A collection of papers about characters generation with machine learning
- Non-Machine Learning
- Parametric Model
- Sparse Decomposition
- Avatar Creation
- Rigging
- Deformation
- Body Simulation
- Cloth Simulation
- Motion Controller
- Motion Generation
- Motion Inbetweening
- Motion Retargeting
- Dataset Generation
- Datasets
It's odd that non-ML is included in the ML list. The non-ML papers serve as a foundation and important to know.
Real-time skeletal skinning with optimized centers of rotation.
Le, Binh Huy, and Jessica K. Hodgins
2016. [PDF]
Learning from the Artist: Theory and Practice of Example-Based Character Deformation.
J Lewis
2016. [PDF]
SMPL: A Skinned Multi-Person Linear Model.
Loper, Matthew, Naureen Mahmood, Javier Romero, Gerard Pons-Moll, and Michael J. Black
2015. [PDF]
Delta Mush: smoothing deformations while preserving detail.
J Mancewicz, ML Derksen, H Rijpkema, et al.
2014. [PDF]
Pose-space animation and transfer of facial details.
Bickel, Bernd, Manuel Lang, Mario Botsch, Miguel A. Otaduy, and Markus Gross
2008. [PDF]
Skinning with dual quaternions.
Kavan, Ladislav, Steven Collins, Jiří Žára, and Carol O'Sullivan
2007. [PDF]
Real‐time weighted pose‐space deformation on the GPU.
Rhee, Taehyun, John P. Lewis, and Ulrich Neumann
2006. [PDF]
Pose space deformation: a unified approach to shape interpolation and skeleton-driven deformation.
Lewis, John P., Matt Cordner, and Nickson Fong
2000. [PDF]
Joint-dependent local deformations for hand animation and object grasping.
Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia, Richard Laperrire, and Daniel Thalmann
1988. [PDF]
Enriching facial blendshape rigs with physical simulation.
Kozlov, Yeara, Derek Bradley, Moritz Bächer, Bernhard Thomaszewski, Thabo Beeler, and Markus Gross
2017. [PDF]
Blendforces: A dynamic framework for facial animation.
Barrielle, Vincent, Nicolas Stoiber, and Cédric Cagniart
2016. [PDF]
Reconstructing personalized anatomical models for physics-based body animation.
Kadleček, Petr, Alexandru-Eugen Ichim, Tiantian Liu, Jaroslav Křivánek, and Ladislav Kavan
2016. [PDF]
Efficient elasticity for character skinning with contact and collisions.
McAdams, Aleka, Yongning Zhu, Andrew Selle, Mark Empey, Rasmus Tamstorf, Joseph Teran, and Eftychios Sifakis
2011. [PDF]
Efficient Simulation of Inextensible Cloth.
Goldenthal, Rony, David Harmon, Raanan Fattal, Michel Bercovier, and Eitan Grinspun
2007. [PDF]
Invertible Finite Elements For Robust Simulation of Large Deformation.
Irving, Geoffrey, Joseph Teran, and Ronald Fedkiw
2004. [PDF]
Doug Roble - YouTube channel
Ladislav Kavan - YouTube channel
Learning a model of facial shape and expression from 4D scans.
Li, Tianye, Timo Bolkart, Michael J. Black, Hao Li, and Javier Romero
2017. [PDF]
Building Statistical Shape Spaces for 3D Human Modeling.
Pishchulin, Leonid, Stefanie Wuhrer, Thomas Helten, Christian Theobalt, and Bernt Schiele.
2017. [PDF]
SMPL: A skinned multi-person linear model.
Loper, Matthew, Naureen Mahmood, Javier Romero, Gerard Pons-Moll, and Michael J. Black.
SIGGRAPH 2015. [PDF][Course]
Parametric modeling of 3D human body shape—A survey.
Cheng, Zhi-Quan, Yin Chen, Ralph R. Martin, Tong Wu, and Zhan Song.
2015. [Website]
A Statistical Model of Human Pose and Body Shape.
Hasler, Nils, Carsten Stoll, Martin Sunkel, Bodo Rosenhahn, and H‐P. Seidel.
2009. [PDF]
SCAPE: Shape Completion and Animation of People.
Anguelov, Dragomir, Praveen Srinivasan, Daphne Koller, Sebastian Thrun, Jim Rodgers, and James Davis.
The space of human body shapes: reconstruction and parameterization from range scans.
Allen, Brett, Brian Curless, and Zoran Popović.
2003. [PDF]
A morphable model for the synthesis of 3D faces.
Blanz, Volker, and Thomas Vetter.
