Five main features:
Visual Recognition - Use Watson to detect objects, people, celebrities, peroson's age, colour etc etc. In addition, the watson bot will draw red squares around the faces which it thinks it detects
Speech Conversion - Use Watson to convert any piece of text in a conversation into an audio file that is then posted i into slack. feature has many use cases associated.
Text Language Recognition & Translation - Use Watson to detect an origin of a piece of text. In addition, use the watson powered bot to translate that piece of text into the English language.
Document Conversion - Use Watson to convert a PDF, HTML, DOC, DOCX to recognize important information like recognizing any slack users in the document. If any slack user's name is in the document, watson will mention there name, so that the person can get a notification that they have been in a document.
Video Subtitle - Use my other repo's code called Watson_Subtitle to generate and attach subtitles into a video that is posted into slack.