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Equality Clauses (OLAP)

JoeWinter edited this page Sep 18, 2014 · 2 revisions

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Doradus Query Language: Equality Clauses

An equality clause searches a field for a value that matches a literal constant, or, for text fields, a pattern. The equals sign (=) is used to search for an exact field value. The right hand side must be a literal value. Example:

Name="John Smith"

This searches the Name field for objects that exactly match the string "John Smith". The search is case-insensitive, so an object will match if its Name field is "john smith", "JOHN SMITH", etc.

For text fields, wildcards can be used to define patterns. For example:

Name="J* Sm?th"

This clause matches "John Smith", "Joe Smyth", etc.

Boolean, numeric and timestamp fields cannot use wildcards. Examples:

ModifiedDate="2012-11-16 17:19:12.134"  

In a timestamp literal, elements can be omitted from right-to-left, but the clause still compares to an exact value. Omitted time elements default to 0; omitted date elements default to 1. For example:

ModifiedDate="2010-08-05 05:40"

This clause actually searches for the exact timestamp value 2010-08-05 05:40:00.000. However, timestamps can be used in range clauses. See also the section Subfield Clauses , which describes clauses that search for timestamp subfields.

Link fields and the _ID field can also be used in equal searches by comparing to an object ID. For example:


Not equals is written by negating an equality clause with the keyword NOT. Example:

NOT Size=1024

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