Releases: Peter-McKinney/tmux-fzf-open-files-nvim
Files are now opened in a new neovim tab.
By default, the plugin attempt to open the selected files in a pane running neovim found in the current window. If one is not found, a new horizontal pane is created and an instance of neovim is started to open the files.
A utility script found in utilities/ can be used outside of this plugin to run the tmux fzf file searching process
A new command exists for searching all pane history in a neovim window activated with prefix + A by default.
Performance has been increased significantly when searching large pane histories.
Files will now open in new tabs.
Files will open in an existing neovim pane if one exists in the current tmux window. If not, a new tmux pane will be created and a new instance of neovim will be started.
- Fix issue opening files at row,col would not target the col correctly
- Add sed script to remove empty entries before fzf
- Add dev scripts for easily linking plugin locally and restoring github in .tmux.conf
- Add support for line number locations when opening files in neovim. Files with line numbers will now open at the line number location.
Add parse tests