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Air Quality Api

Getting Started

For a quick setup, the application can be built and run with Docker and docker-compose you can start by cloning this repository.

git clone

Create an .env file from of env.example

cp .env.example .env

API docs provide a good start to get up and running with the endpoints of the application Swagger docs. The API is documented using openApi.

Using docker-compose

Using Docker compose

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up --remove-orphans --build

to Avoid conflict with test containers we use the flag --remove-orphans.

Application project structure

├── core
│   ├── ApplicationContract.ts
│   ├── Application.ts
│   └── bootstrap.ts
├── domains
│   ├── air-quality
│   │   ├── AirQualityController.ts
│   │   ├── AirQualityService.ts
│   │   ├── contracts
│   │   ├── routes.ts
│   │   └── tests
│   │       ├── e2e
│   │       ├── integration
│   │       └── unit
│   └── air-quality-tracker
│       ├── AirQualityTrackerController.ts
│       ├── AirQualityTrackerRepository.ts
│       ├── AirQualityTrackerService.ts
│       ├── contracts
│       ├── routes.ts
│       └── tests
│           ├── e2e
│           ├── integration
│           └── unit
├── index.ts
└── infrastructure
    ├── airq-api
    │   ├── IqairApiFactory.ts
    │   └── IqairApi.ts
    ├── databases
    │   ├── config
    │   │   └── prisma.ts
    │   ├── createPrisma.ts
    │   ├── migrations
    │   └── schema.prisma
    └── gateways
        └── http
            ├── ExpressApplication.ts
            ├── ExpressFactory.ts
            ├── routes
            │   ├── swagger.ts
            └── routes.ts

The core directory contains the basic code to init and start the application.

The domains directory contains apps to server the requests, here we have an air-quality and iqair-tracker to track request latitude and longitude.

Each domain has its own contracts which contain interfaces used by the domain. it has also a tests directory that includes unit/integrations/E2E tests.

a domain Usually has a controller, a service, and optionally a Repository if it needs DB access like the iqair-tracker.

A repository maintains Access to the database.

The infrastructure directory contains External dependencies used by the application, including the HTTP gateway(we use express.js), Prisma as data access ORM, and a proxy to call the `IQair API.

The HTTP server acts as a Gateway for our application.

Controllers interact with Application Gateway(HTTP server), and service to process and serve those requests.

The starting point to run the application manages an Application gateway which in our case we are using express.js.

The bootstrap.ts contains the code that inits and bootstraps the application.

├── core
│   └── bootstrap.ts

Setup Cron job

The cron job will trigger the air-quality-tracker API to track records for a specific latitude and longitude(Paris 48.856613 2.352222).

To set up the cron job, first, we need to add it to the bin directory to avoid using relative paths.

cp /usr/bin/

Add Execution permissions

chmod +x /usr/bin/

Register the cron job

The easiest way is to add to the system cron jobs


Alternatively, edit the crontab file by running

crontab -e

Then Add a job that runs every 1 minute at the end of the file, and save the file.

* * * * * /usr/bin/

To Confirm that the cron tab has been added successfully run

crontab -l

you should see * * * * * /usr/bin/ at the end of the output/file.

Running test

To run tests inside using docker-compose, first create testing env file

Create an .env file from of env.example

cp .env.example .env.testing

Update the DATABASE_URL host to test-db, set API_KEY to your IQir API key.

Then use docker compose to run test-docker-compose.yml

docker compose -f test-docker-compose.yml up --remove-orphans --abort-on-container-exit

the --abort-on-container-exit is necessary to make all containers(the Postgres database container) exist after the tests are finished.

Alternatively, we can use the dev docker-compose.yml file to run the tests, Note that tests will use the Development database, and you need to install nodejs and yarn.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up --remove-orphan

Then simply run

yarn install

yarn run test

Note: by Default, docker-compose will try to run orphan containers within the same project. the new version included as a command will raise a warning, while the old docker-compose will run them.

to Avoid these conflicts add the flag --remove-orphans.


Air quality sample Api







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