This repository provides easier way to build Android build tools using cmake and system provided toolchain.
Build dependencies: C and C++ toolchain, bison, flex, cmake, ninja, git, linux-headers, pkgconf.
Runtime dependencies: libfmt, googletest, expat, libpng, protobuf.
Build command:
clone this repository with git submodules.
git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 <repository_url>
build with cmake.
cmake -B build cmake --build build
install with cmake.
cmake --install build
aapt - Android Asset Packaging Tool
aapt2 - Android Asset Packaging Tool, version 2
zipalign - Zip alignment utility
The project follows android-XX.X.X_rYY tags from AOSP repositories. See tags from any of the git submodules as reference. e.g. base
To update submodules, change the git tag in and CMakeLists.txt.
Then execute script and git add
the submodules.
Fix build issues with different supported OSes and compilers.
Upstream patches to AOSP.
Add other Android build tools.
This project is based on the following.
This project is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0, which is same as the upstream Android repositories. See LICENSE.