Basic multipart p2p meeting webservice (client + server) based on WebRTC technology
For now it is only audio and video but desktop sharing, file sharing and whitheboard will follow.
The service connects everybody visiting the same URL. This means users can choose their room independently by writing their room name directly into the URL:
and share these URL to other users ...
- a server with installed OS ( Debian if you are in doubt )
- a TURN-server for media proxying if your clients are behind a very restrictive firewall
- Users have to use a WebRTC enabled browser (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, (supported soon: Edge, Safari))
- clone repository
git clone
- install nodejs (standard distribution repository is usually outdated or broken instead use something like nodesource )
- change to cloned repository
cd knockplop
- install npm depencies:
npm install
- install bower depencies:
bower install
- generate self-signed certificate (by running
in console) or add a thrusted certificate (for example from let's encrypt or [startssl] ( to your server (Note: you really need a certificate since Chrome restricts use of getUserMedia API to encrypted web sites) - copy local configuration files:
cp server-config.js.dist server-config.js
cp client-config.js.dist client-config.js
And edit both .js files for your needs. Especially add your TURN server + credentials to client-config.js otherwise connection between clients will fail if they are located behind restrictive firewalls. Add your certificate, key and authority to server-config.js otherwise Chrome-users will fail.
Start the server:
node server.js
With the server running, open a recent version of Firefox or Chrome and visit `http://yourHostName:8080
We use gulp to automate som building tasks.
You have to install gulp: npm install --global gulp
and run gulp: