- zig 0.13.0
zig build tool -- clone # clones zml into the current directory (gitignored)
zig build tool -- edit # prepares a WORKSPACE dir for editing
zig build tool -- build serve # builds the zine website and serves it
Now, you can edit all .smd
files, as well as .shtml
layouts, assets in the
directory, while live-viewing on
Only ever use the following link notation to link to other docs:
[blah][/folder/doc] # no extension, start with /
[back to the root index](/)
[some tutorial](/tutorials/foo)
For multi-repo reasons, we never serve images from the assets/
They wouldn't show up on GitHub!
Instead, we upload them into the docs-assets/
folder of the
zml.github.io website repo.
Until Zine is fixed (Loris is working on it), use the following notation for images:
Once it is fixed, normal image urls, starting with https://
will work again.
From then on, we can disable image-link-translation.
When you're done editing, run in the root dir of this repo:
zig build tool -- commit
The above will split the YAML header and content from
- YAML will go into
files in this repo, incontent/.../*.smd
- Markdown content will go into
files in the zml repo inzml/docs/content/.../*.md
So you need to (add and) commit both repos:
git commit
: this repo:.smd
, assets, layoutsgit commit -C zml
Markdown content
To help you with that, zig build tool -- commit
will run a git status
both repos at the end.
zig build tool -- commit
Content scan took 1ms
info: Performed Actions
info: - ProcessingFile{ .filename="WORKSPACE/content/misc/zml_api.smd", }
info: - SplitSmd{ .source_file="WORKSPACE/content/misc/zml_api.smd", .smd_dest="content/misc/zml_api.smd", .md_dest="zml/docs/misc/zml_api.md", }
info: - ProcessingFile{ .filename="WORKSPACE/content/misc/style_guide.smd", }
info: - SplitSmd{ .source_file="WORKSPACE/content/misc/style_guide.smd", .smd_dest="content/misc/style_guide.smd", .md_dest="zml/docs/misc/style_guide.md", }
Changes in this repo:
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: content/misc/index.smd
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Changes in zml repo:
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: docs/content/misc/index.md
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
- The
files are the authoritative source of existence, meaning: if there is no.smd
file in./contents/
, its associated.md
file from thezml
repo will not move into the workspace.
You can use above as a feature, adding .md
files that are intended only for
GH browsing use, even in the content/
directory; although, I'd advise against
such shenanigans.
- if you ever need to remove or rename a file in the docs:
- you must
it in both:- this repo:
- and the zml repo:
- this repo:
: builds all prerequisites, runstool
or tests -
: the main cmdline interface:
Usage: zig build tool -- command [opts]
Commands in order:
-1: help : prints this help message
0: clone [gitref] : clones zml and optionally checks out gitref
1: edit : creates and prepares the WORKSPACE for editing
2: build [serve ...] : builds the (edited) website and optionally runs the dev server
3: commit : prepares the WORKSPACE for committing
: translates between markdown and supermarkdown, called fromtool
(above) -
: little helpers do to shell scripty things -
: PCRE2 regex search / replace helpers for Markdown link replacements.