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Releases: swagger-api/swagger-js

Swagger-js 2.1.5 has been released!

19 Sep 19:13
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This minor release address the following:

  • Fixed missing defaultValue support for swagger 1.2 specs #577
  • Optimized http requests for faster loading with references #557

In addition the following support has been added:

  • Remote resolution to top-level definitions #489, #570

Swagger-js 2.1.3 has been released!

20 Aug 05:57
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This minor fix addresses #552 which provides support for parameter macros

Swagger-js 2.1.2 has been released!

04 Aug 19:08
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Minor features and helpful bug fixes have been addressed in this release.

Notable Features

#530 allowing overwriting of headers in security definitions
#532 overriding of host and basePath after initialization

Notable bug fixes

#504 fixed asCurl bug for Accept and Content-Type
#487 authorization regression with multiple criteria
#476 fixed minified version
#480 simplified password authorization instantiation
#239 made swaggerHttp pluggable

Swagger-js 2.1.1 has been released!

06 Jun 23:20
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The first formal release of Swagger 2.0 support in the javascript library. This project is used extensively by swagger-ui for communicating with swagger-enabled servers. There are many changes between this release and previous 2.0.x versions.

Swagger-js and other formal swagger projects have had intermediate, milestone releases supporting the swagger 2.0 specification. This version supersedes the previous milestones in accordance with the semver strategy.

Usage notes

Swagger-js introduces a new constructor. Instead of passing all arguments in the constructor of swagger-client, the preferred mechanism for instantiation is as follows:

var client = new SwaggerClient();
client.initialize(url, options);

The existing constructor is still supported.

Major changes

There is now a general resolver class which is responsible for finding remote references to other objects and bringing them into a single, canonical swagger instance. This step also allows for resolving allOf and other modeling features.

You can now pass in a javascript object representing a swagger description. This means remote calls are not necessary when initializing the client to read the spec (#408).

Swagger HTTP is now pluggable. That means you can create your own transports to replace the existing superagent or jquery based HTTP clients (#239).

YAML is now a first-class format in both core and remote, shared references #323

Notable features

  • allOf composition and inheritence support added to top-level /definitions (note, recursive allOf support is not implemented, nor is allOf enabled for inline models) #455, #188
  • Remote references for models, model properties, parameters, operations now supported, #433, #460, #417
  • Response interceptors can now post-process responses from API calls, #126
  • Support for array collection formats #191
  • Support for referenced path parameters, #360
  • Response headers are now exposed in response models #293
  • Better handling of data types, #341, #353, #339, #343
  • Better display of model description, #294
  • Posting empty body with application/json will now send empty object {} #326
  • Better handling of missing parameters, #375

Notable bug fixes

  • No more global swagger-client instance #350
  • basePath issue for v1.x specs fixed #346
  • enabled default callbacks #308
  • enabled macro support for operations, models #307
  • Authorizations now follow the spec, #283
  • Enum enhancements, fixes #391
  • Global consumes, produces now supported #367
  • Use of reserved words no longer cause a failure to build client #405
  • Read-only attriubutes in model are no longer shown as optional #297
  • Better translation of enum from 1.x specs #376
  • Https in basepath supported #398


Find any? Please send bug reports and pull-requests to the develop_2.0 branch!

Swagger js 2.1.0-M2 Released!

29 Mar 00:11
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Swagger-client 2.1.0-M2 Released!

This is a major refactor of swagger-client to add better support for Swagger 2.0 specifications and the new features that come with it. In addition, we have shrunk the library considerably, added much more robust test coverage and removed dead code. This effort was only made possible by support from Apigee and their folks @mohsen1 and @whitlockjc. Many thanks for supporting the project! The entire community benefits from your support.

Usage notes

Note! There are some differences in the API between 2.1.x-M1 and 2.1.x-M2. For example, 1.x version swagger specifications are now converted into 2.0 versions. That means features such as multiple base paths are no longer supported! Please do not upgrade to 2.1.x-M2 if this change isn't acceptable. It will not be coming back in subsequent releases.

In converting from 1.x specs to 2.0, the resourcePath (location where the documentation for an Api was declared) is now used to develop a tag in the 2.0 specification world.

