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TDengine ODBC Connector

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

taos-connector-odbc is the official ODBC connector for TDengine, enabling applications written in various programming languages such as C/C++, C#, Go, Rust, Python, Node.js, and more to interact with the TDengine database. By leveraging the standardized ODBC interface, taos-connector-odbc facilitates seamless data writing, querying and parameter binding across different platforms and environments.

The taos-connector-odbc supports multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

2. Documentation

  • To use the TDengine ODBC connector, please check Reference Manual, which includes version history, data types, example programs, API descriptions, and FAQs.
  • This quick guide is mainly for developers who like to contribute/build/test the ODBC connector by themselves. To learn more about TDengine, you can visit the official documentation.
  • The TDengine ODBC connector adheres to the ODBC standard, ensuring compatibility and interoperability across various database systems. For more detailed information about ODBC standards and specifications, please refer to the Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) documentation. This resource provides comprehensive insights into ODBC interfaces, methods, and other relevant details that can help deepen your understanding of how the TDengine ODBC connector operates within the broader context of ODBC applications.

3. Prerequisites

First, ensure that TDengine has been deployed locally. For detailed deployment steps, please refer to Deploy TDengine. Ensure that both taosd and taosAdapter services are up and running.

Afterwards, before installing and using the taos-connector-odbc, ensure that you have met the following prerequisites for your specific platform.

  • cmake, 3.0 or above, please refer to cmake.
  • flex, 2.6.4 or above. NOTE: win_flex_bison on windows platform to be installed.
  • bison, 3.5.1 or above. NOTE: win_flex_bison on windows platform to be installed.
  • odbc driver manager, such as unixodbc(2.3.6 or above) in linux. NOTE: odbc driver manager is pre-installed on windows platform.
  • iconv, should've been already included in libc. NOTE: win_iconv will be automatically downloaded when building this project.

If you want to enable valgrind memory checks or test cases for programming languages other than C/C++, please refer to the following content.

Tool or Language Version Requirement Related Libraries and Versions Reference Links
valgrind v3.20 or above valgrind
node.js v12.0 or above node-odbc, 2.4.4 or above node-odbc
rust v1.63 or above odbc, 0.17.0 or above
env_logger, 0.8.2 or above
python v3.10 or above pyodbc, 4.0.39 or above python-odbc
go v1.17 or above odbc go-odbc
erlang v12.2 or above odbc erlang-odbc
haskell cabal v3.6 or above, ghc v9.2 or above hsql-odbc haskell-odbc
common lisp sbcl v2.1.11 or above plain-odbc common-lisp-odbc
R v4.3 or above odbc R-odbc

In the following content of this guide, we will use the following versions as examples: Windows 11 for the Windows platform, Ubuntu 20.04 for the Linux platform, and macOS Big Sur for the macOS platform.

3.1 Windows

  • Install win_flex_bison:
    • Download from: win_flex_bison.
    • Extract the files and add the directory to your system's PATH environment variable.
  • Verify Installation:
    win_flex --version
  • Install ODBC Driver Manager: Ensure that the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager is installed on your system. It is typically pre-installed on Windows platform.

3.2 Linux

  • Install Required Dependencies, including the ODBC Driver Manager:
    sudo apt install flex bison unixodbc unixodbc-dev && echo -=Done=-

3.3 macOS

  • Install Required Dependencies, including the ODBC Driver Manager:
    brew install flex bison unixodbc && echo -=Done=-

4. Building and Installing

This section provides detailed instructions for building and installing the ODBC connector on different platforms. Before proceeding, ensure you are in the root directory of this project.

4.1 Windows

  • Optionally, setup building environment: If you have installed Visual Studio Community 2022 on a 64-bit Windows platform, run the following command to set up the build environment:
    "\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64
  • Generate make files:
    cmake --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=TRUE -B build -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64
    Troubleshooting: If compiler errors occur during the following steps, such as <path_to_winbase.h> warning C5105: macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior, retry with the following command:
    cmake --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=TRUE -B build -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -DDISABLE_C5105:BOOL=ON
  • Building the project:
    cmake --build build --config Debug -j 4
  • Installing connector: This will install taos_odbc.dll into C:\TDengine\taos_odbc\x64\ by default.
    cmake --install build --config Debug
    cmake --build build --config Debug --target install_templates
  • Verify installation: Check if a new TAOS_ODBC_DSN registry has been set up in the Windows Registry:

4.2 Linux/macOS

  • Generate make files:
    cmake -B debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
  • Build the project:
    cmake --build debug
  • Install connector:
    sudo cmake --install debug
    cmake --build debug --target install_templates
  • Verify installation: Check if the ODBC DSN configuration file (e.g., /etc/odbc.ini or ~/.odbc.ini) contains TAOS_ODBC_DSN entry.

