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Pick up, dust off, and improve cookie layering
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This patch does the following to the work in #1707:
- rebase to main
- add logic for parsing and storing cookies
- point to the IETF-hosted draft cookie spec
- don't point to storage access API for has storage access, use a broken
  link instead
- add a broken link to environment/ancestry
- add a broken link for the request's initiator origin plumbed in from HTML. It'll be defined here, but we need to modify HTML so we can track it in the top.
- add broken links to things that need to be added to HTML
- fix some nits (e.g. "foo" -> "<code>foo</code>")
- use [=secure context=] not scheme=https
- use SameSite=None by default. Let's punt on that for now, given the
  current state of implementations and lack of clear path forward.
  • Loading branch information
bvandersloot-mozilla committed Feb 4, 2025
1 parent 07662d3 commit 4aa94f8
Showing 1 changed file with 147 additions and 33 deletions.
180 changes: 147 additions & 33 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,10 +54,28 @@ urlPrefix:;type:dfn;spec:ecma-262
url:current-realm;text:current realm

url:name-cookie-store-and-limits;text:cookie store
url:name-parse-and-store-a-cookie;text:parse and store a cookie
url:name-parse-a-cookie;text:parse a cookie
url:name-store-a-cookie;text:store a cookie
url:name-retrieve-cookies;text:retrieve cookies
url:name-serialize-cookies;text:serialize cookies

<!-- TODO: pending HTML changes- ancestor enum (, has storage access bit, initiator origin plumbing -->
url:TODO;text:has storage access;for:environment

<pre class=biblio>
"authors": ["Johann Hofmann", "Anne Van Kesteren"],
"href": "",
"title": "Cookies: HTTP State Management Mechanism"
"HTTP": {
"aliasOf": "RFC9110"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1938,6 +1956,10 @@ not always relevant and might require different behavior.
"<code>client</code>" or an <a for=/>origin</a>. Unless stated otherwise it is

<p>A <a for=/>request</a> has an associated
<dfn export for=request id=concept-request-navigation-initiator-origin>navigation initiator origin</dfn>, which is
an <a for=/>origin</a> or null. Unless stated otherwise it is null.

<p class=note>"<code>client</code>" is changed to an <a for=/>origin</a> during
<a lt=fetch for=/>fetching</a>. It provides a convenient way for standards to not have to set
<a for=/>request</a>'s <a for=request>origin</a>.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2226,31 +2248,38 @@ or "<code>object</code>".

<div algorithm>
<p>A <a for=/>request</a> <var>request</var> has a
<dfn for=request id=concept-request-tainted-origin>redirect-tainted origin</dfn> if these steps
return true:
<p>A <a for=/>request</a> has a <dfn for=request id=concept-request-redirect-taint>redirect-taint</dfn>,
which is "<code>None</code>", "<code>Cross-Origin</code>", or "<code>Cross-Site</code>".
<p>To get <a for=/>request</a> <var>request</var>'s <a>redirect-taint</a>:

<li><p><a for=/>Assert</a>: <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>origin</a> is not

<li><p>Let <var>lastURL</var> be null.

<li><p>Let <var>crossOriginTaint</var> be "<code>None</code>".

<p><a for=list>For each</a> <var>url</var> of <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>URL list</a>:

<li><p>If <var>lastURL</var> is null, then set <var>lastURL</var> to <var>url</var> and
<a for=iteration>continue</a>.

<li><p>If <var>url</var>'s <a for=url>origin</a> is not <a for=/>same site</a> with
<var>lastURL</var>'s <a for=url>origin</a> and <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>origin</a> is
not <a for=/>same site</a> with <var>lastURL</var>'s <a for=url>origin</a>, then return "<code>Cross-Site</code>".

<li><p>If <var>url</var>'s <a for=url>origin</a> is not <a>same origin</a> with
<var>lastURL</var>'s <a for=url>origin</a> and <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>origin</a> is
not <a>same origin</a> with <var>lastURL</var>'s <a for=url>origin</a>, then return true.
not <a>same origin</a> with <var>lastURL</var>'s <a for=url>origin</a>,
then let <var>crossOriginTaint</var> be "<code>Cross-Origin</code>"..

<li>Set <var>lastURL</var> to <var>url</var>.

<li>Return false.
<li>Return <var>crossOriginTaint</var>.

Expand All @@ -2262,8 +2291,8 @@ run these steps:
<li><p><a for=/>Assert</a>: <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>origin</a> is not

<li><p>If <var>request</var> has a <a for=request>redirect-tainted origin</a>, then return
<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>redirect-taint</a> is not "<code>None</code>",
then return "<code>null</code>".

<li><p>Return <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>origin</a>,
<a lt="ASCII serialization of an origin">serialized</a>.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2372,8 +2401,8 @@ source of security bugs. Please seek security review for features that deal with
"<a for="embedder policy value"><code>credentialless</code></a>", then return true.</p>

<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>origin</a> is <a>same origin</a> with
<var>request</var>'s <a for=request>current URL</a>'s <a for=url>origin</a> and <var>request</var>
does not have a <a for=request>redirect-tainted origin</a>, then return true.</p>
<var>request</var>'s <a for=request>current URL</a>'s <a for=url>origin</a> and <var>request</var>'s
<a for=request>redirect-taint</a> is not "<code>None</code>", then return true.</p>

<li><p>Return false.</p>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2489,6 +2518,9 @@ this is also tracked internally using the request's <a for=request>timing allow
<p>A <a for=/>response</a> has an associated <dfn for=response>has-cross-origin-redirects</dfn>
(a boolean), which is initially false.

<p>A <a for=/>response</a> has an associated <dfn for=response>has-cross-site-redirects</dfn>
(a boolean), which is initially false.


<p>A <dfn export id=concept-network-error>network error</dfn> is a <a for=/>response</a> whose
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2710,7 +2742,6 @@ manually. [[!HTML]]

<h3 id=authentication-entries>Authentication entries</h3>

<p>An <dfn export>authentication entry</dfn> and a <dfn export>proxy-authentication entry</dfn> are
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3292,6 +3323,105 @@ through TLS using ALPN. The protocol cannot be spoofed through HTTP requests in

<h2 id=http-extensions>HTTP extensions</h2>

<h3 id=cookie-header>`<code>Cookie</code>` header</h3>

<p>The `<dfn export http-header id=http-cookie><code>Cookie</code></dfn>`
request <a for=/>header</a> allows the request to carry locally stored state, such as user credentials.

<div algorithm>
<p>To <dfn id=append-a-request-cookie-header>append a request `<code>Cookie</code>` header</dfn>,
given a <a for=/>request</a> <var>request</var>, run these steps:
<li><p>Let |sameSite| be the result of [=determining the same-site mode=] for <var>request</var>.
<li><p>Let |isSecure| be false.
<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>client</a> is a <a>secure context</a>, then set |isSecure| to true.
<li><p>Let |httpOnlyAllowed| be true.
<p class=note>Fetch implies that the request is http-only, as opposed to document.cookie
<li><p>Let |partitionKey| be the result of [=computing the cookie partition key=] for <var>request</var>.
<li><p>Let |partitionedContext| be the result of [=determining the partitioned context state=] for |request|.
<li><p>Let |cookies| be the result of running <a>retrieve cookies</a> given
<var>request</var>'s <a for=request>current URL</a>'s <a for=url>host</a>,
<var>request</var>'s <a for=request>current URL</a>'s <a for=url>path</a>,
and |partitionedContext|.

<p class=note>It is expected that the cookie store returns an ordered list of cookies
<li>If |cookies| <a for="list">is empty</a>, then return.
<li>Let |value| be the result of running <a>serialize cookies</a> given |cookies|.
<li><a for="header list">Append</a> (`<code>Cookie</code>`, <var>value</var>) to <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>header list</a>.

<div algorithm>
<p>To <dfn id=parse-and-store-response-cookie-headers>parse and store response `<code>Set-Cookie</code>` headers</dfn>,
given a <a for=/>request</a> <var>request</var> and a <a for=/>response</a> <var>response</var>, run these steps:
<li><p>Let |allowNonHostOnlyCookieForPublicSuffix| be false.
<li><p>Let |isSecure| be false.
<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>client</a> is a <a>secure context</a>, then set |isSecure| to true.
<li><p>Let |httpOnlyAllowed| be true.
<p class=note>Fetch implies that the request is http-only, as opposed to document.cookie
<li><p>Let |partitionKey| be the result of [=computing the cookie partition key=] for <var>request</var>.
<li><p>Let |partitionedContext| be the result of [=determining the partitioned context state=] for |request|.
<li><p>Let |sameSiteStrictOrLaxAllowed| be true if the result of [=determine the same-site mode=] for |request| is "<code>StrictOrLess</code>", and false otherwise.
<li><p><a for=list>For each</a> <var>header</var> of <var>response</var>'s <a for=response>header list</a>:
<li><p>If <var>header</var>'s <a for=header>name</a> is not a <a>byte-case-insensitive</a> match for `<code>Set-Cookie</code>`, then <a for=iteration>continue</a>.
<li><p><a>Parse and store a cookie</a> given
<var>header</var>'s <a for=header>value</a>,
<var>request</var>'s <a for=request>current URL</a>'s <a for=url>host</a>,
<var>request</var>'s <a for=request>current URL</a>'s <a for=url>path</a>,
and |partitionedContext|.

<div algorithm>
<p>To <dfn>determine the same-site mode</dfn> for a given <a for=/>request</a> <var>request</var>, run these steps:
<li><p><a for=/>Assert</a>: <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>method</a> is "GET" or "POST".
<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>navigation initiator origin</a> is not null and is not <a for=/>same site</a> to <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>URL</a>'s <a for=url>origin</a>, return "<code>UnsetOrLess</code>".
<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>method</a> is "GET" and
<var>request</var>'s <a for=request>destination</a> is "document", return "<code>LaxOrLess</code>".
<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>client</a>'s <a for=environment>ancestry</a> is "<code>cross-site</code>", return "<code>UnsetOrLess</code>".
<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>redirect-taint</a> is "<code>Cross-Site</code>", return "<code>UnsetOrLess</code>".
<li><p>Return "StrictOrLess".

<div algorithm>
<p>To <dfn>compute the cookie partition key</dfn> for a given <a for=/>request</a> <var>request</var>, run these steps:
<li><p>Let <var>topLevelOrigin</var> be <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>client</a>'s
<a for="environment">top-level origin</a>.

<li><p>Let <var>topLevelSite</var> be the result of <a lt="obtain a site">obtaining a site</a>,
given <var>topLevelOrigin</var>.

<li><p>Let <var>crossSiteAncestors</var> be <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>client</a>'s <a for=environment>cross site ancestry</a>.

<li><p>Return (<var>topLevelSite</var>, <var>crossSiteAncestors</var>).

<div algorithm>
<p>To <dfn>determine the partitioned context state</dfn> for a given <a for=/>request</a> <var>request</var>, run these steps:
<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>client</a>'s <a for=environment>cross site ancestry</a> is false, return false.
<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>client</a>'s [=environment/has storage access=] is true, return false.
<li><p>Return true.

<h3 id=origin-header>`<code>Origin</code>` header</h3>

<p>The `<dfn export http-header id=http-origin><code>Origin</code></dfn>`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4680,9 +4810,12 @@ steps:
<!-- If you are ever tempted to move this around, carefully consider responses from about URLs,
blob URLs, service workers, HTTP cache, HTTP network, etc. -->

<li><p>If <var>request</var> has a <a for=request>redirect-tainted origin</a>, then set
<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>redirect-taint</a> is not "<code>None</code>", then set
<var>internalResponse</var>'s <a for=response>has-cross-origin-redirects</a> to true.

<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>redirect-taint</a> is "<code>Cross-Site</code>", then set
<var>internalResponse</var>'s <a for=response>has-cross-site-redirects</a> to true.

<li><p>If <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>timing allow failed flag</a> is unset, then set
<var>internalResponse</var>'s <a for=response>timing allow passed flag</a>.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5710,21 +5843,9 @@ run these steps:
<p>If <var>includeCredentials</var> is true, then:

<p>If the user agent is not configured to block cookies for <var>httpRequest</var> (see
<a href=>section 7</a> of
[[!COOKIES]]), then:

<li><p>Let <var>cookies</var> be the result of running the "cookie-string" algorithm (see
<a href=>section 5.4</a> of
[[!COOKIES]]) with the user agent's cookie store and <var>httpRequest</var>'s
<a for=request>current URL</a>.
<p class=note>This permits some implementations to choose to not support cookies for some or all <var>httpRequest</var>s.

<li>If <var>cookies</var> is not the empty string, then <a for="header list">append</a>
(`<code>Cookie</code>`, <var>cookies</var>) to <var>httpRequest</var>'s
<a for=request>header list</a>.
<li><p>The user agent should <a>append a request `<code>Cookie</code>` header</a> for <var>httpRequest</var>.

<p>If <var>httpRequest</var>'s <a for=request>header list</a>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6288,14 +6409,7 @@ optional boolean <var>forceNewConnection</var> (default false), run these steps:
<li><p>Set <var>response</var>'s <a for=response>body</a> to a new <a for=/>body</a> whose
<a for=body>stream</a> is <var>stream</var>.

<li><p tracking-vector>If <var>includeCredentials</var> is true and the user agent is not
configured to block cookies for <var>request</var> (see
<a href=>section 7</a> of
[[!COOKIES]]), then run the "set-cookie-string" parsing algorithm (see
<a href=>section 5.2</a> of [[!COOKIES]]) on the
<a for=header>value</a> of each <a for=/>header</a> whose <a for=header>name</a> is a
<a>byte-case-insensitive</a> match for `<code>Set-Cookie</code>` in <var>response</var>'s
<a for=response>header list</a>, if any, and <var>request</var>'s <a for=request>current URL</a>.
<li><p tracking-vector>If <var>includeCredentials</var> is true, the user agent should <a>parse and store response `<code>Set-Cookie</code>` headers</a> given <var>request</var> and <var>response</var>.

<p>Run these steps <a>in parallel</a>:
Expand Down

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