Major changes

The build process is now using gulp with mocha tests. It is now packaged in a single library (minified version available) using browserify, and is a proper npm.js package. We have also greatly enhanced the interactive help inside the client buy supporting .help() on the client, tags, and operations.

Notable features

  • #160, #183, #258, #270 Added ref support for parameters, models, model properties. You can now use the Swagger 2.0 remote reference support for models, properties, paths and parameters.
  • #178 Removed global variables. You can now have multiple instances of swagger-client in your app without sharing authorizations, etc.
  • #182 merged 1.x and 2.0 support, including support for "single-file" 1.x specifications. This resulted in removing almost half the code in the project.
  • #189 Added support for in-line schemas
  • #208 Build with gulp, browserify. now a single library can be deployed for your webapps.
  • #267 Switched from shred to super-agent. Dropped need for jQuery as super-agent now has universal client support.
  • #277 Added response headers to response model description

Notable bug fixes

  • #234 deprecated is now shown correctly
  • #194 fixed issue where reserved names were clobbering functions
  • #327 auto-generate operationId if not present
  • #328 more graceful handling of CORS issues when loading swagger-client

Please open any issues directly in github and send pull-requests to the develop_2.0 branch!


There are some unimplemented features of the swagger 2.0 specification in this release. Please see the Milestones and Issues for the final 2.1.0 release.

Swagger 2.1.5-M1 released!

19 Feb 05:42
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A patch release for swagger-client has been released to address corner cases and add new functionality

New features:

  • Support for the tag object from the 2.0 swagger spec, including description and external docs #243
  • Options passed to underlying HTTP library by caller #229

Issues fixed:

  • Header values improperly encoded #225
  • Deprecated strings not correctly parsed #232
  • swagger.ready not called #238
  • Model samples can get in infinite loop #222

Swagger-js v2.1.1-M1 Released!

03 Feb 15:17
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The Swagger team is proud to announce the M1 release of three of our main libraries and tools: swagger-js, swagger-ui and swagger-core. All release provide official initial support for Swagger 2.0’s main features. The missing features will be added in the next milestone releases until the final release is available.

In order to better improve these libraries and tools, we ask that you start using them and provide us with feedback in form of issues on the github repository. The issues are a huge help in finding what’s missing or not working properly (though note some issues are already submitted). We would also appreciate any PRs that improve existing or new tickets.

These releases could not have happened without the intensive support of the Swagger community. Each of the projects had a few PRs that really helped us push these projects forward!

Be aware that the release notes contain the notable changes, but there may some changes that we missed in the list.

Notable Features:

  • Available on
  • First official milestone release of Swagger 2.0 support. Backwards compatible with Swagger 1.2.
  • Unified API to initialize either 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 clients.
  • Replace cake with gulp as the build tool.
  • Rebuild the test framework with mocha and pure javascript.
  • Addressed syntax issues which were breaking older versions of Internet Explorer
  • Allow for repeated models of the same type in sample objects.
  • Provide a example value for ‘date’ format.
  • Please note that 2.1.1-M1 lives in Master

Notable Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed query parameter encoding (#210)
  • Fixed usage of content-type (#192)
  • Fixed support for multi params with brackets (#191)
  • Add array schema support (#147)
  • Fix consumes/produces property propagation (#138)
  • Added asCurl, mock modes for testing and debugging

Breaking Changes:


07 Jan 00:26
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Swagger 2.0.48 has been released!

New features

  • Refactored test framework. Now using mocha (#193)
  • Added better support for sample JSON macros. You can provide interceptors to dynamically populate both model properties as well as operation parameters (#177)
  • Added support for asCurl documentation, to show what a curl command would be based on any swagger operation. Includes headers, params, etc (#174)
  • Default success and error callbacks implemented (#130)
  • Configurable accept header when fetching swagger specifications (#120)
  • Removed global scope for authorizations, allowing swagger-client to support multiple APIs in a single deployment (#109)
  • Added pass-through of opts when making requests

Defects fixed:

  • Redirect support bug fixed (#172)
  • More flexible support for POST bodies (#168)

Please see!forum/swagger-swaggersocket for the swagger google group, or for IRC


13 Jul 05:47
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21 Feb 14:45
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