5. Testing

5.1 Test Execution

The ODBC Connector testing framework uses ctest for running test cases. The test cases are located in the tests directory of the project root.

5.1.1 Windows

  • Setup testing environment variables: Set the following environment variables to configure logging levels and destinations:

    set TAOS_ODBC_LOGGER=stderr

    Available log levels are: VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL. Lower levels provide more detailed logs. Available loggers are:

    • stderr: logs to standard error.
    • temp: logs to a file( taos_odbc.log) in the temporary directory.
  • Run the tests:

    ctest --test-dir build --output-on-failure -C Debug

5.1.2 Linux/macOS

  • Setup testing environment variables: Set the following environment variables to configure logging levels and destinations:

    export TAOS_ODBC_LOGGER=stderr

    Available log levels are: VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL. Lower levels provide more detailed logs.

    Available loggers are:

    • stderr: Logs to standard error.
    • temp: Logs to a file( taos_odbc.log) in the temporary directory.
    • syslog: Logs to the system log (only available on Linux platform; not supported on macOS).
  • Run the tests:

    pushd debug >/dev/null && ctest --output-on-failure && echo -=Done=-; popd >/dev/null

5.2 Test Case Addition

All tests are located in the ./tests/ directory of the project. This directory contains subdirectories for various languages and types of tests. The basic functionality verification test cases are written in C and are located in the c and taos folders. You can add new test files or add test cases in existing test files that comply with the testing framework standards. For C/C++ tests, ensure they follow the CTest framework conventions. Place new test files in the appropriate directories within the tests directory.

5.3 Performance Testing

Performance testing is in progress.

6. CI/CD

  • [Build Workflow] -TODO
  • [Code Coverage] -TODO

7. Submitting Issues

We welcome the submission of GitHub Issue. When submitting an issue, please provide the following information to help us diagnose and resolve the problem more efficiently:

7.1 Required Information

  • Problem Description: Provide a clear and detailed description of the issue you are encountering. Indicate whether the issue occurs consistently or intermittently. If possible, include a detailed call stack or error message that can help in diagnosing the problem.
  • ODBC Connector Version: Specify the version of the ODBC Connector you are using.
  • ODBC Connection Parameters: Provide your ODBC connection string or DSN (Data Source Name) configuration details. Please do not include sensitive information such as usernames and passwords. Example:
    Replace <your_username> and <your_password> with placeholders or omit them for security reasons.
  • TDengine Server Version: Specify the version of the TDengine server you are connecting to.

7.2 Additional Information (Optional but Helpful)

  • Operating System: Specify the operating system and its version.
  • Steps to Reproduce: Provide step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue. This helps us replicate and verify the problem.
  • Environment Configuration: Include any relevant environment configurations, such as specific settings in odbc.ini, odbcinst.ini, or other configuration files.
  • Logs: Attach any relevant logs that might help in diagnosing the issue. Logs can be found in the location specified by your logging configuration (e.g., stderr, temp, or syslog).

8. Submitting PRs

We welcome developers to contribute to this project. When submitting PRs, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork this project, refer to (how to fork a repo).
  2. Create a new branch from the main branch with a meaningful branch name (git checkout -b my_branch). Do not modify the main branch directly.
  3. Modify the code, ensure all unit tests pass, and add new unit tests to verify the changes.
  4. Push the changes to the remote branch (git push origin my_branch).
  5. Create a Pull Request on GitHub (how to create a pull request).
  6. After submitting the PR, you can find your PR through the Pull Request. Click on the corresponding link to see if the CI for your PR has passed. If it has passed, it will display "All checks have passed". Regardless of whether the CI passes or not, you can click "Show all checks" -> "Details" to view the detailed test case logs.
  7. After submitting the PR, if CI passes, you can find your PR on the codecov page to check the test coverage.

9. References

10. Appendix

Layout of project source code, directories only:

├── benchmark
├── cmake
├── common
├── inc
├── samples
│   └── c
├── sh
├── src
│   ├── core
│   ├── inc
│   ├── os_port
│   ├── parser
│   ├── tests
│   └── utils
├── templates
├── tests
│   ├── c
│   ├── cpp
│   ├── cs
│   ├── erl
│   ├── go
│   ├── hs
│   │   └── app
│   ├── lisp
│   ├── node
│   ├── python
│   ├── R
│   ├── rust
│   │   └── main
│   │       └── src
│   ├── sh
│   └── taos
└── valgrind

11. License

MIT License

originally initiated by [email protected]