1999. [PDF]
Generating 3D faces using convolutional mesh autoencoders.
Ranjan, Anurag, Timo Bolkart, Soubhik Sanyal, and Michael J. Black.
2018. [PDF]
Mesh-based Autoencoders for Localized Deformation Component Analysis.
Tan, Qingyang, Lin Gao, Yu-Kun Lai, Jie Yang, and Shihong Xia.
Sparse Data Driven Mesh Deformation.
Lin Gao, Yu-Kun Lai, Jie Yang, Ling-Xiao Zhang, Leif Kobbelt, Shihong Xia.
2017. [PDF]
Linear Shape Deformation Models with Local Support using Graph-based Structured Matrix Factorisation.
Bernard, Florian, Peter Gemmar, Frank Hertel, Jorge Goncalves, and Johan Thunberg.
2016. [PDF]
Sparse Localized Decomposition of Deformation Gradients.
Huang, Zhichao, Junfeng Yao, Zichun Zhong, Yang Liu, and Xiaohu Guo.
SPLOCS with deformation gradients
2014. [PDF]
Sparse localized deformation components.
Introduces SPLOCS.
Neumann, Thomas, Kiran Varanasi, Stephan Wenger, Markus Wacker, Marcus Magnor, and Christian Theobalt.
2013. [PDF]
SMPLpix: Neural Avatars from 3D Human Models.
Prokudin, Sergey, Michael J. Black, and Javier Romero.
2021. [PDF][GitHub]
Expressive body capture: 3d hands, face, and body from a single image.
Pavlakos, Georgios, Vasileios Choutas, Nima Ghorbani, Timo Bolkart, Ahmed AA Osman, Dimitrios Tzionas, and Michael J. Black.
2019. [PDF][GitHub]
Direct Manipulation Blendshapes.
Lewis, John P., and Ken-ichi Anjyo.
2010. [PDF]
Learning Skeletal Articulations with Neural Blend Shapes.
Li, Peizhuo, Kfir Aberman, Rana Hanocka, Libin Liu, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, and Baoquan Chen.
HeterSkinNet: A Heterogeneous Network for Skin Weights Prediction.
Pan, Xiaoyu, Jiancong Huang, Jiaming Mai, He Wang, Honglin Li, Tongkui Su, Wenjun Wang, and Xiaogang Jin.
I3D 2021. [PDF]
Rignet: Neural rigging for articulated characters.
Xu, Zhan, Yang Zhou, Evangelos Kalogerakis, Chris Landreth, and Karan Singh.
NiLBS: Neural Inverse Linear Blend Skinning.
Jeruzalski, Timothy, David IW Levin, Alec Jacobson, Paul Lalonde, Mohammad Norouzi, and Andrea Tagliasacchi.
PBNS: Physically Based Neural Simulator for Unsupervised Garment Pose Space Deformation.
Bertiche, Hugo, Meysam Madadi, and Sergio Escalera.
Fast and deep deformation approximations.
Bailey, Stephen W., Dave Otte, Paul Dilorenzo, and James F. O'Brien.
Fast and deep facial deformations.
Bailey, Stephen W., Dalton Omens, Paul Dilorenzo, and James F. O'Brien.
2020. [PDF]
SoftSMPL: Data-driven Modeling of Nonlinear Soft-tissue Dynamics for Parametric Humans.
Santesteban, Igor, Elena Garces, Miguel A. Otaduy, and Dan Casas.
Eurographics 2020.[PDF]
SNUG: Self-Supervised Neural Dynamic Garments.
Igor Santesteban, Miguel A. Otaduy, and Dan Casas.
2022. [PDF]
Self-Supervised Collision Handling via Generative 3D Garment Models for Virtual Try-On.
Igor Santesteban, Nils Thuerey, Miguel A. Otaduy and Dan Casas.
2021. [PDF]
Swish: Neural Network Cloth Simulation on Madden NFL 21.
Lewin, Chris, James Power, and James Cobb.
TailorNet: Predicting Clothing in 3D as a Function of Human Pose, Shape and Garment Style.
Patel, Chaitanya, Zhouyingcheng Liao, and Gerard Pons-Moll.
2020. [PDF]
Learning Mesh-Based Simulation with Graph Networks.
Pfaff, Tobias, Meire Fortunato, Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez, and Peter W. Battaglia.
2020. [PDF]
Subspace neural physics: Fast data-driven interactive simulation.
Holden, Daniel, Bang Chi Duong, Sayantan Datta, and Derek Nowrouzezahrai..
2020. [PDF]
ProtoRes: Proto-Residual Architecture for Deep Modeling of Human Pose.
