Please check KB Articles:
Clone repository to your local machine
git clone git+
Change current directory
cd ./hubspot-client-template
Install Packages
npm install
Run hs init
to connect the tools to your HubSpot account. This command will walk you through the following steps:
- First you’ll be guided to create a personal CMS access key to enable authenticated access to your account via the local development tools. You’ll be prompted to press "Enter" when you’re ready to open the Personal CMS Access Key page in your default browser. This page will allow you to view or generate your personal access key, if necessary. (Note: You’ll need to select at least the "Design Manager" permission in order to complete this tutorial.) Copy your access key and paste it in the terminal.
- Next, you’ll enter a name for the account. This name is only seen and used by you, For example, you might use " sandbox" if you're using a developer sandbox or "" if you’re using a full customer account. This name will be used when running commands.
Once you've completed this simple init
flow, you'll see a success message confirming that a configuration
file, hubspot.config.yml
, has been created in your current directory.
npm run fetch
- Fetch files from HubSpot (Be sure you commit local changes first before run this command, bc its override your local files and any changes)npm run push
- upload local files to HubSpotnpm run watch
- run Watch process to upload files to HubSpot when you save the file ore create new one.
Always First commit your local changes
Second step use
npm run fetch
to be sure, your local files up to date -
Two ways:
npm run push
- Edit files locally and push then to HS when you are ready (please be sure you fetch first)npm run watch
- edit files, and save them, the HSCli will upload files on fly, and you will see how preview pages updates in live-reload mode