BTHQ 21605 I2C LCD driver ESP8266/NodeMCU
BTHQ 21605 is a 2 lines x 16 characters LCD controllabe through I2C bus.
This driver does not handle POR (reset) pin of the LCD. However it seems it is enough to pull POR down to GND, applying power will reset the LCD controller.
-- load module lcd = require("bthq21605")
-- init, SDA: GPIO2, SCL: GPIO0 lcd.init(4,3)
-- fills both lines with spaces ie. clears the whole screen lcd.clearScreen()
-- sets the cursor to the first character of upper line lcd.setLine(0)
-- prints the string lcd.printString("Hello World!")
-- sets the cursor to the first character of lower line lcd.setLine(1)
-- prints formatted string lcd.printString(string.format("%3.2f", 99.9999))
-- turns on the blinking cursor lcd.setCursor(1)