Oreshkin, Boris N., Florent Bocquelet, Félix H. Harvey, Bay Raitt, and Dominic Laflamme.
2021. [PDF][Website]
Neural animation layering for synthesizing martial arts movements.
Starke, Sebastian, Yiwei Zhao, Fabio Zinno, and Taku Komura.
2021. [PDF]
AMP: Adversarial Motion Priors for Stylized Physics-Based Character Control.
Peng, Xue Bin, Ze Ma, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Levine, and Angjoo Kanazawa.
2021. [PDF]
A GAN-Like Approach for Physics-Based Imitation Learning and Interactive Character Control.
Xu, Pei, and Ioannis Karamouzas.
2021. [PDF]
Learned motion matching.
Xu, Pei, and Ioannis Karamouzas.
2020. [PDF]
Local motion phases for learning multi-contact character movements.
Starke, Sebastian, Yiwei Zhao, Taku Komura, and Kazi Zaman.
2020. [PDF]
Neural state machine for character-scene interactions.
Starke, Sebastian, He Zhang, Taku Komura, and Jun Saito.
SIGGRAPH Asia 2019. [PDF]
Mode-adaptive neural networks for quadruped motion control .
Zhang, He, Sebastian Starke, Taku Komura, and Jun Saito.
2018. [PDF]
Phase-functioned neural networks for character control.
Holden, Daniel, Taku Komura, and Jun Saito.
2017. [PDF]
CARL: Controllable Agent with Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped Locomotion.
Luo, Ying-Sheng, Jonathan Hans Soeseno, Trista Pei-Chun Chen, and Wei-Chao Chen.
2020. [PDF]
From Motor Control to Team Play in Simulated Humanoid Football.
Liu, Siqi, Guy Lever, Zhe Wang, Josh Merel, S. M. Eslami, Daniel Hennes, Wojciech M. Czarnecki et al.
Deeploco: Dynamic locomotion skills using hierarchical deep reinforcement learning.
Peng, Xue Bin, Glen Berseth, KangKang Yin, and Michiel Van De Panne.
Emergence of locomotion behaviours in rich environments.
Heess, Nicolas, Dhruva TB, Srinivasan Sriram, Jay Lemmon, Josh Merel, Greg Wayne, Yuval Tassa et al..
Flexible muscle-based locomotion for bipedal creatures.
Geijtenbeek, Thomas, Michiel Van De Panne, and A. Frank Van Der Stappen
Recurrent transition networks for character locomotion.
Harvey, Félix G., and Christopher Pal
SIGGRAPH Asia 2018.[PDF]
Robust motion in-betweening.
Harvey, Félix G., Mike Yurick, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, and Christopher Pal
Skeleton-Aware Networks for Deep Motion Retargeting.
Aberman, Kfir, Peizhuo Li, Dani Lischinski, Olga Sorkine-Hornung, Daniel Cohen-Or, and Baoquan Chen
Learning from Synthetic Humans.
Varol, Gul, Javier Romero, Xavier Martin, Naureen Mahmood, Michael J. Black, Ivan Laptev, and Cordelia Schmid.
2017. [PDF]
LAFAN1 - Ubisoft La Forge Animation Dataset.
Félix G. Harvey and Mike Yurick and Derek Nowrouzezahrai and Christopher Pal.
2020. [Website]
MPII Human Pose - 2D Human Pose Estimation: New Benchmark and State of the Art Analysis.
Mykhaylo Andriluka and Leonid Pishchulin and Peter Gehler and Schiele, Bernt.
2014. [Website]
Human3.6M Large Scale Datasets and Predictive Methods for 3D Human Sensing in Natural Environments.
Ionescu, Catalin, Dragos Papava, Vlad Olaru, and Cristian Sminchisescu.
2013. [Website]
HumanEva I/II
Ionescu, Catalin, Dragos Papava, Vlad Olaru, and Cristian Sminchisescu.
Facebook Research
50K humans, collecting more then 5 million manually annotated correspondences
SURREAL : Synthetic hUmans foR REAL tasks
50K humans, collecting more then 5 million manually annotated correspondences
6M RGB frames of synthetic humans.
- Dan Casas : http://dancasas.github.io
- Sebastian Starke : https://github.com/sebastianstarke/AI4Animation
- Computer Graphics in the Era of AI : http://cs348i.stanford.edu/
- https://khanhha.github.io/posts/3D-human-datasets/
- https://graphics.soe.ucsc.edu/data/BodyModels/index.html
- https://sric.me/Learning-to-Reconstruct-People/
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