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Downloading Doradus

JoeWinter edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 4 revisions

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Doradus Administration: Downloading Doradus

Doradus is a Github project whose source code and build scripts can be found at the following link:

There are two basic ways to download Doradus:

  1. Download the entire file tree as a single zip file using this link:

    Unzip this file, which will create a parent folder called “Doradus-master” containing build, source, and document files.


  2. Clone the entire project using a Git client to your working space. For example, using a command line client:

    git clone

    This will create a local Git repository in a parent folder called “Doradus”.

JDK 1.7 and Maven must be installed to compile Doradus. From the parent folder, enter the following Maven commands:

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -Dgpg.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies

The first command compiles all Doradus components: doradus-client, doradus-common, and doradus-server. Class and jar files are created under “target” subdirectories of each component. The second command copies dependent jar files to target/dependency folders of the doradus-client and doradus-server components. Therefore, you should see a directory structure similar to this:

    ./Doradus (or ./Doradus-master)

In this document, the folder /doradus-server is referred to as {doradus_home}. The next sections describe various ways to start the server.

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