Ethernet library for Arduino and Ethernetshield2 / WIZ550io / WIZ850io / USR-ES1 with Wiznet W5500 chip based on the Ethernet2 library of
I added many new functionalities.
- custom hostname for DHCP
- the PHY is configurable
- Wake on LAN
- added new example for webclient "WebClientReadResponse.ino"
You need to include
#include <Ethernet3.h> // instead Ethernet.h
#include <EthernetUdp3.h> // instead EthernetUdp.h for UDP functionality
For use with DHCP you can set a custom hostname, this must be done before Ethernet.begin(mac).
Ethernet.setHostname(char* hostname);
The PHY is now configurable, this must done after Ethernet.begin() Following modes are possible: HALF_DUPLEX_10, FULL_DUPLEX_10, HALF_DUPLEX_100, FULL_DUPLEX_100, FULL_DUPLEX_100_AUTONEG, POWER_DOWN, ALL_AUTONEG (default)
Ethernet.phyMode(phyMode_t mode);
You can set the Wake on LAN functionality
Ethernet.WoL(bool wol);
In version 2 there will mDNS and a large code cleanup
A new NTP library is published
The init of the Ethernetinterface changed, the ordner is now:
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, subnet, gateway, dns);
This is more logical.
Multicast for udp added. You need to set the Multicast IP address and port to listen.
EthernetUdp udp
upd.beginMulticast(multicastIP, port);
An Unicast blocking function is added to set and get the flag in a UDP socket.
void setUnicastBlock(bool block);
bool getUnicastBlock();
EthernetUDP udp;
udp.setUnicastBlock(true); // to restore the value to standard
Added some function to read the PHYCFGR in Ethernet3.
uint8_t phyState(); // returns the PHYCFGR
uint8_t link(); // returns the linkstate, 1 = linked, 0 = no link
const char* linkReport(); // returns the linkstate as a string
uint8_t speed(); // returns speed in MB/s
const char* speedReport(); // returns speed as a string
uint8_t duplex(); // returns duplex mode 0 = no link, 1 = Half Duplex, 2 = Full Duplex
const char* duplexReport(); // returns duplex mode as a string
Added some function to read the MAC address in Ethernet3, this is helpfull when you use Wiznet boards like WIZ550io with build in MAC address.
void macAddress(uint8_t mac[]); // get the MAC Address
const char* macAddressReport(); // returns the the MAC Address as a string
uint8_t mac[6]; // array for mac address
You can de- or increase the RAM-Size for the sockets, this must be done before Ethernet.begin(...)
The possible socketnumbers are:
Ethernet.init(1); -> 1 Socket with 16k RX/TX buffer
Ethernet.init(2); -> 2 Socket with 8k RX/TX buffer
Ethernet.init(4); -> 4 Socket with 4k RX/TX buffer
Ethernet.init(); -> 8 Socket with 2k RX/TX buffer
Be carefull with the MAX_SOCK_NUM in w5500.h , it cannot changed dynamicly.
Ethernet.init(4); // reduce to 4 Socket, each with 4k RX/TX buffer
You can set the CS and (Hardware) RST (e.g. WIZ550io or USR-ES1), this must be done before Ethernet.begin(...)
Standard is Pin 10 for CS and Pin 9 for RST
Ethernet.setCsPin(3); // set Pin 3 for CS
Ethernet.setRstPin(4); // set Pin 4 for RST
Ethernet.setRstPin(); // set Pin 9 for RST
Two new functions to make resets, Softreset can done only after Ethernet.begin(...)
For Hardware Reset you need to set the Pin number.
Ethernet.softreset(); // performs a software reset
Ethernet.hardreset(); // performs a hardware reset
Ethernet.setRstPin(); // set Pin 9 for RST
There are two function to set and get the retransmission timeout and retry count, this helps to solve problem with TCP connections with unexpected very long timeouts. Beware the the timeout value multiplier is 100us!
void Ethernet.setRtTimeOut(uint16_t timeout);
uint16_t Ethernet.getRtTimeOut();
void Ethernet.setRtCount(uint8_t count);
uint8_t Ethernet.getRtCount();
Ethernet.setRtTimeOut(500); // timeout 50ms
// to restore the value to standard
A 'No Delayed ACK' function is added to set and get the flag in a TCP socket.
void setNoDelayedACK(bool ack);
bool getNoDelayedACK();
EthernetClient tcp;
// to restore the value to standard
Two new functions for getting the IP and MAC address of a remote host.
void remoteIP(uint8_t *ip);
void remoteMAC(uint8_t *mac);
A Broadcast blocking function is added to set and get the flag in a UDP socket.
void setBroadcastBlock(bool block);
bool getBroadcastBlock();
EthernetUDP udp;
// to restore the value to standard
Two new functions for getting the IP and MAC address of a remote host.
void remoteIP(uint8_t *ip);
void remoteMAC(uint8_t *mac);