This is a simple Mandelbrot Set viewer written in Typescript and using the HTML5 Canvas. The viewer allows you to view the set and to zoom in, zoom out and rotate the color-table. Points that are determined to be in the set are shown in black and other points are colored based on the number of times they were squared before "escaping" the set.
You can play with the viewer here: and if you want to hack around with the source code the follow the instructions below.
The instructions explain how to get setup to build and run mbcanvas locally.
To build and run mbcanvas, you will need a computer with Node and npm installed, also you'll need a web-browser.
Clone this Github repo.
git clone
Open up a terminal window and cd into the mbcanvas directory.
First, install dependencies:
npm install
To start the development server:
npm start
This will compile the TypeScript code and start a development server. The application will automatically reload when you make changes to the source code.
To create a production build:
npm run build