DLFB is a lightweighted/scalable deep learning framework for deep learning beginners. It provides a user-friendly interface and basic deep learning compnents such as conv/fc/activation/dropout/pooling etc, where you can easily build/train/eval your own deep learning model. To accelerate the train/test process, this framework also uses low-level acceleration technology including avx/sse/cuda and support multi-mechine distributed training.
DLFB 是一个面向深度学习初学者的轻量级/可扩展的深度学习框架,旨在为深度学习初学者提供一个可以用来学习/实操的框架。整体框架包括了从底层算子加速(avx/sse/cuda),到深度学习整体计算图的构建/运行/自动求导,到可扩展的多机分布式优化。目前整体框架在快速迭代中,欢迎关注和贡献代码!
目前使用 cpp 实现的深度学习框架,包括 tiny-dnn,相比之下,DLFB 有如下特点:
- 易于学习理解。整体 api 设计仿照 pytorch,学习成本低;无第三方依赖,配合相关例程,代码可读性高;
- 涵盖范围广泛。目前支持常用的 conv/fc/dropout/maxpooling 等算子,支持 SGD 优化算法;具体实现上,使用了 avx/sse/cuda 进行加速,并支持多机 allreduce 优化,目前正在快速迭代中,未来会支持更多算子和优化算法;
使用 DLFB 来实现 mnist 数字分类
git clone https://github.com/shijieliu/DLFB.git
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
相关数据介绍见链接,可以在 data
见 example/mnist.cpp,在编译后 build
文件夹下的 mnist
// 构建网络
l::DataNode *image = dl::CreateNode({batchsize, 1, height, width});
dl::DataNode *label = dl::CreateNode({batchsize});
dl::DataNode *x1 = dl::nn::Conv2D(1, 6, 5)(image);
inner_nodes->insert(std::make_pair("x1", x1));
dl::DataNode *x2 = dl::nn::Maxpool2d(2, 2, 0)(x1);
inner_nodes->insert(std::make_pair("x2", x2));
dl::DataNode *x3 = dl::nn::Conv2D(6, 16, 5)(x2);
dl::DataNode *x4 = dl::nn::Maxpool2d(2, 2, 0)(x3);
dl::DataNode *x5 = dl::nn::Conv2D(16, 120, 2)(x4);
inner_nodes->insert(std::make_pair("x5", x5));
dl::DataNode *x6 = dl::nn::Maxpool2d(2, 2, 0)(x5);
inner_nodes->insert(std::make_pair("x6", x6));
dl::DataNode *reshape_x6 = dl::nn::Reshape({batchsize, 120})(x6);
inner_nodes->insert(std::make_pair("reshape x6", reshape_x6));
dl::DataNode *x7 = dl::nn::Linear(120, 84, false)(reshape_x6);
dl::DataNode *x8 = dl::nn::ReLU()(x7);
dl::DataNode *x9 = dl::nn::Linear(84, 10, false)(x8);
inner_nodes->insert({std::make_pair("x9", x9)});
dl::DataNode *logits = dl::nn::Softmax()(x9);
inner_nodes->insert({std::make_pair("logits", logits)});
// 计算 loss
dl::DataNode *loss = dl::nn::CrossEntropy()(logits, label);
inner_nodes->insert({std::make_pair("loss", loss)}); // 观察中间节点输出
dl::DataNode *loss_mean = dl::CreateNode<dl::ReduceMeanImpl>({loss});
inner_nodes->insert({std::make_pair("loss_mean", loss_mean)});
// 编译网络
auto loss_func = dl::Compile({image, label}, {loss});
loss_func.cuda(); // 选择 cuda 加速
std::unique_ptr<dl::Optimizer> optimizer(new dl::SGD(
dl::Graph::GetInstance().params(), lr, momentum, weight_decay));
// 开始训练
vector<dl::Tensor> batch_imgs;
vector<dl::Tensor> batch_labels;
for (int epoch = 0; epoch < n_epoch; ++epoch) {
dl::Shuffle(&train_data, &train_label);
dl::Split(train_data, train_label, batchsize, &batch_imgs,
LOG_INFO("start epoch:%d", epoch);
for (int n_step = 0; n_step < batch_imgs.size(); ++n_step) {
dl::Time("forward", [&]() {
loss_func.forward({{image, batch_imgs[n_step]},
{label, batch_labels[n_step]}});
float loss_value = loss->tensor()->data()[0];
LOG_INFO("\n\tepoch:%d\n\tstep:%d\n\tloss:%f", epoch, n_step,
dl::Time("backward", [&]() {
loss_func.backward({{loss, *(loss->tensor())}});
for (auto inner_node_pack : inner_nodes) {
inner_node_pack.first + " tensor ");
inner_node_pack.first + " grad ");
- 相关算子速度 benchmark
- 多机优化
- 后续支持更多算子(如 batchnorm)