A dApp web application for demonstrating the connectivity(based on EIP-6963) to the Zond Web3 Wallet web extension.
The application renders 3 sections:
- Detected Wallets: Displays all the wallets(supporting EIP-6963) installed in the browser. The wallet's icon and name is displayed. To connect to a wallet, click on the desired wallet.
- Selected Wallet: On succesfully connecting to a wallet, the wallet name, connected account address, uuid and rdns is displayed in this section.
- Wallet Error: On rejecting the connection request, or if any errors are thrown, it is displayed in this section.
- Run
git clone https://github.com/theQRL/zond-web3-wallet-dapp-example.git
for cloning this repo to your machine. - Run
npm install
for installing all dependencies of this project. - Run
npm run dev
to run the application locally. By default, the application will be running athttp://localhost:5173/
Communication between a dApp and Zond Web3 Wallet happens via JSON-RPC API requests.
The methods when called, asks for user approval before executing. A request screen will be presented with an option to either approve or reject the request.
No. | Method |
1 | zond_requestAccounts |
2 | zond_sendTransaction |
A method that prompts the user to connect their Zond account(s) with the dApp.
const accounts = await provider.request({ method: "zond_requestAccounts", params: [], });
[ "Z208318ecd68f26726CE7C54b29CaBA94584969B6", "Z20E7Bde67f00EA38ABb2aC57e1B0DD93f518446c" ]
A method that prompts the user to make a transaction like ZND transfer, contract deployment and contract interaction.
const txHash = await provider.request({ method: "zond_sendTransaction", params: [ { to: "Z20E7Bde67f00EA38ABb2aC57e1B0DD93f518446c", from: "Z208318ecd68f26726CE7C54b29CaBA94584969B6", gas: "0x51bc", value: "0x33", data: "0x", gasPrice: "0x777", }, ], });
The methods when called, silently gives back response without needing any interaction from the user.
A method that returns the list of accounts that the user has approved to connect.
const accounts = await provider.request({ method: "zond_accounts", params: [], });
A method that returns the number of most recent block.
const blockNumber = await provider.request({ method: "zond_blockNumber", params: [], });
A method for creating a new message call immediately.
const result = await provider.request({ method: "zond_call", params: [ { to: "Z20E7Bde67f00EA38ABb2aC57e1B0DD93f518446c", value: "0x7", }, "latest", ], });
A method for calculating the estimate of how much gas is necessary for the transaction.
const gas = await provider.request({ method: "zond_estimateGas", params: [ { from: "Z208318ecd68f26726CE7C54b29CaBA94584969B6", to: "Z20B714091cF2a62DADda2847803e3f1B9D2D3779", value: "0x7", }, ], });
A method for returning the balance of the given account.
const balance = await provider.request({ method: "zond_getBalance", params: ["Z208318ecd68f26726CE7C54b29CaBA94584969B6", "latest"], });
A method that returns the block information by number.
const block = await provider.request({ method: "zond_getBlockByNumber", params: ["0x324c", false], });
{ "number": "0x68b3", "hash": "0xd5f1812548be429cbdc6376b29611fc49e06f1359758c4ceaaa3b393e2239f9c", "mixHash": "0x24900fb3da77674a861c428429dce0762707ecb6052325bbd9b3c64e74b5af9d", "parentHash": "0x1f68ac259155e2f38211ddad0f0a15394d55417b185a93923e2abe71bb7a4d6d", "nonce": "0x378da40ff335..." .... }
A method for returning the code at a given address.
const code = await provider.request({ method: "zond_getCode", params: ["Z208318ecd68f26726CE7C54b29CaBA94584969B6", "latest"], });
A method for returning the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash.
const tx = await provider.request({ method: "zond_getTransactionByHash", params: [ "0xa52be92809541220ee0aaaede6047d9a6c5d0cd96a517c854d944ee70a0ebb44", ], });
{ "blockHash": "0x510efccf44a192e6e34bcb439a1947e24b86244280762cbb006858c237093fda", "blockNumber": "0x442", "chainId": 345, "from": "Z205fe2f3af6c04C415A82CA456588640435C9746" .... }
A method for returning the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash.
const tx = await provider.request({ method: "zond_getTransactionReceipt", params: [ "0x504ce587a65bdbdb6414a0c6c16d86a04dd79bfcc4f2950eec9634b30ce5370f", ], });
{ "blockHash": "0xe7212a92cfb9b06addc80dec2a0dfae9ea94fd344efeb157c41e12994fcad60a", "blockNumber": "0x77", "contractAddress": null, "cumulativeGasUsed": "0x5208", "from": "Z20B714091cF2a62DADda2847803e3f1B9D2D3779" .... }
A method for revoking the previously approved permissions for the dApp.
await provider.request({ method: "wallet_revokePermissions", params: [ { zond_accounts: {}, }, ], });