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Tinted Tmux

Matrix Chat

Tinted Tmux provides all the Base16 and Base24 theme variants for tmux. Easily swap between over 250 themes.

See Tinted Theming for more information.

Previously base16-tmux, but we've since added Base24 themes and plan to add themes for different color systems in future, the base16- prefix doesn't work anymore so we've moved to the less restrictive name tinted-tmux.



Once you've cloned this repo locally somewhere, you can source the theme you want to use from within your .tmux.conf file. Add the following line to your .tmux.conf.

source-file path/to/tinted-tmux/colors/base16-default-dark.conf

Installation with TPM (Tmux Plugin Manager)

Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'tinted-theming/tinted-tmux'

Make sure to source your newly updated .tmux.conf. Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it. The plugin should now be working.

All the base16 themes are provided so you can pick and choose via .tmux.conf option:

set -g @tinted-color 'base16-default-dark' # (the default)


To dynamically switch your theme, have a look at Tinty, Tinted Theming's CLI theme manager. The Tinty page has specific information on setting up tinted-tmux.


In most cases, you have to force tmux to assume the terminal supports 256 colours. For this, start tmux as tmux -2.

These themes work on tmux >=3. They may work in older versions but is untested.

You can optionally enable some styling options. You can do this by adding the relevant environment variable to your shell .*rc file.

Active/inactive pane state


This adds support which changes background color for the focussed pane vs blurred panes.



This adds a basic statusbar. This is optional because users may already have a statusbar they prefer or prefer something more simple. This statusbar was inspired by tmux-gruvbox.


See for building and contributing instructions.

Based on the work of tmux-colors-solarized.