Syntax highlighting and automatic indentation for the Zig programming language in Emacs. Requires Emacs 24.3 or later.
Simply install the zig-mode
package via NonGNU ELPA or
Alternatively, you can git clone
the zig-mode
repository somewhere
(e.g. under your ~/.emacs.d/
). zig-mode
depends on
reformatter for
formatting buffers with zig fmt
can be installed from MELPA or installed manually in a
similar fashion to zig-mode
. For this method, clone the
git repository and add the path to the repository to
your load-path
Then add the following to your .emacs
(unless (version< emacs-version "24")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/your/zig-mode/")
(autoload 'zig-mode "zig-mode" nil t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.zig\\'" . zig-mode)))
To run the test locally, you will need the following tools:
Install all dependencies and development dependencies:
eask install-deps --dev
To test the package's installation:
eask package
eask install
To test compilation:
eask compile
🪧 The following steps are optional, but we recommend you follow these lint results!
The built-in checkdoc
eask lint checkdoc
The standard package
eask lint package
📝 P.S. For more information, find the Eask manual at
used to enable coloration of the compilation buffer using
ANSI color codes, but this affected all compilation buffers, not just
zig compilation output.
If you want to restore this behavior, you can add the following snippet
to your init.el
or .emacs
(if (>= emacs-major-version 28)
(add-hook 'compilation-filter-hook 'ansi-color-compilation-filter)
(defun colorize-compilation-buffer ()
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(ansi-color-apply-on-region compilation-filter-start (point))))
(add-hook 'compilation-filter-hook 'colorize-compilation-buffer)))
is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
option) any later version.
See the LICENSE file for details.