ESP8266 SDK provides users with a simple, fast and efficient development platform for Internet of Things products. The ESP8266 IOT Platform is based on the FreeRTOS ESP8266 SDK ( and adds on to it some commonly used functionalities, in an example application of a smart plug. This application uses the ESP-TOUCH protocol to realise smart configuration of the device. The communication protocols used are JSON and HTTP REST. An Android mobile APK ( is also included as a basic template for the users.
user_main.c: The entry point for the main program.
user_webserver.c: Creates the TCP webserver, using JSON packets and REST architecture.
user_devicefind.c: Creates a UDP service, which recieves special finder message on port 1025 and allows the user to discover devices on the network.
user_esp_platform.c: provides the Espressif Smart Configuration API (ESP-TOUCH) example; communicates with the Espressif Cloud servers (customize this to connect to your own servers); maintains the network status and data transmission to server.
user_plug.c: implements the functionality of a smart plug in this example.
user_esp_platform_timer.c: implements the timer functionalities.
user_light.c: could be used to output PWM signals that can be used for smart lighting.
user_cgi.c: implents an adapter between the HTTP webserver and the SDK.
upgrade.c: firmware upgrade example.
upgrade_lib.c: operations on FLASH devices pertaining the upgrade of firmware.
The include directory includes the relevant headers needed for the project. Of interest, is "user_config.h", which can be used to configure or select the examples. By setting the MACROs, we can enable the relevant functionality, e.g. PLUG_DEVICE and LIGHT_DEVICE.
Please note that you have to adjust these parameters based on your flash map. For more details, please refer to "2A-ESP8266 __IOT_SDK_User_Manuel"
user_esp_platform.h: #define ESP_PARAM_START_SEC 0x7D
user_light.h: #define PRIV_PARAM_START_SEC 0x7C
user_plug.h: #define PRIV_PARAM_START_SEC 0x7C
This contains the GPIO interface.
This directory implements a small HTTP server. It is compatible with most web browsers. Core contains the parser implementing the HTTP protocol and a simple file system. ESPFS is a file system with simple compression capabilites built in. util contains the interface with WiFi and DNS related codes.
These directories contain the JavaScript and HTML pages and user interface resources.
Target device can be configured through defining user_config.h macro. This application default configuration is a smart power plug (or smart power socket) (#define PLUG_DEVICE 1), and supports the HTTP server function (#define HTTPD_SERVER 1).
Run the compilation script ./; you will prompted for some configuration parameters. User the firmware download tool to flash the device with the bins generated. For my version of FreeRTOS ESP8266 SDK, I have used the following parameters in the upload:
boot_v1.4(b1).bin, downloads to flash 0x00000, downloads to flash 0x10000
esp_init_data_default.bin, downloads to 0x1fc000
blank.bin, downloads to flash 0x1fe000