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TMUX fzf Open Files nvim

A tmux plugin to parse terminal output for filenames and open them in neovim. It works by creating a tmux binding to copy the currently selected panes content, match output that is a file path ending in an extension or with location information 83:57, pass the file paths to fzf, and open the fzf selected files in your default $EDITOR (only tested with neovim currently). The plugin will search for panes in the current window running neovim and open the selected files as new tabs. If a current neovim instances does not exist, a new horizontal pane will be created to host neovim and the files will be opened there.


tmux-fzf-open-files-nvim works on large histories as well:


Tests Run shellcheck



Using TPM, add the following lines to your ~/.tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'Peter-McKinney/tmux-open-file-nvim'

Use prefix + I to install the plugin which should also source your ~/.tmux.conf but just in case: prefix + :source ~/.tmux.conf

Make sure to have your editor environment variable set to neovim:

export EDITOR='nvim'

Please make sure that fzf is installed by following the directions over at:



Variable Name Description Default Binding
@open-file-nvim-key Parses the current visible pane output for filenames prefix + o
@open-file-nvim-all-key Parses the entire available history in the current pane for filenames prefix + O
@open-file-nvim-all-history-key Parses the entire history from all panes in a window prefix + A

Capture the output visible in the current pane:

The default binding uses o so prefix + o will run the process to find files in the current pane output. A new horizontal pane will be opened to the right of the current pane. The pane visible text will be sent to fzf -m multi select mode so that multiple files may be selected and sent to the $EDITOR.


Capture the entire history of the current pane:

The default binding uses O so prefix + O will run the above process for the entire history of the current pane.


Capture the entire history of all panes in a window:

The default binding uses A so prefix + A will run the above process for the entire history of all panes in a tmux window. This operation can be expensive.


Change the default bindings

set -g @open-file-nvim-key {newbinding}
set -g @open-file-nvim-all-key {newbinding}
set -g @open-file-nvim-all-history-key {newbinding}


Link plugin source locally for testing

In the dev folder, there are scripts to automate linking the plugin locally for development / testing and for resetting the local link to the github link. The scripts edit the ~/.tmux.conf and use the tpm clean and install scripts found in ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin to remove and install plugins. dev/ creates a symbolic link to ~/github/tmux-fzf-open-files-nvim. Change this to where your cloned repository resides. You can then run dev/ to restore the github plugin source.

Setting up unit tests and running using bats

We use the bats unit test framework to write and execute bash unit tests Refer to for the full installation instructions. Here are common ones:

MacOS using homebrew:

brew install bats-core


sudo apt install bats

To run the unit tests:

bats tests

Github Actions


We use shellcheck to perform static analysis as a PR check. To install shellcheck locally refer to the installation guide in the shellcheck github. You can also use

To run shellcheck on all files in the project locally run dev/

Warnings will not cause the github action check to fail, only errors.


We use shfmt to ensure consistent formatting. You can run formatting on the project by running dev/

We also run the bats tests as a part of the PR check workflow, which is covered under the unit testing section. But since you're here: bats tests will execute the unit tests for the project.


Open files in neovim from panes in the current tmux window!







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