A command line password manager
zoo is a password managing daemon built atop ring.rs intended for usage on servers where other GUI-like options are not available or impractical.
cargo install --git https://github.com/yasammez/zoo.git
Once you have installed zoo, invoke it. It will ask you for a master password and then drop to the background. Do not lose
that password! It will then listen on a unix domain socket located at $HOME/.local/share/zoo/socket
. You can connect to
it via openbsd netcat nc -U ~/.local/share/zoo/socket
and issue commands directly. All changes made are instantaneously persisted,
so be careful. Recognized commands are
- ?: get a list of all commands
- put <key> <secret>: create a new secret or override the value of an existing one
- del <key>: remove the associated secret from the vault
- get <key>: obtain the associated secret
- lst: get a list of all known keys
- off: shutdown the daemon
Personally, I use zoo to provide my tmux statusline with a count of unread emails from various accounts. To this end, here are a couple helper scripts, written in fish (if that doesn't tickle your fancy, they should be easy to convert to something more POSIXy.
function getpass --description 'get a password, fail if not found'
echo -e "get $argv[1]\n" | nc -U ~/.local/share/zoo/socket | sed '/^val/!{q1}; s/^val //'
function getmail --description 'get number of unread email in mailaccount'
set pass (getpass $argv[2]); or return 1
curl -s --url "imaps://$argv[1]:993/inbox;UID=1" --user "$argv[2]:$pass" -X 'STATUS INBOX (UNSEEN)' | sed 's/.*(UNSEEN \([0-9]*\))/\1/' | tr -d '\r\n'
function updatemail
set result
set accounts 'name:imap.example.com:user'
for account in $accounts
set args (string split : $account)
set count (getmail $args[2] $args[3]); or return 1
if [ "$count" != "0" ]
set result $result " $args[1] $count"
echo $result > ~/.local/share/mailcount
I then include updatemail
in my crontab to update the mailcount-file regularly and finally include
a section #(cat ~/.local/share/mailcount)
in my tmuxline preset.
You can use zoo as your git credential store as well. For this I configured my git with
git config --global credential.helper '!fish -c "git-credential-zoo $0"'
which makes use of the following function:
function git-credential-zoo
if [ $argv[4] != "get" ]
while read line
set kv (string split "=" $line)
if [ $kv[1] = "username" ]
set pass (getpass $kv[2]); or return 1
echo "password=$pass"