It provides a RDF parser using rapper
command line tool from Raptor RDF parsing and serializing utility.
The generated internal PHP-representations (quads, ...) are compatible to and can be used together with other rdfInterface implementations, such as quickRdfIo to serialize RDF in another format, for instance.
- PHP 8.0+
- Raptor RDF parser utility is installed (we need its
command line tool); its usually not part of the default installation- on Debian/Ubuntu: run
apt-get install raptor2-utils
- Package might be namend differently in other Linux distributions
- on Debian/Ubuntu: run
Install it using Composer: composer require sweetrdf/quick-rdf-io-raptor
You need an implementation of rdfInterfaces, such as quickRdf.
For starters, just use composer require sweetrdf/quick-rdf
Note: We are using rdfInterface implementations from in the following. Make sure you installed the package before running the code.
Parse a file:
use \quickrdf\DataFactory;
use \quickRdfIo\Raptor\Parser;
// create a file handle for a n-quads/n-triple file
$fileHandle = fopen('/path/to/n-quads-file.nq', 'r');
// init a parser instance and read file handle
$parser = new Parser(new DataFactory());
$quadsIterator = $parser->parseStream($fileHandle);
// iterate through the quads
// note: the file isn't read before, only as you iterating $quadIterator
foreach ($quadsIterator as $quad ) {
// free file handle
Parse a string:
use \quickrdf\DataFactory;
use \quickRdfIo\Raptor\Parser;
$str = '_:foo <http://foo> <http://bar> .';
// init a parser instance and read RDF string
$parser = new Parser(new DataFactory());
$quadsIterator = $parser->parse($str);
// iterate through the quads
foreach ($quadsIterator as $quad ) {
When using this class keep the following in mind:
- The
class is basically a wrapper around therapper
command, which means input must be prepared for further processing (may impact performance). A readable local file as source is needed as well as a local file for generated N-Quads output, which is used for the internal NQuads parser later on.