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SparkFun LSM303C 6 DOF IMU Arduino Library

LSM303C Breakout

LSM303C Breakout (BOB-13303)

This is an arduino IDE library to control the LSM303C. It can be configured to use I2C or half-duplex SPI.

This has been tested with Arduino Pro Mini.

Repository Contents

  • /examples - Example sketches for the library (.ino). Run these from the Arduino IDE.
  • /src - Source files for the library (.cpp, .h).
  • keywords.txt - Keywords from this library that will be highlighted in the Arduino IDE.
  • - General library properties for the Arduino package manager.

Example Briefs

  • MinimalistExample - The easiest configuration. Prints out sensor data with some sane default configuration parameters
  • ConfigureExample - Same as MinimalistExample, except all of the configuration is exposed with easy to change options all spelled out


Products that use this Library

Version History

  • V 1.0.2 -- Remove Wire.begin() from library into setup()
  • V 1.0.1 -- Explicitly set the I2C speed for compatibility with faster clocks.
  • V 1.0.0 -- Initial commit of Arduino 1.5+ compatible library.

SparkFun IMU Interface

Arduino libraries that implement this interface are guaranteed to to work interchangeably in sketches. If a project is started with 6-DOF IMU, but one realizes that the project really needs a 9-DOF sensor, the change is simple. Include the new header file, & change the type of the IMU object(s). All of the code written to the interface will still function. Here is a list of the functions provided by this interface:

  • status_t begin() - initialize IMU to sane default values
  • float readGyroX() - read value from the gyroscope about x-axis
  • float readGyroY() - read value from the gyroscope about y-axis
  • float readGyroZ() - read value from the gyroscope about z-axis
  • float readAccelX() - read value from the accelerometer in x-axis
  • float readAccelY() - read value from the accelerometer in y-axis
  • float readAccelZ() - read value from the accelerometer in z-axis
  • float readMagX() - read value from the magnetometer in x-axis
  • float readMagY() - read value from the magnetometer in y-axis
  • float readMagZ() - read value from the magnetometer in z-axis
  • float readTempC() - read temperature of sensor in ˚C
  • float readTempF() - read temperature of sensor in ˚F
  • status_t getStatus() - read the status code of the previous operation

All functions other than getStatus() will update the status code depending on how their operation went. Errors in the read functions can be detected by them returning NAN or calling getStatus().

If an IMU doesn't support a set of functions, they will always return NAN and set the status to IMU_NOT_SUPPORTED.

Other, more advanced features may be available depending on the sensor. See the documentation for the particular sensor for information on advanced feature support.

Using as a Template

License Information

This product is open source!

Please review the file for license information.

If you have any questions or concerns on licensing, please contact [email protected].

Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.

  • Your friends at SparkFun.