Releases: NaturalIntelligence/fast-xml-parser
Summary update on all the previous releases from v4.2.4
- Multiple minor fixes provided in the validator and parser
- v6 is added for experimental use.
- ignoreAttributes support function, and array of string or regex
- Add support for parsing HTML numeric entities
- v5 of the application is ESM module now. However, JS is also supported
Note: Release section in not updated frequently. Please check CHANGELOG or Tags for latest release information.
Security Fix
Update to this release if you use entity parsing in Fast XML Parser.
- Generating different combined, parser only, builder only, validator only browser bundles
- Keeping cjs modules as they can be imported in cjs and esm modules both. Otherwise refer
4.0.0-beta.8 / 2021-12-13
- call tagValueProcessor for stop nodes
4.0.0-beta.7 / 2021-12-09
- fix Validator bug when an attribute has no value but '=' only
- XML Builder should suppress unpaired tags by default.
- documents update for missing features
- refactoring to use Object.assign
- refactoring to remove repeated code
4.0.0-beta.6 / 2021-12-05
- Support PI Tags processing
- Support
by XML Builder for attributes with valuetrue
4.0.0-beta.5 / 2021-12-04
- fix: when a tag with name "attributes"
4.0.0-beta.4 / 2021-12-02
- Support HTML document parsing
- skip stop nodes parsing when building the XML from JS object
- Support external entites without DOCTYPE
- update dev dependency: strnum v1.0.5 to fix long number issue
4.0.0-beta.3 / 2021-11-30
- support global stopNodes expression like "*.stop"
- support self-closing and paired unpaired tags
- fix: CDATA should not be parsed.
- Fix typings for XMLBuilder (#396)(By Anders Emil Salvesen)
- supports XML entities, HTML entities, DOCTYPE entities
- rename
in parser output whenpreserveOrder:true
- supports unpairedTags
- Parser returns an array now
- to make the structure common
- and to return root level detail
- renamed
- Added
- fix typings
- Name change of many configuration properties.
- spelling correction for
- Name change of cli and browser bundle to fxparser
option is added to parse a tag into arraypreserveOrder
option is added to render XML in such a way that the result js Object maintains the order of properties same as in XML.- Processing behaviour of
are changes with extra input parameters - j2xparser is renamed to XMLBuilder.
- You need to build XML parser instance for given options first before parsing XML.
- fix #327, #336: throw error when extra text after XML content
- fix #330: attribute value can have '\n',
- fix #350: attributes can be separated by '\n' from tagname
Fixed Parsing issues
I have fixed some old rare parsing issues which were being difficult to handle.
Validator fix for & characters and no more settings for locale range
- validator: fix for ampersand characters (#215)
- refactoring to support Unicode chars in the tag name
- update typing for validator error
Update validator for error message
After this release some error messages return by validator will be updated. Validator will also return line number now.
Update tagValueProcessor to work with date value (broken changes)
Update tagValueProcessor
of js object/JSON to XML Parser to work with date value. Previously, all the values pass to this function were string and empty in case of object. Now the values are in their original data type and work for date object.
Add a feature stopNodes
By specifying stopNodes which a list of tag names, a user can stop the parser to go in deep for parsing. Nested XML will be parsed as string as a value to the stop node.
Parsing hexadecimal and numeric strings
This release is more about minor bug fixes and small features. You can check for more detail.
- Support hexadecimal values
- Support true number parsing
- update typescript
- Few minor bug fixes
Support non-English char as tag or attribute name
This is the combined release of
- Support non-English char as tag or attribute name
- update
ASCII chars - fix:
value support in json to xml transformation - fix: closing tag may have spaces
- removing unnecessary dependencies