The C++ Color Picker class can also be reused in other programs.
Original Plugin was abandoned.
QuickColorPicker and newer requires Notepad++ 8.4.6 or newer.
Newer versions of Notepad++ use SC_TECHNOLOGY_DIRECTWRITE
which causes the inline color underlines to not display. If you have a
scripting plugin, you can disable SC_TECHNOLOGY_DIRECTWRITE
for the buffer
with QuickColorPicker manually.
Updated to parse Notepad++ XML theme files. Now recognizes the follwing:
- #ff0000
- #ff0000 more text
- #ff0000;
- #ff0000.
- (#ff0000)
- "#ff0000"
- <some_tag>#ff0000</some_tag>
- olor="#ff0000"
- rgb(255,0,0)
- rgba(255,0,0,0)
- hsl(255,0%,0%)
- hsla(255,0%,0%,1)
- Fixed crash problem cause by Scintilla RegExp search interface
- Use self-drawn underline marker to avoid comflict with other plugins & features
- Added Color Picker & Screen Picker commands for hotkey assignment
- Added HSL & HSLA color format support
- Added transparent color support (with adjustment)
- Use SPACE key toggle mouse speed in Screen Picker for better aiming
- Slightly enlarged UI elements
- HEX/RGB/RGBA/HSL/HSLA color code highlight
- Double-click activation of color picker
- double-click hex code portion "ffcc00" of hex string
- double-click "rgb"/"rgba"/"hsl"/"hsla" header of bracket colors
- Allow assign hotkeys for Color Picker and Screen Picker
- Professional color palette
- same palette layout as in most popular design software
- recent color swatches
- mark current color on palette
- compare new & old colors
- Quick HSLA color tuning
- click to fine-tune the Hue, Saturation, Lightness or Transparency of your color
- right-click on palette color to put the color into tuning swatch
- Screen color picker
- hide notepad++ window while picking color
- zoomed aim, press SPACE to toggle precise aiming mode
- real-time color code display
- Access Windows Color Chooser
- recent colors will appear in custom colors list
This project is using for css color parse.