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Welcome to TrelloDotNet - A .NET Implementation of the Trello REST API

NuGet WIKI Changelog YouTube Rest API API Keys


Getting Started

  1. Install the 'TrelloDotNet' NuGet Package (dotnet add package TrelloDotNet)
  2. Retrieve your API-Key and Token from the PowerUps Administration
  3. Create a new instance of the TrelloClient (located in the namespace 'TrelloDotNet')
  4. Locate you IDs of your Boards, List, and Cards (see video here or at the end of this ReadMe)
  5. Use the TrelloClient based on the examples below and/or the Wiki.

Examples of Usage:

TrelloClient client = new TrelloDotNet.TrelloClient("APIKEY", "TOKEN"); //IMPORTANT: Remember to NOT leave Key and Token in clear text!

//Get all boards that the Token Owner can Access
List<Board> boards = await client.GetBoardsCurrentTokenCanAccessAsync();

//Get a specific board
Board board = await client.GetBoardAsync("<boardId>");

//Get Lists on a board
List<List> lists = await client.GetListsOnBoardAsync("<boardId>");

//Get Cards on Board
List<Card> cardsOnBoard = await trelloClient.GetCardsOnBoardAsync("<boardId>");

//Get Cards in a specific List
List<Card> cardsInList = await trelloClient.GetCardsInListAsync("<listId>");

//Get a specific card
Card card = await client.GetCardAsync("<cardId>");

//Add a card (Simple)
AddCardOptions newCardOptions = new AddCardOptions("<listId>", "My Card", "My Card description");
Card newCard = await client.AddCardAsync(newCardOptions);

//Add a Card (Advanced with all options set)
Card newAdvancedCard = await client.AddCardAsync(new AddCardOptions
    //Mandatory options
    ListId = "<listId>",
    Name = "My Card",

    //Optional options
    Description = "Description of My Card",
    Start = DateTimeOffset.Now,
    Due = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(3),
    Cover = new CardCover(CardCoverColor.Blue, CardCoverSize.Normal),
    LabelIds = new List<string>
    MemberIds = new List<string>
    Checklists = new List<Checklist>
        new Checklist("Checklist 1", new List<ChecklistItem>
            new ChecklistItem("Item 1"),
            new ChecklistItem("Item 2"),
            new ChecklistItem("Item 3")
        new Checklist("Checklist 2", new List<ChecklistItem>
            new ChecklistItem("Item A"),
            new ChecklistItem("Item B"),
            new ChecklistItem("Item C")
    AttachmentUrlLinks = new List<AttachmentUrlLink>
        new AttachmentUrlLink("", "Google")
    AttachmentFileUploads = new List<AttachmentFileUpload>
        new AttachmentFileUpload(File.OpenRead(@"<pathToFile>"), "<Filename>", "<FileDescription>")
    CustomFields = new List<AddCardOptionsCustomField>
        new AddCardOptionsCustomField(customField1OnBoard, "ABC"),
        new AddCardOptionsCustomField(customField2OnBoard, 123),

//Update a Card (with new name and description and removal of Due Date)
var updateCard = await TrelloClient.UpdateCardAsync("<cardId>", [
    CardUpdate.Name("New Name"),
    CardUpdate.Description("New Description"),

//Add a Checklist to a card
var checklistItems = new List<ChecklistItem>
Checklist newChecklist = new Checklist("Sample Checklist", checklistItems);
Checklist addedChecklist = await client.AddChecklistAsync("<cardId>", newChecklist);

Video Guides

Handy links

On the subject of getting Ids from Trello

The easiest way to get Ids in Trello is to use this Power-Up to copy/paste them (Recommended)

API Developer ID Helper Power-Up

Alternative use the share buttons in the project (require no Power-Up but more cumbersome)

Trello Board

The Export looks like this (search for id or use a tool to pretty-print the JSON to get a better view)

JSON Example

Have Fun :-)