a class namedPiecewiseSplineTrajectory
where we define the trajectory and do all the planning and pre optimization depending on this class
Inside sens.script
you would find several examples that you need to run to explore the package
These examples/turorials are for the sake of using the framework: