Originally called Site Controller (sitectl) and is Pronounced "Cuddle".
A Monolithic Repository of Composable Ansible Roles for building an [Bluebox] Opinionated SRE Operations Platform.
Originally built by the BlueBox Cloud team to install the infrastructure required to build and support Openstack Clouds using Ursula it quickly grew into a larger project for enabling SRE Operations both in the Data Center and in the Cloud for any kind of infrastructure.
Like Ursula, Cuttle uses the ursula-cli ( installed via requirements.txt ) for running Ansible on specific environments and has some strong opinions on how ansible inventory should be written and handled.
For a rough idea of how Blue Box uses Cuttle by building Central and Remote sites tethered together with IPSEC VPNs check out docs/architecture.md.
You will see a number of example Ansible Inventories in envs/example/
show Cuttle being used to build infrastructure to solve a number of problems.
shows close to a full deployment, whereas
or envs/example/elk
to build just specific components.
All of these environments can easily be deployed in Vagrant by using the ursula-cli
(see Example Usage ).
- See docs/deploy_2fa_secured_bastion.md for a fairly comprehensive document on deploying a secure ( 2fa, console logging, RBAC) Bastion.
- See docs/deploy-oauth-secured-monitoring-server.md for a OAuth2 secured Sensu / Graphite server.
See CONTRIBUTORS.md for the original team.
The official git repository of Site Controller is https://github.com/IBM/cuttle. If you have cloned this from somewhere else, may god have mercy on your soul.
We follow the standard github workflow of Fork -> Branch -> PR -> Test -> Review -> Merge.
The Site Controller Core team is working to put together guidance on contributing and governance now that it is an opensource proect.
# clone this repo
$ git clone [email protected]:ibm/cuttle.git
# install pip, hopefully your system has it already
# install virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenv
# create a new virtualenv so python is happy
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages --no-wheel ~/<username>/venv
# activate your new venv like normal
$ source ~/<username>/venv/bin/activate
# install ursula-cli, the correct version of ansible, and all other deps
$ cd cuttle
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# run ansible using ursula-cli; or ansible-playbook, if that's how you roll
$ ursula envs/example/<your env> site.yml
# decactivate your virtualenv when you are done
$ deactivate
Vagrant is our preferred Development/Testing framework.
ursula-cli understands how to interact with vagrant using the --provisioner
$ ursula --provisioner=vagrant envs/example/sitecontroller bastion.yml
$ ursula --provisioner=vagrant envs/example/sitecontroller site.yml
your inventory must have a heat_stack.yml
and a optional vars_heat.yml
in order for this to work
You can also test in Openstack with Heat Orchestration. First, grab your stackrc file from Openstack Horizon:
Project > Compute > Access & Security > Download OpenStack RC File
Ensure your ssh-agent
is running, then source your stackrc and run the play:
$ source <username>-openrc.sh
$ ursula --ursula-forward --provisioner=heat envs/example/sitecontroller site.yml
Add argument --ursula-debug
for verbose output.
$ docker run \
--name proxy -p 3128:3128 \
-v $(pwd)/tmp/cache:/var/cache/squid3 \
-d jpetazzo/squid-in-a-can
then set the following in your inventory (vagrant.yml
in envs/example/*/
http_proxy: ""
https_proxy: ""
no_proxy: localhost,,,
To actually deploy an environment you would use ursula-cli like so:
$ ursula ../sitecontroller-envs/sjc01 bastion.yml
$ ursula ../sitecontroller-envs/sjc01 site.yml
# targetted runs using any ansible-playbook option
$ ursula ../ursula-infra-envs/sjc01 site.yml --tags openid_proxy