Welcome to TrelloDotNet - A .NET Implementation of the Trello REST API
- A TrelloClient for CRUD operations on the Trello features
- An Automation Engine and Webhook Data Receiver for handling Webhook Events
- Install the 'TrelloDotNet' NuGet Package (
dotnet add package TrelloDotNet
) - Retrieve your API-Key and Token from the PowerUps Administration
- Create a new instance of the
(located in the namespace 'TrelloDotNet') - Locate you IDs of your Boards, List, and Cards (see video here or at the end of this ReadMe)
- Use the TrelloClient based on the examples below and/or the Wiki.
TrelloClient client = new TrelloDotNet.TrelloClient("APIKEY", "TOKEN"); //IMPORTANT: Remember to NOT leave Key and Token in clear text!
//Get all boards that the Token Owner can Access
List<Board> boards = await client.GetBoardsCurrentTokenCanAccessAsync();
//Get a specific board
Board board = await client.GetBoardAsync("<boardId>");
//Get Lists on a board
List<List> lists = await client.GetListsOnBoardAsync("<boardId>");
//Get Cards on Board
List<Card> cardsOnBoard = await trelloClient.GetCardsOnBoardAsync("<boardId>");
//Get Cards in a specific List
List<Card> cardsInList = await trelloClient.GetCardsInListAsync("<listId>");
//Get a specific card
Card card = await client.GetCardAsync("<cardId>");
//Add a card (Simple)
AddCardOptions newCardOptions = new AddCardOptions("<listId>", "My Card", "My Card description");
Card newCard = await client.AddCardAsync(newCardOptions);
//Add a Card (Advanced with all options set)
Card newAdvancedCard = await client.AddCardAsync(new AddCardOptions
//Mandatory options
ListId = "<listId>",
Name = "My Card",
//Optional options
Description = "Description of My Card",
Start = DateTimeOffset.Now,
Due = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(3),
Cover = new CardCover(CardCoverColor.Blue, CardCoverSize.Normal),
LabelIds = new List<string>
MemberIds = new List<string>
Checklists = new List<Checklist>
new Checklist("Checklist 1", new List<ChecklistItem>
new ChecklistItem("Item 1"),
new ChecklistItem("Item 2"),
new ChecklistItem("Item 3")
new Checklist("Checklist 2", new List<ChecklistItem>
new ChecklistItem("Item A"),
new ChecklistItem("Item B"),
new ChecklistItem("Item C")
AttachmentUrlLinks = new List<AttachmentUrlLink>
new AttachmentUrlLink("https://www.google.com", "Google")
AttachmentFileUploads = new List<AttachmentFileUpload>
new AttachmentFileUpload(File.OpenRead(@"<pathToFile>"), "<Filename>", "<FileDescription>")
CustomFields = new List<AddCardOptionsCustomField>
new AddCardOptionsCustomField(customField1OnBoard, "ABC"),
new AddCardOptionsCustomField(customField2OnBoard, 123),
//Update a Card (with new name and description and removal of Due Date)
var updateCard = await TrelloClient.UpdateCardAsync("<cardId>", [
CardUpdate.Name("New Name"),
CardUpdate.Description("New Description"),
//Add a Checklist to a card
var checklistItems = new List<ChecklistItem>
Checklist newChecklist = new Checklist("Sample Checklist", checklistItems);
Checklist addedChecklist = await client.AddChecklistAsync("<cardId>", newChecklist);
- Trello Developer Fundamentals
- TrelloDotNet
- Wiki
- Changelog
- Report an issue
- Report a security concern
- TrelloDotNet Nuget Package
- Developers LinkedIn Group
- Power-Up to locate Ids
- Trello API YouTube Playlist
- Power-Ups Admin Center for API Keys and Tokens
- Trello API Documentation
- Trello Changelog
- How to build your first Power-Up
The easiest way to get Ids in Trello is to use this Power-Up to copy/paste them (Recommended)
Alternative use the share buttons in the project (require no Power-Up but more cumbersome)
The Export looks like this (search for id or use a tool to pretty-print the JSON to get a better view)
Have Fun :-)