An implementation of the ECS paradigm in Go.
package main
import (
ecs ""
func main() {
// List of component data types
type Shape struct{ shape string }
type Color struct{ color string }
type Name struct{ name string }
// Structure for storing components
// Several storage types are possible
components := struct {
Flag *ecs.NullComponent
Shape *ecs.SliceComponent
Color *ecs.DenseSliceComponent
Name *ecs.MapComponent
Value *ecs.SliceComponent
// Initialize a new manager
manager := ecs.NewManager()
// Create components
components.Flag = manager.NewNullComponent()
components.Shape = manager.NewSliceComponent()
components.Color = manager.NewDenseSliceComponent()
components.Name = manager.NewMapComponent()
components.Value = manager.NewSliceComponent()
// Create entities
manager.NewEntity().AddComponent(components.Shape, &Shape{"square"}).AddComponent(components.Color, &Color{"red"})
manager.NewEntity().AddComponent(components.Shape, &Shape{"circle"}).AddComponent(components.Name, &Name{"tom"}).AddComponent(components.Flag, nil)
manager.NewEntity().AddComponent(components.Color, &Color{"blue"}).AddComponent(components.Name, &Name{"john"})
AddComponent(components.Shape, &Shape{"triangle"}).
AddComponent(components.Color, &Color{"green"}).
AddComponent(components.Name, &Name{"paul"}).
AddComponent(components.Flag, nil)
// Loop on entities which have specified components
// The Join() method gives a bit.Set tag containing integers which can be converted to entities,
// and we use the bit.Set.Visit() method to loop through the set.
// The decorator ecs.Visit() is used when we want to iterate through all elements of the set.
// It converts each set element to an entity.
manager.Join(components.Shape, components.Name).Visit(ecs.Visit(func(entity ecs.Entity) {
shape := components.Shape.Get(entity).(*Shape)
name := components.Name.Get(entity).(*Name)
fmt.Printf("Entity has the shape '%s' and the name '%s'\n", shape.shape,
// If we want to break the loop when some condition is met, we use the Visit() method directly
aborted := manager.Join(components.Shape).Visit(func(index int) (skip bool) {
shape := components.Shape.Get(ecs.Entity(index)).(*Shape)
fmt.Printf("Entity has the shape '%s'\n", shape.shape)
if shape.shape == "circle" {
shape.shape = "CIRCLE"
fmt.Printf("Entity has now the shape '%s'\n", shape.shape)
return true
return false
fmt.Printf("Loop aborted: %v\n\n", aborted)
// The helper function ecs.GetFirst() is useful if we want only the first entity matching a tag
if firstEntity := ecs.GetFirst(manager.Join(components.Shape, components.Color, components.Name)); firstEntity != nil {
shape := components.Shape.Get(*firstEntity).(*Shape)
color := components.Color.Get(*firstEntity).(*Color)
name := components.Name.Get(*firstEntity).(*Name)
fmt.Printf("First matching entity has the shape '%s', the color '%s' and the name '%s'\n", shape.shape, color.color,
// The Not() method is used when we want to exclude a particular component
manager.Join(components.Flag.Not()).Visit(ecs.Visit(func(entity ecs.Entity) {
fmt.Printf("Entity components: ")
if entity.HasComponent(components.Shape) {
fmt.Printf("Shape: '%s', ", components.Shape.Get(entity).(*Shape).shape)
if entity.HasComponent(components.Color) {
fmt.Printf("Color: '%s', ", components.Color.Get(entity).(*Color).color)
if entity.HasComponent(components.Name) {
fmt.Printf("Name: '%s'", components.Name.Get(entity).(*Name).name)
// To iterate through all entities with at least one component, we use the Join() method without any argument
manager.Join().Visit(ecs.Visit(func(entity ecs.Entity) {
fmt.Printf("Entity components: ")
if entity.HasComponent(components.Shape) {
fmt.Printf("Shape: '%s', ", components.Shape.Get(entity).(*Shape).shape)
if entity.HasComponent(components.Color) {
fmt.Printf("Color: '%s', ", components.Color.Get(entity).(*Color).color)
if entity.HasComponent(components.Name) {
fmt.Printf("Name: '%s'", components.Name.Get(entity).(*Name).name)
// If the component data is not a pointer, we can use the Set() method to change its value
manager.NewEntity().AddComponent(components.Value, 3)
firstEntity := *ecs.GetFirst(manager.Join(components.Value))
fmt.Println("Old value:", components.Value.Get(firstEntity).(int))
components.Value.Set(firstEntity, 4)
fmt.Println("New value:", components.Value.Get(firstEntity).(int))