A tiny Qt application that sets your wallpaper to a random derpibooru.org image matching a search string.
- No installation required
- Cross platform (tested on Windows, GNOME & KDE)
- Fully customizable via official Derpibooru search syntax
- Configurable Auto refresh
- Save as many recent wallpapers as you want
- Small memory footprint (<50MB)
See the Releases page for downloads.
Download the executable for your OS from the releases page and run it.
The app itself is pretty self explanatory. Just put the binary anywhere on your PC and start it. You can also configure the app to run on boot.
- Install poetry
- run
poetry install
nuitka .\derpiwallpaper\__main__.py --msvc=latest --onefile --enable-plugin=pyside6 --windows-console-mode=disable --onefile-tempdir-spec="{CACHE_DIR}/{PRODUCT}/{VERSION}" --product-name=DerpiWallpaper --product-version=$((poetry version).split()[1]) --output-filename="DerpiWallpaper.exe" --windows-icon-from-ico="data\derpiwallpaper.ico" --include-data-files="data/*=data/"
sudo apt install python3-dev patchelf gcc
nuitka ./derpiwallpaper/__main__.py --onefile --enable-plugin=pyside6 --windows-console-mode=disable --onefile-tempdir-spec="{CACHE_DIR}/{PRODUCT}/{VERSION}" --product-name=DerpiWallpaper --product-version=$(poetry version -s) --output-filename="DerpiWallpaper" --linux-icon="data/derpiwallpaper.png" --include-data-files="data/*=data/"