Collection of useful rake tasks to make seeding, extracting, maintaining, backup and testing a database with migrations easier. Currently accepting MySQL & Postgres databases.
script/plugin install git:// bootstrap
rake db:bootstrap:load
Load a set of CSV's or YML's from "#{RAILS_ROOT}/db/bootstrap", or pass it parameter "FIXTURES=" for a specific set of files to load into the database. Best used for initial loading of the database with data usually required at the start of your projects, such as default users. YML / CSV fixture files can be numbered to ensure the correct ordering of related files eg: 001_users.yml, 002_roles.yml.
rake db:database_dump
rake db:database_dump RAILS_ENV=production #Dump specific environment using database.yml
rake db:database_dump file=db/bootstrap/live_database_dump.sql #Dump to specified location
rake db:database_dump file_name=live_database_dump.sql #Dump file to default bootstrap location
rake db:database_dump bootstrap=true #Dump default bootstrap file (for use in specs and initial clean DB load - db/bootstrap/bootstrap_data.sql)
rake db:database_dump ignore_tables='messages,incidents' #Dump file with certain tables ignored (useful when generating multiple dumps and concatenating)
rake db:database_dump additional_params='-d,-t' #Pass in any additional parameters that your database accepts (eg. mysqldump --help / pg_dump --help)
rake db:database_dump RAIlS_ENV=live_export ignore_tables='messages,incidents,entities' additional_params='-d,-t' Create a database dump of the environment in a specified or default location for loading later (or just as a backup file). This will overwrite any file by the same name, so if used for backup specify a unique filename.
rake db:database_load #Load default bootstrap file ( db/bootstrap/bootstrap\_data.sql)
rake db:database_load file=db/bootstrap/live_database_dump.sql #Load the sql dump file specified
Load, and overwrite, current database environment with a passed file name.
Pass 'display=true' if you'd like to see the command being output to your database. For example: rake db:database_dump display=true
rake db:reset_app #Reset the application to bootstrap data dump
rake db:reset_app file=db/bootstrap/live_database_dump.sql #Reset the application to specified database dump
For a clean start to your app, or a move back to a specified snapshot and then to have migrations run upon the data. Very useful for testing migrations on a production database snapshot. This process will:
- Drop current database tables for current environment
- Create all tables
- Load default bootstrap database file or specified file in 'file' parameter
- Apply migrations from the point of the database snapshot
To enable specs to be loaded from an SQL dump, with migrations, edit your rspec.rake file and alter the spec_prereq variable to run the following rake command: db:test:custom_prepare (instead of db:test:prepare). With this you can run with a default data set, or your complete data set for thorough testing purposes simply by running : rake spec. You can also load a different 'custom' spec database by running with the file parameter. eg. rake spec file=db/bootstrap/my_spec_fixtures.sql
rake db:database_backup #Backup the database to default location ('/db/backups'), to a maximum of 5 files
rake db:database_backup total_backups=2 #Maintain only a maximum of 2 backup files (keep most recent)
rake db:database_backup backup_location=db/custom_location/save_here #Set the backup location to a custom location
This task will save a database dump to a folder, and maintain a set number. Default is 5. This is best paired with a cron task to run at regular intervals.
rake db:extract_data_migrations
rake db:extract_data_migrations table=users
Extract existing data from all database tables or a specified table into a generated migration file. Can be useful for having effective rollback statements when deleting records. Generated migrations are saved into : "#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/generated_migrations".
rake db:extract_fixtures
Current contents of the database is extracted into numbered yml files, able to be processed by "rake db:bootstrap:load" command. YML files are saved : "#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/generated_ymls" and will need to be moved to default bootstrap directory when satisifed with ordering.
- ActiveRecord / DataMapper
- config/database.yml exists and set correctly
- database.yml has a 'host' value set for environments
- mysql/postgres/postgresql - for database dump/load
Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Meier, released under the MIT license