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Tabular Data RDF Reader and JSON serializer

CSV reader for RDF.rb and fully JSON serializer.

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RDF::Tabular parses CSV or other Tabular Data into RDF and JSON using the W3C CSVW specifications, currently undergoing development.


RDF::Tabular parses CSVs, TSVs, and potentially other tabular data formats. Using rules defined for W3C CSVW, it can also parse metadata files (in JSON-LD format) to find a set of tabular data files, or locate a metadata file given a CSV:

  • Given a CSV look for or Metadata can also be specified using the describedby link header to reference a metadata file.
  • Given a metadata file, locate one or more CSV files described within the metadata file.
  • Also, extract embedded metadata from the CSV (limited to column titles right now).

Metadata can then provide datatypes for the columns, express foreign key relationships, and associate subjects and predicates with columns. An example metadata file for the project DOAP description is:

  "@context": "",
  "url": "doap.csv",
  "tableSchema": {
    "aboutUrl": "",
    "propertyUrl": "{_name}",
    "null": "",
    "columns": [
      {"titles": "name"},
      {"titles": "type", "propertyUrl": "rdf:type", "valueUrl": "{+type}"},
      {"titles": "homepage", "valueUrl": "{+homepage}"},
      {"titles": "license", "valueUrl": "{+license}"},
      {"titles": "shortdesc", "lang": "en"},
      {"titles": "description", "lang": "en"},
      {"titles": "created", "datatype": {"base": "date", "format": "M/d/yyyy"}},
      {"titles": "programming_language", "propertyUrl": ""},
      {"titles": "implements", "valueUrl": "{+implements}"},
      {"titles": "category", "valueUrl": "{+category}"},
      {"titles": "download_page", "propertyUrl": "", "valueUrl": "{+download_page}"},
      {"titles": "mailing_list", "propertyUrl": "", "valueUrl": "{+mailing_list}"},
      {"titles": "bug_database", "propertyUrl": "", "valueUrl": "{+bug_database}"},
      {"titles": "blog", "valueUrl": "{+blog}"},
      {"titles": "developer", "valueUrl": "{+developer}"},
      {"titles": "maintainer", "valueUrl": "{+maintainer}"},
      {"titles": "documenter", "valueUrl": "{+documenter}"},
      {"titles": "maker", "propertyUrl": "foaf:maker", "valueUrl": "{+maker}"},
      {"titles": "dc_title", "propertyUrl": "dc:title"},
      {"titles": "dc_description", "propertyUrl": "dc:description", "lang": "en"},
      {"titles": "dc_date", "propertyUrl": "dc:date", "datatype": {"base": "date", "format": "M/d/yyyy"}},
      {"titles": "dc_creator", "propertyUrl": "dc:creator", "valueUrl": "{+dc_creator}"},
      {"titles": "isPartOf", "propertyUrl": "dc:isPartOf", "valueUrl": "{+isPartOf}"}

This associates the metadata with the CSV doap.csv, creates a common subject for all rows in the file, and a common predicate using the URI Template URI Template\{_name\} which uses the name of each column (defaulted from titles) to construct a URI in the DOAP vocabulary, and constructs object URIs for object-valued properties from the contents of the column cells. In some cases, the predicates are changed on a per-column basis by using a different propertyUrl property on a given column.

This results in the following Turtle:

@prefix csvw: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix doap: <> .
@prefix earl: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> a doap:Project,
  dc:title "RDF::Tabular";
  dc:creator <>;
  dc:date "2015-01-05"^^xsd:date;
  dc:description "RDF::Tabular processes tabular data with metadata creating RDF or JSON output."@en;
  dc:isPartOf <>;
  doap:blog <>;
  doap:bug-database <>;
  doap:category <>,
  doap:created "2015-01-05"^^xsd:date;
  doap:description "RDF::Tabular processes tabular data with metadata creating RDF or JSON output."@en;
  doap:developer <>;
  doap:documenter <>;
  doap:download-page <>;
  doap:homepage <>;
  doap:implements <>,
  doap:license <>;
  doap:mailing-list <>;
  doap:maintainer <>;
  doap:name "RDF::Tabular";
  doap:programming-language "Ruby";
  doap:shortdesc "Tabular Data RDF Reader and JSON serializer."@en;
  foaf:maker <> .

    a csvw:TableGroup;
    csvw:table [
      a csvw:Table;
      csvw:row [
        a csvw:Row;
        csvw:describes <>;
        csvw:rownum 1;
        csvw:url <>
      ], [
        a csvw:Row;
        csvw:describes <>;
        csvw:rownum 2;
        csvw:url <>
      ], [
        a csvw:Row;
        csvw:describes <>;
        csvw:rownum 3;
        csvw:url <>
      ], [
        a csvw:Row;
        csvw:describes <>;
        csvw:rownum 4;
        csvw:url <>
      csvw:url <>
    prov:wasGeneratedBy [
      a prov:Activity;
      prov:endedAtTime "2022-04-20T12:45:20.616-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
      prov:qualifiedUsage [
        a prov:Usage;
        prov:entity <>;
        prov:hadRole csvw:csvEncodedTabularData
      ], [
        a prov:Usage;
        prov:entity <>;
        prov:hadRole csvw:tabularMetadata
      prov:startedAtTime "2022-04-20T12:45:20.351-07:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
      prov:wasAssociatedWith <>
  ] .

The provenance on table-source information can be excluded by using the :minimal option to the reader.

It can also generate JSON output (not complete JSON-LD, but compatible with it), using the {RDF::Tabular::Reader#to_json} method:

  "tables": [{
    "url": "",
    "row": [{
      "url": "",
      "rownum": 1,
      "describes": [{
        "@id": "",
        "": "RDF::Tabular",
        "@type": "",
        "": "",
        "": "",
        "": "Tabular Data RDF Reader and JSON serializer.",
        "": "RDF::Tabular processes tabular data with metadata creating RDF or JSON output.",
        "": "2015-01-05",
        "": "Ruby",
        "": "",
        "": "",
        "": "",
        "": "",
        "": "",
        "": "",
        "": "",
        "": "",
        "": "",
        "foaf:maker": "",
        "dc:title": "RDF::Tabular",
        "dc:description": "RDF::Tabular processes tabular data with metadata creating RDF or JSON output.",
        "dc:date": "2015-01-05",
        "dc:creator": "",
        "dc:isPartOf": ""
    }, {
      "url": "",
      "rownum": 2,
      "describes": [{
        "@id": "",
        "@type": "",
        "": "",
        "": ""
    }, {
      "url": "",
      "rownum": 3,
      "describes": [{
        "@id": "",
        "@type": "",
        "": ""
    }, {
      "url": "",
      "rownum": 4,
      "describes": [{
        "@id": "",
        "": ""


Command Line

When the linkeddata gem is installed, RDF.rb includes a rdf executable which acts as a wrapper to perform a number of different operations on RDF files using available readers and writers, including RDF::Tabular. The commands specific to RDF::Tabular is

  • tabular-json: Parse the CSV file and emit data as Tabular JSON

To use RDF::Tabular specific features, you must use the --input-format tabular option to the rdf executable.

Other rdf commands and options treat CSV as a standard RDF format.

Example usage:

rdf serialize \
  --output-format ttl
rdf tabular-json --input-format tabular
rdf validate --validate

Note that the --validate option must be used with the validate (or other) command to detect parse-time errors in addition to validating any resulting RDF triples.

RDF Reader

RDF::Tabular also acts as a normal RDF reader, using the standard RDF.rb Reader interface:

graph = RDF::Graph.load("etc/doap.csv", minimal: true)


Full documentation available on RubyDoc

Principal Classes

  • {RDF::Tabular}
    • {RDF::Tabular::JSON}
    • {RDF::Tabular::Format}
    • {RDF::Tabular::Metadata}
    • {RDF::Tabular::Reader}


Change Log

See Release Notes on GitHub


The recommended installation method is via RubyGems. To install the latest official release of the RDF::Tabular gem, do:

% [sudo] gem install rdf-tabular

Mailing List



  • Do your best to adhere to the existing coding conventions and idioms.
  • Don't use hard tabs, and don't leave trailing whitespace on any line.
  • Do document every method you add using YARD annotations. Read the tutorial or just look at the existing code for examples.
  • Don't touch the rdf-tabular.gemspec, VERSION or AUTHORS files. If you need to change them, do so on your private branch only.
  • Do feel free to add yourself to the CREDITS file and the corresponding list in the the README. Alphabetical order applies.
  • Do note that in order for us to merge any non-trivial changes (as a rule of thumb, additions larger than about 15 lines of code), we need an explicit public domain dedication on record from you, which you will be asked to agree to on the first commit to a repo within the organization. Note that the agreement applies to all repos in the Ruby RDF organization.


This is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see or the accompanying {file:UNLICENSE} file.