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Releases: CesiumGS/cesium

CesiumJS 1.127

03 Mar 18:37
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1.127 - 2025-03-03

Highlights include:

  • Updated Cesium3DTilesVoxelProvider to load glTF tiles using the new EXT_primitive_voxels extension to more closely align with the rest of the 3D Tiles ecosystem. Tilesets using the previous custom JSON format are no longer supported. #12432
  • Updated the requestData method of the VoxelProvider interface to return a Promise to a VoxelContent. Custom providers should now use the VoxelContent.fromMetadataArray method to construct the returned data object.
  • TextureAtlas has been refactored and internal APIs have been updated.
  • Implemented texturesByteLength, visited, and numberOfTilesWithContentReady in VoxelPrimitive.statistics.

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.

CesiumJS 1.126

03 Feb 23:53
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1.126 - 2025-02-03

Highlights include:

  • Added ITwinData.loadGeospatialFeatures(iTwinId, collectionId) function to load data from the Geospatial Features API #12449
  • Fixed error when resetting Cesium3DTileset.modelMatrix to its initial value. #12409
  • Fixed the parameter types of the ClippingPolygon.equals function, and fixed cases where parameters to equals functions had erroneously not been marked as 'optional'. #12394
  • Fixed Draco decoding for vertex colors that are normalized UNSIGNED_BYTE or UNSIGNED_SHORT. #12417

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.

CesiumJS 1.125

02 Jan 21:43
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1.125 - 2025-01-02

Highlights include:

  • Expanded integration with the iTwin Platform to load GeoJSON and KML data from the Reality Management API. Use ITwinData.createDataSourceForRealityDataId to load data as either GeoJSON or KML. #12344
  • Added environmentMapOptions to ModelGraphics. For performance reasons by default, the environment map will not update if the entity position change. If environment map updates based on entity position are desired, provide an appropriate environmentMapOptions.maximumPositionEpsilon value. #12358
  • Reduced memory usage and performance bottlenecks when using environment maps with models. #12356
  • Fixed JulianDate to always generate valid ISO strings for fractional milliseconds. #12345
  • Fixed intermittent z-fighting issue. #12337

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.

CesiumJS 1.124

02 Dec 20:49
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1.124 - 2024-12-02

Highlights include:

  • Added an integration with the iTwin Platform to load iModels as 3D Tiles. Use ITwinPlatform.defaultAccessToken to set the access token. Use ITwinData.createTilesetFromIModelId(iModelId) to load the iModel as a Cesium3DTileset. #12289
  • PostProcessStageCollection.ambientOcclusion has been updated with a new algorithm to provide better results at all scales, with tunable performance cost. #12316
  • Added Entity.trackingReferenceFrame property to allow tracking entities in various reference frames. #12194, #12314
  • Added GoogleGeocoderService for standalone usage of Google geocoder. #12299
  • Fix various performance issues related to loading many models (#12320), incorrect shared texture memory tracking (#12331) and point cloud filtering. (#12317)

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.

CesiumJS 1.123

01 Nov 20:53
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1.123 - 2024-11-01

Highlights include:

  • Updated default 3D Tiles and Model lighting when using PBR in order to create a more realistic appearance #12129
  • Exposed Fog.visualDensityScalar to allow modifying the visual density of fog without affecting the culling aspects. Alongside this, the density calculation was adjusted to make it more smooth across heights. #12248
  • Added ScreenSpaceCameraController.maximumTiltAngle to limit how much the camera can tilt. #12169
  • Update Japan Buildings sandcastle to use Japan Regional Terrain #12259
  • Moved Viewer functionality to CesiumWidget to increase usability and make CesiumWidget closer to a drop in replacement for the Viewer when not utilizing the extra Viewer widgets. #11967.

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.

CesiumJS 1.122

01 Oct 15:30
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1.122 - 2024-10-01

Highlights include:

  • Added CallbackPositionProperty to allow lazy entity position evaluation. #12170
  • Added enableVerticalExaggeration option to models. Set this value to false to prevent model exaggeration when Scene.verticalExaggeration is set to a value other than 1.0. #12141
  • Fix Texture errors when using a HTMLVideoElement. #12219
  • Fixed noise in ambient occlusion post process. #12201

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.

CesiumJS 1.121

03 Sep 17:22
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1.121 - 2024-09-03

Highlights include:

  • Enable MSAA by default with 4 samples. This smooths jagged edges for increased visual realism. #12158
  • Switched the default (non-HDR) tonemapping for models, atmosphere, and globe from ACES to PBR Neutral Tonemap from Khronos. The widens the gamut of possible colors, and provides more consistent color appearances across renderers. #12160
  • Expose the tonemapper and exposure properties of PostProcessStageCollection to allow changing the tonemap used when HDR is turned on. This defaults to the PBR Neutral Tonemap from Khronos #12160
  • Added WaterMask globe material, which visualizes areas of water or land based on the terrain's water mask. #12149
  • Fixed several bugs with PBR lighting for more realistic rendering. #12100, #12116, and #12118

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.

CesiumJS 1.120

01 Aug 18:52
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Highlights include:

  • Added Transforms.computeIcrfToMoonFixedMatrix and Transforms.computeMoonFixedToIcrfMatrix to compute the transformations between the Moon's fixed frame and ICRF at a given time.
  • Added Transforms.computeIcrfToCentralBodyFixedMatrix to specify the default ICRF to fixed frame transformation to use internally, including for lighting calculations.
  • Added SplitDirection property for display PointPrimitive and Billboard relative to the Scene.splitPosition. #11982
  • Fixed environment map LOD selection in image-based lighting. #12070
  • Corrected calculation of diffuse component in image-based lighting. #12082
  • Updated specular BRDF for image-based lighting. #12083

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.

CesiumJS 1.119

01 Jul 16:14
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Highlights include:

  • Added Ellipsoid.default to allow a central place to specify a default ellipsoid value to be used throughout the API where an ellipsoid is not otherwise specified. #4245
  • Various defaults have been updated to adjust when Ellipsoid.default is changed to a value other than the WGS84 ellipsoid.
  • Fixed diffuse color calculation for PBR materials. Many models will now appear slightly brighter. #12043
  • Fixed the calculation of base color in materials using the KHR_materials_specular extension #12041
  • Adjusted spacing for on screen Credits and updated recommendations for positioning custom ones. #11912

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.

CesiumJS 1.118

03 Jun 19:58
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1.118 - 2024-06-03

Highlights include:

See the changelog for the complete list of changes.