An unofficial API for the New York Public Library Catalog
- requests (pip install requests)
- BeautifulSoup4 (pip install beautifulsoup4)
pip install NYPL_API
>>> from NYPL import search
>>> search(title="The View from Saturday", author="E.L. Konigsburg")
[<Book instance: The View From Saturday (Downloadable Audiobook)>, <Book instance: The View From Saturday (Paperback)>, <Book instance: The View From Saturday (Book)>, <Book instance: The View From Saturday (Audiobook CD)>, <Book instance: The View From Saturday (Book)>]
Results are output as a list of Book objects, which have the following attributes:
- author
- title (in the format "title (genre)" )
- link_to_copies (url to a page of the libraries that have the book)
- copies (a list of all copies of the book) *
- available_copies (a list of available copies of the book) *
copies and available_copies are represented as lists of Copy objects, which have the following attributes:
- location (eg. "96th Street")
- collection (eg. "96th Street Children's Fiction")
- callNo (call number, eg. "J FIC K"
- status (eg. "DUE 10-28-14")
* copies and available copies are not generated automatically with default search. They can be generated automatically with robust search:
search(keyword, title, author, lazy=False)
Unfortunately, the official New York Public Library is only available to library employees, and during library hack-a-thons. Now, it's data anytime--Happy developing!
Feedback is most welcome.