Also check out the LazyVim starter. It's a starter Neovim config using lazy.nvim as a package manager, which I'd personally prefer over packer.
Simple configuration to get started with with Neovim.
- Packer for package management (packer)
- Language Server Support (nvim-lsp-installer, nvim-lspconfig)
- Tree sitter grammar support (nvim-treesitter)
- Completions (nvim-cmp)
- File menus (telescope)
- Keymap menus (which-key)
It does not include some things, but can be integrated as needed (see optional_extras.lua).
- Status line plugin (lualine)
- Code formatting (null-ls)
- File explorer (eg, neo-tree)
- Git integration (eg, neogit)
- Snippets (eg, luasnip)
Neovim 0.7 is required. Paste init.lua into ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim
curl -sL -o ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
# ...or paste init.lua into ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
Want to try it without overriding your config?
To give it a try without overriding your existing Neovim config:
# Using `./nvim` will run Neovim with the nvim-starter config.
# It won't modify your user's Neovim config.
git clone
cd nvim-starter
Edit init.lua, and enable syntax for them (under nvim-treesitter.configs
). Optionally, advanced features can be unlocked by enablieng their language server (under lspconfig
- Provide a template for new Neovim users to start with
- Keep it in 1 file (init.lua) under 150 lines as much as possible