172 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
What's Changed
This version upgrades the native libraries to Snappy 1.1.9. Currently, only a limited number of platforms are supported, including:
- Win32/64 (Only Intel)
- Mac64 (Intel, M1, M2). We no longer support Mac32
- Linux32, 64 (Intel, Arm), arm, armv6, armv7
- android-arm32
- ppc64le, ppc64
If you need more platform support, send a PR to build a native library with a docker-based cross compiler (See Makefile and Makefile.common for the reference). If a cross compiler for your platform is not available, create a PR with a native library built with make native
🚀 Features
- Add uncompressDoubleArray that takes offset and length @ashley-taylor (#307)
- Build native library for Snappy 1.1.9 @xerial (#380)
- Upgrade to snappy-1.1.9 @xerial (#379)
- Add Java 17 build test to GitHub action @wangyum (#346)
- Adding ppc64le support in Travis @Abhijit-Mane (#286)
- Build on riscv64 @zinovya (#283)
- Upgrade bitshuffle to 0.3.4 (#380)
👋 Deprecated
Bug Fixes
- Use original compressed and uncompressed buffer's position @viirya (#293)
- #302 Fixed running snappy-java as OSGi bundle on Apple Silicon (M1 Pro) @zh-muxa (#303)
- Avoid explicit class name in throw_exception @viirya (#291)
🔗 Dependency Updates
- Update airframe-log to 22.9.3 @xerial-bot (#349)
- Update hadoop-common to 2.7.7 @xerial-bot (#313)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.5.9 @xerial-bot (#344)
- Update airframe-log to 22.9.2 @xerial-bot (#347)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.7.5 @xerial-bot (#323)
- Update sbt to 1.7.1 @xerial-bot (#336)
- Update airframe-log to 22.9.0 @xerial-bot (#343)
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.4.6 @xerial-bot (#317)
- Update scalafmt-core to 2.6.4 @xerial-bot (#318)
- Update airframe-log to 21.12.1 @xerial-bot (#319)
- Update sbt-sonatype to 3.9.13 @xerial-bot (#320)
- Update sbt to 1.6.2 @xerial-bot (#321)
- Update sbt to 1.5.8 @xerial-bot (#316)
- Update sbt-osgi to 0.9.6 @xerial-bot (#312)
- Update junit-interface to 0.13.3 @xerial-bot (#311)
- Upgrade sbt to 1.5.6 @xerial (#301)
- Bump olafurpg/setup-scala from 10 to 13 @dependabot (#375)
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#376)
- Bump actions/cache from 1 to 3 @dependabot (#377)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.1 @xerial-bot (#368)
- Update sbt to 1.8.2 @xerial-bot (#366)
- Update sbt to 1.7.3 @xerial-bot (#355)
🛠 Internal Updates
- Add release drafter @xerial (#378)
- Add dependabot @xerial (#374)
- Add scalafmt dialect @xerial (#373)
- Add release automation workflow @xerial (#384)
- Update airframe-log to 22.12.6 @xerial-bot (#372)
- Update hadoop-common to 2.10.2 @xerial-bot (#371)
- Update sbt-pgp to 2.2.1 @xerial-bot (#361)
- Update plexus-classworlds to 2.7.0 @xerial-bot (#359)
- Update sbt-scalafmt to 2.5.0 @xerial-bot (#358)
- Update sbt-sonatype to 3.9.17 @xerial-bot (#370)
- Update sbt-sonatype to 3.9.15 @xerial-bot (#360)
- Update sbt-sonatype to 3.9.14 @xerial-bot (#357)
📚 Docs
- Remove pure-java support @xerial (#381)
- Fix links in Javadoc badge @valery1707 (#350)
- Fix links into benchmark results @valery1707 (#351)
- Fixes #280 Typo - java.io.tmpdir not java.io.tempdir @lehnerj (#325)
- Small typo fix @atisvagyok (#294)
Full Changelog: