Asynchronous translating plugin for Vim/Neovim
- Installation
- Features
- Configuration
- Keymaps
- Commands
- Highlight
- Statusline
- Know bugs
- Breaking changes
- References
- License
Plug 'voldikss/vim-translator'
- Asynchronous & mutithreading translating
- Popupwin(vim8) & floatwin(neovim) support
- Multiple engines: see g:translator_default_engines
- Proxy support
- No requirements for appid/appkey
Type String
Default: 'zh'
Please refer to language support list
Type String
Default: 'auto'
Please refer to language support list
Type List
of String
Available: 'bing'
, 'google'
, 'haici'
, 'iciba'
(expired), 'sdcv'
, 'trans'
, 'youdao'
Default: If g:translator_target_lang
is 'zh'
, this will be ['bing', 'google', 'haici', 'youdao']
, otherwise ['google']
Type String
. Default: ''
Example: let g:translator_proxy_url = 'socks5://'
Type Boolean
Default: v:false
Type String
Default: 'popup'
Available: 'popup'
(use floatwin in nvim or popup in vim), 'preview'
Type Number
(number of columns) or Float
(between 0 and 1). If Float
the width is relative to &columns
Default: 0.6
Type Number
(number of lines) or Float
(between 0 and 1). If Float
, the
height is relative to &lines
Default: 0.6
Type List
of String
. Characters of the floating window border.
Default: ['─', '│', '─', '│', '┌', '┐', '┘', '└']
This plugin doesn't supply any default mappings.
""" Configuration example
" Echo translation in the cmdline
nmap <silent> <Leader>t <Plug>Translate
vmap <silent> <Leader>t <Plug>TranslateV
" Display translation in a window
nmap <silent> <Leader>w <Plug>TranslateW
vmap <silent> <Leader>w <Plug>TranslateWV
" Replace the text with translation
nmap <silent> <Leader>r <Plug>TranslateR
vmap <silent> <Leader>r <Plug>TranslateRV
" Translate the text in clipboard
nmap <silent> <Leader>x <Plug>TranslateX
Once the translation window is opened, type <C-w>p
to jump into it and again to jump back
Beside, there is a function which can be used to scroll window, only works in neovim.
nnoremap <silent><expr> <M-f> translator#window#float#has_scroll() ?
\ translator#window#float#scroll(1) : "\<M-f>"
nnoremap <silent><expr> <M-b> translator#window#float#has_scroll() ?
\ translator#window#float#scroll(0) : "\<M-b>"
:Translate[!] [--engines=ENGINES] [--target_lang=TARGET_LANG] [--source_lang=SOURCE_LANG] [your text]
Translate the text
from the source language source_lang
to the target language target_lang
with engine
, echo the result in the cmdline
If engines
is not given, use g:translator_default_engines
If text
is not given, use the text under the cursor
If target_lang
is not given, use g:translator_target_lang
The command can also be passed to a range, i.e., :'<,'>Translate ...
, which translates text in visual selection
If !
is provided, the plugin will perform a reverse translating by switching target_lang
and source_lang
Examples(you can use <Tab>
to get completion):
:Translate " translate the word under the cursor
:Translate --engines=google,youdao are you ok " translate text `are you ok` using google and youdao engines
:2Translate ... " translate line 2
:1,3Translate ... " translate line 1 to line 3
:'<,'>Translate ... " translate selected lines
:TranslateW[!] [--engines=ENGINES] [--target_lang=TARGET_LANG] [--source_lang=SOURCE_LANG] [your text]
Like :Translate...
, but display the translation in a window
:TranslateR[!] [--engines=ENGINES] [--target_lang=TARGET_LANG] [--source_lang=SOURCE_LANG] [your text]
Like :Translate...
, but replace the current text with the translation
:TranslateX[!] [--engines=ENGINES] [--target_lang=TARGET_LANG] [--source_lang=SOURCE_LANG] [your text]
Translate the text in the clipboard
Export the translation history
Display log message
Here are the default highlight links. To customize, use hi
or hi link
" Text highlight of translator window
hi def link TranslatorQuery Identifier
hi def link TranslatorDelimiter Special
hi def link TranslatorExplain Statement
" Background of translator window border
hi def link Translator Normal
hi def link TranslatorBorder NormalFloat