The Sitecore-PowerShell-Installer script enables you to install Production-ready Sitecore instances from the command-line. This script supports installing Sitecore 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2. I've provided some example .config files for standard Sitecore server roles to help get you started.
- Install Sitecore with or without the databases.
- Supports installing a CD, CM, Processing, or Publishing server
- Script sanity checks SQL connection, input validation, and module dependencies prior to making any changes
- Write output to the screen and to a log file.
- Fine-grained control of the application pool identity (built-in or domain account)
- Assign recommended file system permissions on web server.
- Add application pool identity to recommended local groups on web server.
- Create user mappings for login in SQL and grant execute permission.
- Install database files on any valid filesystem path or UNC share
- SQL Login used during install doesn't have to be the same account executing the script.
- Full supports MongoDB's connection string specification
- May supply a Solr base address
- Choose to use SQL as a session state server
- Optionally encrypt connection strings
- Many CD-hardening options
- Web Server (IIS) Administration:
- SQL Server PowerShell
- Description:
- Install Instructions:
- ImportExcel PowerShell Module: used to process Sitecore's Config Enable/Disable spreadsheet
- Install-Module -Name ImportExcel
- If using AzureSQL the following should also be installed on the machine running the script:
- DacFx
- The following packages from the SQL Server Feature Pack
- SQLSysClrTypes.msi
- SharedManagementObjects.msi
- PowerShellTools.msi
- Install-Module -Name AzureRM.sql
- SQL logins must exist prior to running script
- SQL login used for install must have the sysadmin role
- You may optionally turn off all database operations by disabling the <database> configuration element. Do this if database operations must be performed through some other process. Turning database operations removes this requirement.
- The path used to install SQL files must exist and the targetted SQL instance must have FullControl
- As above, you may either turn off all database operations or disable installing the databases. If you only disable installing databases, the script will still try to ensure things like permisssions on the databases are set.
- Must have a valid Sitecore .zip file
- Download script and .zip for desired Sitecore version
- Edit config file; watch video for explanation of settings and sample config files.
- Run Powershell as Administrator and invoke
. .\install.ps1
- If you see an error in PowerShell complaining that "the execution of scripts is disabled on this system." then you need to invoke
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Force
- If you receive a security warning after invoking
. .\install.ps1
and want to make it go away permanently, then right-click on the install.ps1 file and "Unblock" it.
This script was inspired by Alex Shyba's script: