This is a python software which reads and analyses pcap files. This projet uses scapy for reading files and a lot of other stuff. It uses whois Reverse IP/DNS API which you can get at to get the urls from destination ip adresses. It uses threatcrowd for IP/URL reputation.You can find it at
Now onto the major modules of the project:
testfile : This is used to enter the path of the pcap file Which is to be analysed.
newtestfile: Its the one which will run the project.It will give you protocols,source IP,destination IP,IP Reputation,URL's accessed in a csv file.
file1.csv: This is the file which is currently saving the outputs.
threatcrowdfeed: This will access the threatcrowd api to give the feeds.
dealinwithcsv: Creates the csv file with outputs
6.getip: Gets source and destination IP adresses of a packet as well as the protocols.
7.reverseip: Gets the URL's from the Destination IP addresses.
8.filepath.txt: stores the path of pcap file to be read
Feel free to contact me for more questions.Just send a pull request!
Note :This is a prototye version of the project.