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ScalaFinal is the whole Finder for Scala Final Project the ScalaFinalProjectwithUI finder is the final version of the project. It includes all codes,tests. It uses Play Framework to interact with the stream.

the Streaming Finder is the a finder that stores the funciton codes for project. the ScalaTest File UnitTest stores the tests incase of some version conflicts.

When using activator to run the ScalaFinalProjectwithUI, the steps are below:

  1. execute activator run under ScalaFinalProjectwithUI
  2. the first page is index page, input the directory(/directory/filename) that you want to store the real-time tweets in. then click 'load'
  3. the second page is showing that the project is loading the real-time data, click stop when you want to stop loading. the number of tweets you download is related the loading time.
  4. the third page is cluster page, input the directory(/directory/filename) that you want to store result of clustering in.
  5. the final page is result page,it shows the reults of the clustering " 0 cluster has 3 tweets" "0" stands of the cluster Id, "3" stands of number of tweets in this cluster.

When using the Streaming finder to run the project, the steps are below:

  1. The first step of the Project is to get the data, it was written in TwitterPopularTags.scala. In this file, we used the sparkStreaming and TwitterApi to get real-time tweets. We did the tokenization to these tweets and then got the preprocessed data in Format String and then we stored it into a file named tweets. For tokenization,we wrote a tokenizer.scala to operate many functions to remove the meaningless symbols and some other content like urls,emotions. We wrote the UnitTest file to check each functions and regular expressions in tokenizer file. The UnitTest file is put into the Tests finder.

  2. The second step of the project is to read the data from the file and then calculate tf-idf, vector for each documents. The outpus of the each sub-steps have screenshops that are collected in the file named ScreeShots For Clustering Operation outputs for each step.

  3. The third step of the project is using the vectors for all documents as the dataset to calculater the distance by K-Means and to cluster the terms

Cluster result analyis:

Our project could cluster tweet stream into a number of clusters as predefined. One of the clusters will always contain much more tweets than other clusters do and this cluster usually comes with an index of 0 or 1. That is a result based on k-means clustering mechanism. In this project, firstly a tf-idf computation will be made and each word's tf-idf value will be computed and be regarded as points in a dimensional space. Program algorithem will use these this value points to do further action. K-means: one of the most commonly used clustering algorithm that cluster data points into predefined number of clusters. When realize this clusting in k-means, the algorithm randonly choose a few starting centroid point and form vectors based on these centroids with another chosen points. The algorithm will compute when assigning points to centroid and find if the sum of squares is the smallest. (Mathematically with formula: S_i^{(t)}=\left { x_p:\left | x_p-m_i^{(t)} \right |^2\leq \left | x_p -m_j^{(t)} \right |^2\forall j,1\leq j\leq k \right }) A new centriod will be assigned to a point if smaller distance is found. In this project, as tweet contains very small number of words and people usualy write abbreviated phrases, so functional word is less obvious. That is tf-idf value of each word will be quite similar and outstanding points are fewer. Therefore, when k-means performs clustering, the assumption of a word belonging to a cluster will hardly be defended. And only really special points will be left waiting to later cluster. That is why when forming first one or two cluster, there are usually many points than later cluster do. On the other hand, some smaller clusters will be formed as well(like smaller cluster with hundreds points within thousands data points). That is because when collecting data stream, some real time topic tweet are clustered to form these smaller cluster, like entertainment or politics topics.


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