Phoenix is a Secor Mesos Framework.
Assuming $WORKING_DIR is you repos directory.
To build the fatjar:
# cd $WORKING_DIR && git clone phoenix
# cd phoenix && ./gradlew jar
To run the phoenix scheduler you will need Secor tar archive:
# cd $WORKING_DIR && git clone secor
# cd secor && mvn clean package
You can find archive secor-0.2-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
under secor/target
Before running phoenix, set the location of libmesos:
# export MESOS_NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY=/usr/local/lib/
If the host running scheduler has several IP addresses you may also need to
You will also need java in you PATH.
The scheduler is configured through the command line.
Following options are available:
Usage: scheduler [options]
-c <value> | --config <value>
Path to config file. Required.
-a <value> | --api <value>
Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if defined in config if EM_API env is set.
--aws-access-key <value>
Aws access key. Optional if defined in config file or env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID is set.
--aws-secret-key <value>
Aws secret key. Optional if defined in config file or env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY is set.
Before running the scheduler ensure you have secor archive (secor-0.2-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
) and phoenix jar file (phoenix-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
in dist
directory - scheduler will look for artifacts in this directory.
# java -jar phoenix-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar scheduler -c -a master:7000
You can find default log4j and phoenix config file under src/main/resources
in this project.
In order not to pass the API url to each CLI call lets export the URL as follows:
# export EM_API=http://master:7000
To start one secor task with default configuration
# java -jar phoenix-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar add --id 0
Added server 0
id: 0
state: added
server request template:
cpu: None
mem: None
config overrides: Map()
You now have a cluster with 1 server that is added with default params, it will be started once mesos have resources to satisfy default task parameters.
To check the status:
# java -jar phoenix-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar status
id: 0
state: running
server request template:
cpu: Some(0.5)
mem: Some(256.0)
config overrides: Map()
To delete the secor task (will stop and remove the server):
# .java -jar phoenix-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar delete --id 0
Deleted server 0
# java -jar phoenix-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar help
Usage: <command>
help - print this message.
help [cmd] - print command-specific help.
scheduler - start scheduler.
status - print cluster status.
add - add servers to cluster.
delete - delete servers in cluster.
# java -jar phoenix-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar help add
Usage: add [options]
-i <value> | --id <value>
Server id. Required.
-c <value> | --cpu <value>
CPUs for server. Optional.
-m <value> | --mem <value>
Memory for server. Optional.
--override Secor config override k1=v1,k2=v2...
-a <value> | --api <value>
Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if EM_API env is set.
override config example examples (see Secor documentation for more details):
# java -jar phoenix-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar help delete
Usage: delete [options]
-i <value> | --id <value>
CPUs for server. Required.
-a <value> | --api <value>
Binding host:port for http/artifact server. Optional if EM_API env is set.
Goto Mesos UI (:5050) check the framework (default secor-mesos) and its tasks.
Logs in task's sandbox: stdout
, stderr
and secor-secor_backup.log
may be helpful.