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Simple gem for parsing markdown into a data structure, changing it, and rewriting it to a file


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The md_transformer gem provides a way to read, modify, and write Markdown much as a hash with header keys and markdown content values.

This code:

require 'md_transformer'

# Create a new markdown object and manipulate it
md = MdTransformer.markdown("# md_transformer\nThe md_transformer gem...\n")
md['md_transformer']['Installation'] = "Add this line to your application's Gemfile"
md['md_transformer']['Usage'] = ''
md['md_transformer']['Usage']['Creating a Markdown object'] = 'The `MdTransformer`...'

Generates a Markdown file at with the following content:

# md_transformer
The md_transformer gem...
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile
## Usage
### Creating a Markdown object
The `MdTransformer`...


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'md_transformer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install md_transformer


Creating a Markdown object

The MdTransformer module has several helper methods for creating a new MdTransformer::Markdown object.

Create from Content

Use the MdTransformer.markdown method to create a new MdTransformer::Markdown object from a string.

md_object = MdTransformer.markdown("# My document\nInformation is good.\n\n## More information\n> Detailed data\n")

The md method is also available as an alias to markdown

Create from File

Use the MdTransformer.markdown_file method to create a new MdTransformer::Markdown object from a file.

md_object = MdTransformer.markdown_file('')
md_object = MdTransformer.markdown_file('/full/path/to/')

The md_file method is also available as an alias to markdown_file

Manipulating the Markdown document

The MdTransformer::Markdown object can be used similarly to a Hash. Headers are treated as keys that refer to sections of the Markdown document.

Markdown can be Accessed as a Hash

# Create Markdown object from a string
md1 = MdTransformer.markdown("# Title\nContent\n## Sub-heading\nSub-content\n## Sub-heading 2\nMore content\n")

# Get all heading keys for the Title heading
# => ["Sub-heading", "Sub-heading 2"]

# Get the content of the Title heading
# => "Content\n"

# Get the content of the Sub-heading
# => "Sub-content\n"

# Dig for a key
md1.dig('Title', 'Sub-heading').content
# => "Sub-content\n"

# Output a section as a string
# => "# Title\nContent\n## Sub-heading\nSub-content\n## Sub-heading 2\nMore content\n"

# Update the content of a section
md1['Title']['Sub-heading'] = "Here is new content!\n"
# => "Here is new content!"

Markdown can be Compared

# Create Markdown objects from a string
md1 = MdTransformer.markdown("# Title\nContent\n## Sub-heading\nSub-content\n")
md2 = MdTransformer.markdown("# Title\nContent\n## Sub-heading\nSub-content 2\n")

md1 == md2
# => false

# Set the ## Sub-heading content on md2 to match md1
md2['Title']['Sub-heading'] = 'Sub-content'

md1 == md2
# => true

Markdown can be Enumerated

# Create Markdown object from a string
md1 = MdTransformer.markdown("# Title\nContent\n## Sub-heading\nSub-content\n## Sub-heading 2\nMore content\n")

md1['Title'].map { |k, v| "#{k}!" }
# => ["Sub-heading!", "Sub-heading 2!"]

Rendering the Markdown document

Viewing the content of the document

Use the to_s method to convert the MdTransformer::Markdown object into valid Markdown content.

# Show the current markdown document
puts md_object

# Assign the markdown document content to a string
string_content = md_object.to_s

Writing the document to a file

Use the write method to write the current MdTransformer::Markdown object's content to a file.


Need More Help?

Please take a look at the API documentation.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Simple gem for parsing markdown into a data structure, changing it, and rewriting it to a file







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